Ten years ago.

Qi Yu, who successfully boarded the boat of the red-haired pirate group, lay down and waited according to the instructions of the system.

A few days later.

Qi Yu waited until the first attribute fell.

And the first one is the golden legend of the blind.

It was the Overlord color domineering attribute that had fallen from the red-haired Shanks.

Since then, Qi Yu can also be regarded as a domineering person.

After ten years of precipitation.

Qi Yu’s high-quality Overlord color, which is the same as the red-haired Shanks, is also growing rapidly.

Finally entered the ranks of the overlords.

It’s a whole new realm of overlord colors.

Although there are few Overlord Color Domineering Awakeners who can only give birth to one among a million people, they are not a few when they look at the sea.

It may be exaggerated to say that it is more than a carp across the river, but in this new world, to be honest, it is not so exaggerated.

It’s just that there are many Overlord Color Awakeners who have the qualifications of the King.

There are only a few people who can be called hegemons.

Red-haired Shanks is, Whitebeard is, bigmom and Kaido too.

Qi Yu is also!

Compared to these overlords.

Ordinary Overlord Awakeners, such as Doflamingo and the like, are simply not qualified.

The gap between him and the Overlord is like the distance between heaven and earth.

Everything in the world is separated by three or six or nine streams.

Of course, there is also a gap between the overlord and the overlord.

For example, the red-haired Shanks who relied on his own courage to step by step to the position of the emperor of the sea.

His overlord color domineering is also the only one among the overlords, and it deserves to be the first.

The second is the old king of the two eras, Whitebeard.

Also from the Locks era of the bigmom Charlotte Lingling and the Hundred Beasts Kaido is not to mention more.

Compared with.

Ten years ago, Qi Yu, who was still an ordinary person, entered the Overlord level for too short.

Accumulation is far less than a white beard.


Four years ago, he clashed with Whitebeard’s first Overlord color.

In the end, it was an overwhelming victory for Qi Yu!!!

And this time will not be an exception.

Because in addition to its own overlord-level overlord color.

Qi Yu has another passive skill.

That was ten years ago shortly after picking up the legend of the red-haired Overlord Colour Golden.

Qi Yu awakened his first passive skill.

Named the Majesty of the King!!!

The effect of this passive ability coincides with the Overlord color domineering.

When attacked by the overlord color of others.

The majesty of the king belonging to Qi Yu will awaken on its own.

Fused with his overlord color domineering.

Qi Yu’s Overlord Color strength could be increased several times in an instant.

If Qi Yu’s overlord power was originally at the bottom of the five.

Then when the majesty of the king is unleashed.

Qi Yu’s overlord color domineering spirit will multiply several times in one breath, leaping to the peak of the overlord.

Even the red-haired Shanks could not be compared.


Stimulated by Whitebeard’s overlord color.

The hidden majesty of the king in Qi Yu’s body was successfully activated.

The already terrifying power of the overlord was even more multiplied at this moment.

The disadvantage was pulled back in one breath.

Feel Qi Yu’s sudden surge of terror overlord power.

The white-bearded old face can no longer remain calm.

He finally remembered.

The same was true of the first competition four years ago.

Just when he thought he was going to overwhelm this arrogant little devil, the sudden arrival of Wang Wei made him finally defeated.

Right now.

In Whitebeard’s perception.

Qi Yu’s invisible momentum, which had already been suppressed by him, was like the waves of the sea, one wave after another.

The result was a tyrannical tsunami that overwhelmed the heavens and the earth.

Compared with.

He was like a flat boat in front of a tsunami, floating uncertainly.

“What’s wrong? Whitebeard, can’t hold on to this? ”

“My side is far from the limit!”

Qi Yu carried his hands behind his back and stared arrogantly at the white beard.

“Ku la la la, you arrogant little devil, really let you pretend!”

Whitebeard opened his mouth in a deep voice.

The domineering spirit around him is still awe-inspiring.

There is no end in sight.

He spoke sharply.

“However, the domineering use of the overlord color is more than that.”

The white-bearded man’s large hand grasped the supreme fast knife behind him.

The formless and colorless overlord color domineering spirit seems to materialize at this moment.

It turned into a white ripple and spiraled around the long-handled knife.

“The overlord color is entangled.”

“Is this knowing that I am not as domineering as I am, so I want to change the way I compete?”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

Ruthlessly unmasked Whitebeard’s inner thoughts.

The white-bearded old man’s expression stagnated.

Obviously, Qi Yu was right.

Four years ago because of a carelessness.

He was almost on his knees by the arrogant little devil in his eyes.


Whitebeard learns his lesson.

Decide to switch the way you compete before you are overwhelmed.

“Then do as you wish!”


The high-pitched loud sound of the knife exploded.

Qi Yu drew out the long dark knife from his waist with his backhand.

In an arrogant posture, he will not refuse any kind of challenge.


The time reached exactly twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

The momentum around Qi Yu was also extremely strong.

The golden red flame stretched like a spiral, wrapped around the long knife in his hand.

It was the domineering entanglement of the Overlord.

It is also an add-on to the power of the sun.

Blessed by the blazing power of the sun.

The dark body of the knife was involuntarily burned red.

“Come on, Whitebeard!”

Qi Yu openly stopped drinking.

“Kula la”

The white-bearded man was armed with a supreme knife and stood up.


There is thunder in the clear sky.

The strongest man in the world, strike !!!


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