Endless blue sea.

The wind rises, the clouds rise, the waves roll over.

Two invisible waves of extreme terror rose from the whale boat.

Stirred up the heavens and the earth.

The sky is changing color at this moment.


“It’s really worthy of Whitebeard, I recognize your strength!”

“But to challenge me at twelve o’clock in the afternoon is too stupid!”

“Now my strength is above you!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly and domineeringly.

Between words, arrogance is on display.

Who is Whitebeard?

The legend of two eras across the sea!

The strongest legend ever to be on a par with One Piece Roger and Golden Lion Scky!

Now he is called the strongest man in the world!

Why should such a man be recognized by others!

Who is qualified to recognize Him!

Right now.

This man appears!

At twelve o’clock in the afternoon, Qi Yu openly recognized the power of Whitebeard!

It’s like the upper to the lower!

Whoever heard Qi Yu’s words could not help but sigh with pride!


Even the white pirates who most adored Daddy’s white beard could not say the word “incompetent” to Qi Yu.

Because Qi Yu now does have arrogant capital.

“Kula la la la”

“You arrogant little devil is still as annoying as ever!”

“It’s useless to say more, come on, let me see how much weight you have now!”

Whitebeard laughed coldly.

Forget it.

No more nonsense.

Whitebeard strikes out.

The supreme big fast knife cloud that was wrapped around the overlord-level overlord color cut from top to bottom and slashed down.

With a terrifying power powerful enough to split the mountain, he oppressed Qi Yu.

“Your wishes, I allow!”

Qi Yu responded.

The long knife wrapped around the Overlord color and the power of the sun attacked from the bottom up.


Qi Yu’s long knife and the white-bearded supreme fast knife did not touch.

There is also a gap of inches between the blades.

The whole world is stagnant.

The high-pitched, loud sound of the handover of gold and iron resounded through the sky and the sea.

It was as if the bells of the Divine Realm had entered the human world, which was so shocking!!!

This is the clash between the Overlord color winding and the Overlord color winding.

It is also the collision of the power of the shock fruit and the power of the sun.


When that lengthy ‘bell’ receded.

Then came the roar of heaven and earth.

The ultimate duel between the old overlord of the sea and the uncrowned emperor Qi Yu finally exploded in full force.

Under the influence of their breath, even the surrounding environment has undergone drastic changes.

The sky is cloudy when the sky is clear.

Endless thick clouds converge and cascalate, trying to cover and fall.

The rumbling thunder echoed deep in the thick dark clouds, as if a fierce beast roared in it.

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates were surprised by the gathering of clouds.

The next moment, something even more frightening happened.

Centered on the touch point of Qi Yu’s Great Fast Blade and the Whitebeard’s Supreme Fast Blade Blade.

The sky split in half!!!



Right now.

Somewhere about nautical miles from the whale ship Moby Dick.

A light reconnaissance ship belonging to the Navy sped away with a power boost.

There is only one person on the reconnaissance ship.

She was tall and slender.

The figure is exquisitely curved.

Even if you look at the world, its beauty is enough to be at the top of the list.

Except for beauty.

Her strength is also strong.

Enough to be at the top of the world.

She is Peach Rabbit Gion!

Waiting for Admiral of the Admiral of the Naval Headquarters!

“Damn, is it still too late?”

“That arrogant bastard of the red-haired pirate group has finally met with Whitebeard!”

Gion silver teeth clenched, brow deeply locked.

Jiao’s good face was already full of solemnity and worry at this moment.

Stalking Whitebeard and preventing other sea thieves from secretly meeting with Whitebeard is her task.

However, she did not finish it well.

It was her mistake!

It was her big gaffe as an admiral’s candidate!

If only it was a newcomer to Locke Star.

Gion would not be so anxious.

The problem is with the man.

The number two person in the red-haired pirate group, arrogant Qi Yu.

This man had the same threat as a redhead.

Only he can’t let it go!

No one knows what the final consequences of the meeting between the two ’emperors’ will be!

Worst case.

The Red-Haired Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates are allied.

A super alliance with three sea emperors was born.

The delicate peace of this sea is bound to be broken.

Times will run rampant!!!

“That arrogant man, who has been dormant for four years, and then appears is such a big move!”

“Is this the redhead’s instructions or his own will?”

“What the hell does he want to do?”

Gion shell teeth clenched his thumb and fell into deep thought.

That’s when it happened.


Heaven and earth are moving.

Centered on the Moby Dick in the distance.

A circle of ripples suddenly spread.

At first it was only as slight as a drop of water.

Soon it developed into a large wave more than ten meters high.

The location of the Gion has turned into a great tsunami that covers the sky, and it roars towards the gion.


Under the shadows, a brilliant golden sword suddenly lit up.

A powerful burst of sword qi created a passage between the waves.

“This is…”

Admiral Peach Rabbit Gion looked moved, and a look of shock appeared on his straight face.

Not because of the great waves that had already crossed for her.

It was because of the breath coming from the King’s Ship.

“Overlord color domineering hedge?”

Gion lost his voice and exhaled, and his voice increased by an octave.

But even more frightening to her was yet to come.

After those two overlord color domineering hedges that were so powerful that they changed the color of heaven and earth——

An even grander, more terrifying atmosphere descended.

It was a clash of overlords standing at the apex of the world.

“The 、、、 heaven is cracking!”

Gion looked at the cracked sky in amazement.

Feel the collision of forces that are far above her.

The look on her face gradually stiffened and sluggish.


The waves of terror are coming again.

The moment was to devour the peach rabbit Gion that was motionless in the shock.


PS There are no free flowers and tickets to come a little aaaaaaa Kneel and plead!

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