“On my way to the Empty Island, I met a pirate group and wanted to join us anyway!”

Qi Yu pretended to be helpless.

Golden Lion Stone: I @#¥%!!! ”

Ghosts want to join anyway!

“Really, really?”

“Our red-haired pirate group is really famous!”

“Vice Qi, who is so discerning and wants to join us?”

The red crowd on the other end of the phone worm asked questions one after another.

“Ahahaha, what kind of pirate group is it?”

The red hair of the Four Emperors is also a question.

As the strongest pirate group in the sea, naturally not everyone can join casually.

“Well, it seems to be a group of flying pirates.”

Qi Yu Dao.


“This name is domineering!”

“But why do you feel a little familiar?”


“The Flying Pirates… !!! ”

Beckman’s eyes widened, and his face appeared extremely shocked and incredulous.

So much so that even the smoke in his hand falls to the ground is ignorant and unconscious.

The most enlightened mind was already thinking of the source of the inexplicable familiarity.

Flying Pirates!

Flying Pirate Grand Fleet!

This is the legendary Flying Sea Thief 、、、

“Hahaha, no!”

Beckman grinned reluctantly.

Quan Dang This is the accidental eponymity.

The red-haired Shanks, who also reacted, also looked surprised, and his heart couldn’t help but giggle.

Intuition told him.

This time, our ship officer seems to have made some terrible incident.

“Ahahaha, Qi Yu, what is the name of the captain of the Flying Pirate Regiment?”

Shanks asked.

“Don’t you know?”

“I thought you wouldn’t have to ask.”

“After all, I haven’t dealt with it before, haven’t I?”

Qi Yu smiled and squinted at the opening.

The look on the red-haired Shanks’s face was completely frozen.

“If that’s the case, then I’ll tell you!”

“It’s Skey who wants to join us this time, Golden Lion Squi!”

The other end of the phone worm fell into an absolute dead silence.

A moment later.


The hustle and bustle and uproar suddenly rushed into the air.

“Qi Qi Qi … Deputy Deputy Vice…”

“Vice Qi, are you talking about the golden lion?”

“The legendary Flying Sea Thief Golden Lion Shiki!”

“The legend of the last era that is on a par with Whitebeard and Roger!”

“That golden lion actually wants to join us?”

“Shocked! Golden Lion Schipper became our partner? ”

“Is this true?”

“Vice Qi, you’re not kidding!”


Listening to Qi Yu’s announcement, the red-haired pirate group on the other end of the phone worm was already completely fried and boiling.

Sizzle ~

Rao is as calm as Beckman, and at this moment it is inevitable to inhale cold air continuously.

Unexpectedly, it was really the flying pirate group he thought.

The Flying Sea Thief who disappeared from the sea for twenty years.

His big move to come out of the mountain again is to join their red-haired pirate group?

There must have been many untold “stories” that took place.

“Ahahahahaha, Qi Yu, didn’t you and Mihawk go to the Empty Island?”

“I also have a relationship with the Golden Lion Shiki!”

Shanks grinned reluctantly.

“Didn’t this happen to me in heaven?”

“You should also know the power of the Golden Lion!”

Qi Yu Dao.

“Fluttering Fruit Ability, Golden Lion Shiki has been hiding in the sky for twenty years!”

“No wonder, no wonder!”

Beckman reacted immediately.

“That’s the way it is.”

“But Qi Yuyo, the words of the Golden Lion are also an old man now.”

“You can’t force him to join.”

Shanks opened his mouth seriously.

Think with the fingers of his feet, and he knows it.

That scruffy flying sea thief could not have voluntarily chosen to join their red-haired pirate group.

After all, no matter how the Golden Lion Shiki fell, it is also one of the legends.

Once a being of equal name to his captain.

Shanks’s voice fell, and Qi Yu did not open his mouth.

“What do you say? Red-haired little devil, are you underestimating me? ”

Golden Lion Skey asked furiously.

“Lao Tzu deliberately condescended to join your little devil’s team, are you still not happy?”

“No, no, no, Squissen…”

The red-haired Shanks didn’t finish speaking.


The phone bug was already hung up by the angry Golden Lion Stone.

The other side.

The red-haired pirates looked at each other.

After a short period of silence.


The Red Regiment looked at each other and laughed.

The banquet began again on the grounds of a new ‘partner’.

“Beckman, this is really 、、、 can’t get me out!”

“Qi Yu’s guy, every time he goes out, he will definitely make a lot of noise!”

“Whether it was four years ago or this time, I have some regrets about letting him out!”

Red-haired Shanks smiled bitterly.

“So let him come back now?”

Beckman raised an eyebrow.

“No, no, no, I’ll just talk about it, just talk about it.”

Shanks hurriedly waved his hand.

Immediately the brow was raised in embarrassment.

“If the Golden Lion is concerned, he will either hand it over to Qi Yu to take with him, anyway, it was something he made up himself!”

“Moreover, a man like the Golden Lion Shiki is probably not very good at obeying orders!”

Beckman Road.

Red-haired Shanks’s eyes lit up.

“This dares to be kind!”

“Since Qi Yu brought it back, let him dispatch it!”

“Ahahaha, not bad”

Shanks smiled happily, as if he had thought of something interesting.

“Boss, what’s wrong?” Suddenly so happy. ”

The little fat man Raqiru asked.

“It just occurred to me that if Captain Roger knew that the Golden Lion had become my ‘little brother,’ I didn’t know what it would be!”





Floating islands.

Golden Lion Shiki couldn’t help but hang up the phone worm.

The old face has a constipation-like look.

I would like to give my previously impulsive self a big mouth.

Good end, what do you do when you take the initiative to admit to joining?


It was the golden lion grinding its teeth.

The silence lasted for a good moment.

“Why should a man like you stay in the red-haired pirate regiment all the time?”

“With your strength, becoming the Fifth Emperor of the Sea will not have the slightest difficulty at all!”

Golden Lion Spacey suddenly asked.


Qi Yu raised an eyebrow, after a moment of thinking.

“Probably used to it!”

“I kind of like the atmosphere of the red-haired pirates!”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.

“Your strength, coupled with my assistance, you will surely be able to ascend to the throne of the king of the sea one day!”

“I want you to be the king of this sea!!!”

Golden Lion Sciskey said a word and opened his mouth seriously.

After today.

Having been completely defeated by Qi Yu from body to spirit, he no longer had the ambition to become the king of the sea.

But if he could, he wanted to push for the birth of the King of the Sea with his own hands.

Qi Yu is the best candidate at the moment.

“O King of the Sea!”

“All of a sudden set such a big goal!”

“Golden Lion, don’t you want to kill me?”

Qi Yu squinted.

Golden Lion Slick rolled his eyes and stopped speaking.

“Haha, those questions will be discussed later!”

“Let’s go to the empty island now!”


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