Whale boats.

USS Moby Dick.

Qi Yu, who burst out of the golden legend from the white beard, was in a good mood.

Actually, four years ago.

Qi Yu had already tried to explode ‘equipment’ on Whitebeard.

Four years ago.

Qi Yu changed his previous salted fish posture.

Stand up completely and show yourself to the world.

The reasons are manifold.

The first is that the situation was too chaotic.

Forces on all sides are breaking their heads to fight for territory.

One by one, the red-haired pirates also fought bloodily.

Some even go away and never come back.

Times make heroes.

Qi Yu, who did not want to continue to lose his banquet partner, finally struck.

World War I was a shocker.

Secondly, Qi Yu was completely caught in a crazy fight.

Look around for people to fight, even at the cost of killing Draco, to attract admirals.

The fundamental reason for this kind of out-of-the-box behavior also lies in Qi Yu’s ability to awaken that year.

Passive Sixth – Undead King Kong!!!

Name implies.

This is a passive that allows Qi Yu to obtain the Immortal Body and the Vajra Body.

Just want to quickly achieve the real undead Kong.

What is needed is one extreme battle after another.

In order to be able to relax later.

Qi Yu did not hesitate to decide to spend a year polishing his immortal body in the chaotic world.

Put the strong men on the sea on your own battle list.

Left one legendary story after another!

It has also achieved the prestige of the uncrowned emperor!

In addition to sharpening the body of the undead Kongo.

Qi Yu also had a second purpose in this move.

That’s through the fight.

See if you can blast some abilities from other strong people.

It’s just a pity.

That year.

Qi Yu found nothing.

At one point, Qi Yu thought that he could only pick up attributes in the red-haired pirate group.

After four years, it was again dormant and closed the ship.

But now.

When this golden legend erupted from Whitebeard.

Qi Yu knew.

Other pirate ships and other powerful people can also be used by him.

In the future, I can’t say that I have to walk around.

Find those opponents of the year and reminisce about the past.

Come to think of it.

Qi Yu’s naturally arrogant face couldn’t help but have a subtle arc.

The white-bearded eyelids of the look jumped wildly.

Because Whitebeard found out.

Start previously.

Qi Yu had been watching him (actually looking at the golden legend) and laughing.

It really seeps into the tightness.

“Kula la”

Whitebeard couldn’t stand it anymore and laughed loudly, breaking the dead silence between the scenes.

“Arrogant little devil, when you finish delivering the letter, hurry up!”

“How long do you want to stay with me?”

Whitebeard drove people decisively.

I don’t want to see Qi Yu again for a short time.

“Don’t be in such a hurry to drive me away, Whitebeard.”

“I haven’t seen my friend in four years.”

Qi Yu, who was in a good mood, sat down on the ground under the gaze of the white-bearded fire-breathing eye.

It was past twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

The arrogant sun effect gradually goes downhill.

Qi Yu’s personality also moved from the ultimate arrogance of the previous ‘approval of the white beard’ to peace.

Of course, until one o’clock in the afternoon, it was always an arrogant home.

“Whitebeard, I heard you and my unruly subordinates say earlier that you wanted Shanks to drink with you!”

“Shanks is no longer now, how about me?” Is there a qualification for this? ”

Qi Yu asked.


Whitebeard snorted and sat down with a big grin.

“Want to drink, what about your wine?” There should be a carry-on! ”

Whitebeard asked.


Qi Yu nodded.

The conversation quickly turned around.

“I’m sorry, I’ve finished drinking on the way here!”

“But if you white-bearded pirate regiment is concerned, there must be no shortage of beautiful bars!”

“I’ll reluctantly help you drink some!”

Qi Yu grinned.


The white beard immediately crossed his eyebrows and frowned.

It was almost to be amused by Qi Yu’s arrogant words.

What a robber logic this is!

Still reluctant!

Don’t be pushy!

“Daddy, please calm down!”

“Don’t get any more excited!”

The fiery leopard-print nurses plucked up the courage to step forward and reconnect the heart rate monitoring device for Whitebeard.

“Hey, little bluebird over there, hurry up and bring your father’s treasured wine!”

Qi Yu greeted.

The voice dropped.

The huge whale deck was once again stunned.

Little bluebirds?

Who is it!

Never heard of it!

Wait a moment!

Who is that arrogant man looking at?

He looked in the direction of 、、、

Captain Marko!


Little bluebirds? Undead Birds!

Captain Marco was called the Little Blue Bird!

The cognition of the white group of people does not know how many times it has been refreshed today!

As for the little blue bird Marco who was named by Qi Yu!

At this time, the nose is almost crooked!

On age.

Marco was a full round bigger than Qi Yu.

On strength.

Well, strength does not matter.

On bounties.

Well, the bounty is not bad, it is almost half.

On the status of good.

You Qi Yu is the second in command of the Imperial Regiment.

Isn’t he Marko?

He’s the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment!

The fierce man who offered a bounty of 1.8 billion bery, but now he is jokingly called a little blue bird by others!

What arrogance and arrogance!

If he had been someone else, Marco would have transformed into an undead bird long ago, slapped it with a claw, and gave him a jo.

Just Qi Yu’s words 、、、


Marco took consecutive deep breaths.

“Calm down”

“Marko, you know, that guy was so arrogant!”

“Don’t care or care!”

Joz, Bista and others were relieved.

Marko, who had finally calmed down, looked at Daddy Whitebeard.

“Kula la”

“Since this guy wants to drink, let him drink it well enough!”

Whitebeard laughed loudly.


Marco and the others were puzzled.

“Go get the wine, little ones.”

Whitebeard ordered.

There was an inexplicable curvature above the old face.

He wanted to see.

Wait for the midday time to pass.

After the sun buff on Qi Yu’s body disappeared.

Can he still be so calm.

When the time comes.

It’s not that you can pinch it as you want.

Just as Whitebeard was thinking so.


His ears moved, as if he had heard something.


[Whitebeard is really a treasure old man].

Not only did it make me burst out of the golden legend, but now I really want to drink.”

[It seems that in the future, I will have the opportunity to find this treasure and the old man will have to talk about the past.]

[If only something good could have been broken.]

Whitebeard: “??? ”


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