At dusk.

The fiery red sunset reflects the earth.

“Yo, Golden Lion, how are you thinking?”

In the spacious room, Qi Yu was lying on his side on the tatami with his right hand propped his head, smiling and looking at the golden lion Shi Ji on the other side.

The atmosphere is silent.

The golden lion Shi Ji pursed his mouth, just staring at Qi Yu without blinking.

Under the powerful effect of Xian Dou.

The wounds he had suffered were all healed.

Even some old wounds.

For example, the rudder wheel that had been rooted in his head for twenty-five years was successfully removed, and the wound was completely healed.

Under the sunlight, the polished head reflects a dazzling light.

Now he is in better shape than ever.

Much better than any day of the past twenty years ago.

And all this.

All given by the man he is looking at now!

First, he was thrown into the abyss of desperate death.

Then he was given new life like God.

Right now.

Golden Lion Shi Ji would definitely not regard Qi Yu as an ordinary New Age ghost as he had done at the beginning.

His ‘energy’ is beyond imagination.

“Golden Lion, don’t you feel that my strength has diminished now and want to try to kill back?”

Qi Yu Old God asked again.

A moment of silence.

“Oh haha, what about it?”

Golden Lion Squi Dead Duck has a hard beak.

The words just came out.

He just wanted to give himself a mouthful.

“In this case, I can only make you feel the fear of being dominated by death!”

Qi Yu slowly stood up, and the corners of his mouth grinned a kind arc.

“Don’t! No more! Spare me! ”

Golden Lion Shi Ji resolutely seconds from the heart, and repeatedly waved his hand to stop it.

The eyelids of both eyes seem to be tap.

He had been infinitely close to death, but now he was in awe of life.

If not, he didn’t want to die again in a short time.

“How did you do it before?”

Golden Lion Skey took the initiative to speak.

Nature is asking about its own changes.

Ask Qi Yu exactly how he pulled him back from dying.

It even recovered in just a few hours.


Qi Yu smiled mysteriously.

Fumbling in your pocket for a moment.

Pull out half a small green bean.

Nature is the fairy bean.

“That’s it?”

“A little bean?”

Golden Lion Squire showed an expression that you seemed to be teasing me.


Qi Yu shook his head.

The golden lion let out a sigh and thought that this was not even close.


“Not one, half a pill.”

Qi Yu smiled.

Golden Lion Stoney: “??? ”

I’m X Ni X Ma!

It’s outrageous!

“Hahahahaha, no kidding, just a little bean!”

“How can it be…”

The voice of the Golden Lion Stoney stopped abruptly.

Because he felt Qi Yu’s delicate gaze.

So he knew that Qi Yu was not joking.

His life was indeed saved by this little bean.


Not one.

It’s half a pill.

Just half of it made his wounds heal as before.

If it’s a whole one、、、

Golden Lion Stone’s mind couldn’t help but heat up.

It seemed to see through his inner thoughts.

Qi Yu smiled slightly.

“If it’s a whole pill, your previous injuries will heal in less than a minute.”

Qi Yu Dao.

“Sizzle ~~~”

Golden Lion Shiki couldn’t help but inhale a cool breath.

His previous estimate was within an hour.

I didn’t expect to underestimate the medicinal effect of this bean.

This is a miracle medicine that can resurrect the dying person in situ!!!

However, the shock of the Golden Lion Squire has only just begun.

“Even your feet…”

Qi Yu looked at the golden lion’s empty trouser tube.


The golden lion was stunned.

“The rebirth of a severed limb is not just talk.”

“Of course, believe it or not, it’s up to you.”

Qi Yu grinned.


Golden Lion Stone’s voice increased by more than an octave.

His breathing was as rapid as a bellows.

The look on his face was as if he had heard the most incredible thing in the world.

Rebirth of a severed limb!!!

This is a fantastic medical miracle.

In theory, no matter how clever a doctor is, it is impossible to do it.

But now the Golden Lion Sckey is willing to believe.

Looking at the other half of the fairy bean, the eyes were full of longing and hope.


Qi Yu turned over and put away the Xian Bean.

A good thing like a fairy bean, of course, can’t be provided for free again and again.

The first time should be to accept the upfront investment of the ‘tool man’.

After that.

Of course, it is necessary to continue to hang first.

Bru Bru Blu ~

That’s when it happened.

The phone rang suddenly.

Qi Yu took out the small telephone worm from his pocket.

There are three scars on the eyes, indicating that the caller is the red-haired Shanks.

Phone bug connected.


The iconic laughter of the Four King’s red-haired Shanks came first.

“Qi Yu, where are you and Mihawk?”

“If it weren’t for Beckman’s words, I wouldn’t have known that you would have run to challenge the Golden Country of the Empty Island!”

Shanks was amazed.

“Vice President Qi, you must be careful!”

“Be careful not to go astray!”

“If you are taken away by the clouds of the mobile island, you will be in trouble!”

“But if it’s Qi Fu, even if you jump directly from a height of thousands of meters, it seems that there is nothing wrong!”

“It’s Mihawk in trouble!”

The voices of the Red Regiment followed.

“Hmmm, okay!”

Qi Yu replied perfunctorily.

“Ahahaha, Qi Yu, if you have been with Captain Roger before, I have been with Captain Roger before.”

“I’ve seen the legendary Golden Bell Tower with my own eyes!”

“However, the location of the big bell tower is extremely hidden, and the average person will never find it.”

“Thanks to Captain Roger’s ability to listen to the voice of all things, we finally found it.”

“If you want to know, if you want to, I can’t tell you the location!”

Red-haired Shanks is not without a show off opening.

[Idiot Shanks].

[The location of the Golden Bell Tower, I already know it, and I still need you to say it.]

[Really when I see this thousand episodes of beep beep is white].

The four emperors on the other side had red hair: “??? ”

Are you an encyclopedia of the world?

I know everything!

This side and side, Qi Yu and Shanks were silent.

The people next to the two could not sit still.

The curious little fat man Ratchiru couldn’t help but ask questions.

The golden lion Shi Ji on Qi Yu’s side couldn’t help but speak up.

“Hey, little redhead, what abilities did you say Roger had earlier?”

Golden Lion Squire asked.

He is particularly concerned about things about Roger


Listening to the old voice of the golden lion, Shanks couldn’t help but sigh.

“Qi Yu, is there anyone else over there?”

Shanks asked.

“Ah, speaking of which, I have one more thing to report to you, the captain.”

Qi Yu responded.

“On my way to the Empty Island, I met a pirate group and wanted to join us anyway!”


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