Whitebeard Pirate Regiment Mothership.

Huge smiling whale boat.

USS Moby Dick.

Middle deck.

The world’s strongest man sat with a white beard.

The pale golden eyes are open, not angry and self-righteous.

There is a domineering and ostentatious atmosphere around the body.


With the face of a passerby with a pineapple head, the captain of the team led by the captain of the team, Marko the undead bird, and the team members are randomly distributed.

No one spoke.

Quiet atmosphere on deck.


Footsteps sounded.

Red Regiment newcomer Locke Star landed on the Moby Dick.

“Cough cough”

He coughed the two of them lightly, highlighting his arrival while attracting the attention of the White Pirates.

After noticing enough gaze attention.

Locke Star took a step that the six relatives did not recognize.

Wantonly and brazenly came to the middle of the deck, facing the terrifying and boundless four emperors with white beards.

“Is this guy an idiot?”

“It does look like an idiot!”

“The red-haired guy actually sent an idiot to deliver the letter!”

“Is this provocative?”

Joz, Bista and the other captains whispered.

The sight of Locke Star was full of oddities.

An unknown fellow, when he came to the territory of their white-bearded pirate group, did not even relent.

On the contrary, he still flaunts his might, and can only say that this guy’s brain is not very good.

Ignored the whispers of the white crowd.

Locke’s star’s gaze fell on the whitebeard in front of him.

He took out the red-haired autograph letter from his arms.

“Whitebeard, this is a handwritten letter that Captain Shanks asked me to pass on to you.

Locke Star does not humble the opening.

The captain of the sixteenth team took the letter with Tibet and walked over to Daddy Whitebeard.

“Shanks, what a nostalgic name!”

The four emperors with white beards opened their mouths in a deep voice.

There was a hint of nostalgia on his old face.

As early as twenty years ago.

When the red-haired Shanks was a teenage ghost, Whitebeard was impressed by it.

The reason is none other than him.

Only because the red-haired Shanks was in the Roger Pirate Regiment at that time.

The Whitebeard Pirates he led clashed with Roger’s Pirates more than once.

Shanks, who was only thirteen or fourteen years old at the time, and another red-nosed little devil, dared to attack him, the sea overlord.

Don’t talk about anything else.

This courage is already commendable.

Then there were thirteen years ago.

Whitebeard heard the name red-haired Shanks again.

Learn of the earth-shattering kendo duel between him and Hawkeye Mihawk.

Even a man like Whitebeard can’t help but be moved.

He knew that the red-haired Shanks had grown up completely, and the future was limitless.

And the truth is just as Whitebeard expected.

The red-haired pirates who entered the New World broke through all the way.

Finally, it stood out in the Four Emperors Pattern Laying Battle four years ago.

Occupied the position of the fourth sea emperor.

Just 、、、

One thought four years ago.

Whitebeard’s mind involuntarily appeared another figure.

Also affiliated with the red-haired pirates

The man in the name of ‘arrogance’.

Four years ago.

There is not much intersection between the whitebeard and the red hair, who first became the emperor of the sea, and who sat on the throne.

But by chance, Whitebeard encountered the man who was extremely arrogant.

And go head-to-head!

The battle lasted from eight o’clock in the morning until twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

Whitebeard was left with an indelible impression.

To this day, I still remember it vividly.

It was also after that war.

Whitebeard knew the world first.

The Red-Haired Pirates are in addition to the Red-haired Shanks.

There was also a second man who was competent enough to take the position of Emperor of the Sea.


The man’s strength was still above the captain’s red hair.

“Hmm, that arrogant little devil, don’t let me see you again!”

Whitebeard unpleasant skimmer.


The captain of the Sixteenth Team, Yizang, delivered the letter to Whitebeard’s big hand.

“This is Shanks’s handwritten letter!”

Whitebeard closed his heart.

Out of the corner of the eye, I glanced at the confident piece.

Roughly see something.

“Yes, the content seems to be very important, that’s why I have to send it anyway.”

Locke Star Road.

“Really? This is really hard for you! ”

The corner of the whitebeard’s mouth raised a subtle arc that was not easily noticeable.

“Somewhere’s the word!”

“Although I have only recently joined and am a newcomer, I am also a member of the Red Haired Pirates.”

“This is the kind of thing I should do!”

Locke Star held his head high.

He was proud to be a member of the red-haired pirates.

Without saying a word, his words turned sharply.

“However, I am a newcomer to the Red Haired Pirates, not a newcomer to the sea.”

“I was a pirate a long time ago, and I’m still a little famous.”

“I am the Rock Star of the Sea Thief who offered a bounty of ninety-four million Berry.”

“You white-bearded pirates must have heard of my name too.”

Locke Star turned his head and greeted Marko, who had an ordinary passerby’s face.

“Locke Star? No, I haven’t heard of it at all! ”

Marco wrapped his arms around him and denied punching him in the face on the spot.

Not in disguise, but really unheard of.

After all, the reward is not more than 100 million pirates in the sea of the new world, like a carp crossing the river.

There was really nothing worthy of his attention.

As for Marco Naruko’s face, Locke Star’s face was stagnant.

Don’t wait for anger.

The next moment.

Something happened that made him more and more angry.

Tear it up!

It was the crisp sound of paper tearing.

The White Beard of the Four Emperors did not look at it and ruthlessly shredded the handwritten letter of the Four Emperors’ red hair!!!


Thanks to the boss of “When the World Has Become a Trend” for his monthly pass and tips!!!

Dismal results! Kneel down and beg the bosses to hold free flowers and evaluation tickets!!!

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