“My knife breaks not because of your strength!”

“It’s because I’m too strong!” Whitebeard! ”

“You should know this!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

Not just tell Whitebeard.

At the same time, he was also informing the white pirates on the deck.


Whitebeard: “…”

Captains Marko, Joz, Bista and others: “…”

Similar, no, or exactly the same arrogant discourse.

They had already heard it once from Qi Yu’s mouth four years ago.

As for those white pirates who do not understand the inside story, at this moment, they are all confused and ridiculous.

The head is full of question marks large and small.

In the duel, my knife broke because of my own strength?

What a logic!

It’s ridiculous!

Can’t understand!

It was the first time many of us here had heard such outrageous words.

“I see!”

“This is also the arrogance of that man!”

“He just doesn’t want to admit the fact that his knife was cut off by Daddy’s Cong Yun!”

“Damn, even if you are arrogant, there must be a limit!”

“It’s really ugly to say such things at this time!”

“If you are a hegemon, you must honestly admit your defeat!”

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates scolded.

To this.

Qi Yu was untouched by it.

The sun is high in the sky.

Ignore the cries of the ants.

On this ship.

It was only Whitebeard who was worthy of Qi Yu’s attention.

“Hey, Whitebeard Pirates, it’s time to accept reality!” Admit that you are the one who lost! ”

The newcomer Locke Star suddenly shouted.

With the voice of one person, alone to the white group.

“What do you say!!!”

Some people are not angry.

“Your father’s white-bearded knife has indeed flown away!”

“At least we still hold our weapons firmly!”

“And what Vice Qi said earlier, even Whitebeard and your captains didn’t refute it, and you were in a hurry to say something!”

Locke Star’s emotional rage continued.


The people of the Whitebeard Pirates were stunned.

If you think about it, it seems to be true.

“How could it be, Captain Marko, tell that guy!”

“Captain Joz, Captain Bista!”

The crowd looked at the silent captains.

Bista opened his mouth and said nothing.

“There’s not much point in arguing about this now!”

Finally, Marco spoke.

“In my opinion, the reason why the man’s knife will break is related to his own great power, but the blow of Daddy’s world is definitely one of the keys.”

Marco explained cleverly.

Try to give everyone an acceptable explanation.


To be honest, the black sword was propped up by Qi Yu’s own sun power.

The blow to everyone is really too big.

Enough to make many people doubt life.

For Marko’s ambiguous compromise.

The Pirates of the White Regiment also heard some of the hidden meanings.

At that moment, no one borrowed the topic to play, clamoring for face.

The other side.

Arrogant as Qi Yu, naturally will not argue with the ants for such a small matter.

The reason for the rupture of the knife has been revealed.

Although it is a pity that the ‘little black knife’ that has been painstakingly tempered for a long time is broken.

However, now Qi Yu had no regrets about it.

Right now.

His arrogant gaze was just a blink of an eye somewhere beside Whitebeard.

A place that seems empty to ordinary people.

In Qi Yu’s eyes, it was a brilliant light!

Brilliant gold!

Qi Yu knows!



This re-battle with Whitebeard after four years has actually exploded a superlative!

A golden legend!


[Detect a nearby attribute drop, please pick it up


The system’s wonderful prompt sounds.

No hesitation.

Pick up.

[Congratulations on getting the power of vibration].

[Tip: There will be a shock force attached to the attack, and the vibration effect can be enhanced with the practice].


Listen to the system’s introductory tips.

Qi Yu nodded knowingly.

The golden legend effect that burst out this time was the same as he imagined.

The shock power associated with Whitebeard was, of course, his ability to shock the fruit.

From now on.

Qi Yu will also have some of the power that claims to be the strongest superhuman ability.

The attack comes with a shock force.

Although it has not actually been tried.

But just thinking about it, Qi Yu could probably guess one or two.

With the blessing of the power of vibration, his attack was bound to go to a higher level.

Think about it.

Qi Yu couldn’t help but feel good.

There is no regret or pity about the damage of the black knife.

After all, compared to the power of this golden legend concussion, the two were not an order of magnitude at all.

A black knife that has not been completely refined will be destroyed if it is destroyed, and it is not the first time anyway.

Moreover, Qi Yu was not an orthodox swordsman originally.

Unlike Shanks and Mihawk, he loves and pities his knife as a wife.

However, every time it is destroyed like this, it must be re-sacrificed, and there is indeed some trouble.

[Or find a chance next time, take Shanks’s wife… No, get his Griffin in hand? 】

[That’s a ready-made black knife, and it’s also a supreme knife.]

[Should be able to withstand the power of my sun


Qi Yu thought to himself, the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became.


A winter island thousands of miles away.

“Uh poof!!!”

The red-haired Shanks of the Four Emperors sprayed the wine in his mouth on the opposite side of Raqilu and the others.

“Hey, hey, boss, what are you doing?”

“Don’t waste it!”

The little fat man Raqiru shouted disapprovingly.

“Shanks, what’s wrong with you?”

Beckman was keenly aware that Red was not quite right.

“Beckman, me me me…”

Red-haired Shanks I didn’t have a reason for half a day.

Sweating heavily.

No way!

Qi Yu’s guy didn’t even know that he was thousands or thousands of miles away now!

Is this OK?

Beckman’s eyelids jerked, guessing part of the reason.

“Oh! No! ”

Red-haired Shanks looked up at the sky.

What if my brother wants to rob my wife?

Online and more!


Red-haired Shanks hugged his love knife Griffin tightly!

Make up your mind and never let go!


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