“This is—”

“Overlord color domineering!!!”

“There can be no mistake!”

“This man’s overlord color is stronger than it was four years ago!”

Feel the momentum that burst out from around Qi Yu.

The faces of Marco and the other captains were involuntarily changed.

“Hey, guys, what’s wrong with you?”

“What the hell is going on?”

“Don’t make a fuss, hurry up!”

Looking at his partner who suddenly fell to the ground, the little white pirate who couldn’t think of the reason for it for a moment suddenly showed a look of panic.

“Don’t be afraid, they’re just unconscious, the young people are all back now, and your bodies won’t be able to stand it.”

Marco immediately ordered.

“The body can’t stand it in the end…”

A young pirate was puzzled.

Before the words were finished, the unparalleled domineering impact arrived.

This time he was also one of the people affected.

It won’t take long.

More than eighty percent of the pirates gathered on the deck of the whale ship Moby Dick fell.

“Alas, there is no way to stop it!”

Marco sighed.

“The psychological endurance of the half-hanger, but he can’t stay awake under the impact of that man’s overlord color!”

“After all, that man’s overlord color is different from ordinary people, he and the redhead are real overlords!”

Team Captain Diamond Joz looked solemn.

“First the red hair, then this man, a pirate group actually appeared two overlords at the same time!”

“The red-haired gang is really going to turn the world upside down!”

The five-fold team foil sword Bista was not without a shocked murmur.


Compared to the shock and horror of the Whitebeard gang.

The newcomer of the Red Group, Locke Star, was excited and excited to the extreme at this moment.

“That’s the power of Qi Fu!”

“That’s Qi Fu’s domineering!”

“What about a whitebeard?”

“Our Vice Captain Qi Yu is the strongest!”

Locke Star was amazed, screaming, and excited beyond belief.

“Kula la”

Whitebeard’s heroic laughter exploded like muffled thunder.

There was a palpitating cold wave of laughter.

For coming to his ship without permission, arrogantly making a big fuss.

The guy who destroyed his love ship without permission, and unleashed the Overlord to hurt his son.

A man like Whitebeard naturally does not remain indifferent.

Even if it’s 12 noon?

“Don’t get carried away, arrogant little devil!”

There was a flash of light in the pale golden eyes of the white beard.

“Lao Tzu is a white-bearded man!!!”


Along with the voice of the white beard, there was also a domineering spirit of the king who made all beings bow down.

This is the old overlord of the two eras that spanned the sea

The four emperors white-bearded Edward Newgate’s overlord color domineering!!!

Swallow the world, King’s Landing!!!


Qi Yu’s overlord color and white-bearded overlord color——

Two domineering momentum——

Here – Hedging!!!

The sky shook violently at this moment.

The atmosphere was filled with a circle of terrible ripples visible to the naked eye.

Even the solid space fluctuates slightly at this point.

The calm sea begins with a circle of ripples.

Then those tiny ripples are layered on top of each other, and the final result is an incomparably monstrous wave.

Change is intensifying.

When the two spiritual forces that were supposed to be invisible came into contact, it seemed as if a qualitative change had taken place.

From the invisible to the qualitative.


The sturdy whale boat deck made an overwhelmed click.

The ship’s rails on both sides exploded, and countless sawdust flew around.

“What a terrible momentum hedge!”

“Daddy’s domineering color, even we haven’t seen it in years!”

“It’s terrifying to be able to compete with the strength of the domineering power of the father who has experienced countless battles!”

“This is the hedging between the overlords!” It is not only the spiritual realm, but even affects the physical level! ”


At this moment, even the powerful captains such as Marco, Joz, and Bista could no longer remain calm.

The sea is so fleeting, the ups and downs of the waves.

“This is the deputy captain of the Red Haired Pirates?”

“Just a co-captain is already so terrible, what about that red hair?”

The newcomers who joined the white group within four years were amazed.

“Don’t think about it too much, although that man is clearly the royal deputy of the red-haired pirate group, his real strength is not under the redhead!”

Marco explains.

Speaking of which.

A bitter smile couldn’t help but appear at the corner of Marko’s mouth.

Also the Emperor’s Vice-Chancellor.

As the deputy of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, the gap between him and Qi Yu was like a chasm.

Not just him.

The other two.

The royal deputy of the Bigmom Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Katakuri and Yan Yan were also far from being able to compare with Qi Yu.

Even if the three of them combined could not defeat Qi Yu alone.

After all, his true strength had already reached the ‘Emperor’ level!

“Captain Marko, now is not the time to lose your mind, stop Daddy and them!”

“If this continues, not only us, but also Mobby will not be able to hold on!”

“Let them continue, and something bad will happen!”

The ‘old men’ of the white group, who were struggling to support under the momentum of the white beard and Qi Yu, struggled to open their mouths.

“It has become impossible for anyone to stop it!!!”

Marco smiled bitterly

The situation had reached such a point that even he could do nothing about it.

Even getting close to the center is extremely difficult.

The momentum of the two sea overlords hedged to form a turbulent flow of overlord color.

Those in it will struggle.

“Ku la la la la, is your domineering only to this extent?” Arrogant little devil! ”

Whitebeard laughed loudly.

“Whitebeard, you’re really old!”

Qi Yu shook his head arrogantly.

“What do you say?”

The pale golden eyes of the white beard narrowed slightly.

“But in just four years, have you already forgotten?”

“The fear of being governed by the majesty of my king!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

The voice dropped.

Under Whitebeard’s throbbing gaze of jumping and jumping.

A momentum that was different from the domineering spirit of the overlord color, but could complement it, exploded from Qi Yu’s body.

That is the power of the king that no one can ignore!!!

That was Qi Yu’s first passive ability to awaken to the One Piece World ten years ago!

One of the passive, the majesty of the king!!!


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