The most powerful move of the natural thunder fruit ability

The Thor Giant, constructed from 200 million volts of Annihilation Thunder!!!

The first birth.

It is not yet mighty.

It is the end of the curtain.

Under the blessing of the sun at noon.

Qi Yu’s spirit spirit had reached its peak.

The right foot is lifted and countless sun particles converge.

The dazzling right leg seemed to turn into a giant axe that opened the sky.

At the moment of falling, Thor’s head cracked for it.

Then came the huge body.

Finally, there is the earth at Thor’s feet.

Everything in the world.

Everything that stood in the way of Qi Yu’s foot.

It all collapsed under that overwhelming force.


The terrifying concussive force then erupted.

The Thor giant, which had split in half, completely collapsed.

It turns into countless currents and escapes in all directions.

The land of the island collapsed tens of meters in an instant.

Dense cracks like cobwebs spread out and spread.

Countless large and small stones were lifted into the air under the impact, and then exploded.

The most dazzling light shines.

Everything that makes it invisible is not visible.

Three minutes later.

Everything tends to subside.

It is like a huge depression hit by a meteorite in the center

Qi Yu, who had split the Thunder God Giant, was now stepping on the Thunder God Body under his feet.

Those fifty yards of big feet covered the entire face of Thor’s Aniru.

Stomp it out of shape and twist.

Blood gushed from between his nose and mouth.

The thunder god who was invincible not long ago was at the moment of being extremely embarrassed.

“Abominable, abominable”

The self-proclaimed god of the second middle school teenager Ai Nilu was completely trampled by Qi Yu’s foot.

His brain was chaotic under the impact of that huge force, as if it were about to explode.

However, the pain from his face was constantly stimulating the nerves of his brain, keeping him awake.

Be aware of the fact that you have been stomped on the ground.

Today for the second time.

Once again, he was punched in the face by others.

The first time the golden lion was fine, at least with a slap.

But now this man who was even more arrogant than him was turning his face… Stomp God under your feet!

Even now, he can’t even do elementalization, and can only passively lie at the feet of others?

This is naturally an intolerable shame for the arrogant Thor.

Yet compared to the anger of humiliation.

Emotions called fear first erupt and spread.

He knew it clearly.

After showing himself the strongest Thor’s posture of 200 million volts.

But he was still defeated by this man’s blow.

In front of this arrogant man.

He was such a god who was so vulnerable!!!

Compared to the Straw Hat Kid not so long ago.

This man is a hundred times stronger, a thousand times stronger!

At this moment, he finally realized the heaven-like strength gap between himself and Qi Yu.

Qi Yu treated him as he did to ordinary people

Complete crushing!

How many years!

The emotion called fear once again grew from Aniru’s heart, intensifying and intensifying.

The pupils of his eyes were trembling.

His body trembled uncontrollably with fear.

Unprecedented regret strikes me.

If only he had been able to control his arrogance and curiosity.

Drive away with the Ark Proverbs!

Wouldn’t that be nothing?

What the hell am I doing!

Let me meet such a bunch of people!

Is this a nightmare?

If it’s a nightmare, wake up quickly!

Aniru roared in his heart, his body trembling uncontrollably.

“What’s wrong? A little ghost who calls himself God! ”

“Is this already going to work?”

Qi Yu looked at Aniru at his feet sarcastically.


Aniru, who was once high above him, screamed in fear of emotional breakdown as the god Aniru, who regarded all beings as ants.

There is no longer the arrogance of the past.

“It’s really noisy!”

Qi Yu plucked out his ears.

“Well, then let you be a little quieter.”

“No… No…… You don’t… Aaaah! ”

Aniru tried his best to elementalize.

He wants to escape!

But there is no escape!

“Electric shock boy, do you dare to call God by yourself?”

Qi Yu’s armed-colored hands clasped Aniru’s neck like a pair of pincers.

“Ahh… Cough, no… Don’t dare.”

Aniru struggled fiercely, tears streaming down his face.

The shadow of death hung over him like a haze, clearer than ever.

Ten times, a hundred times clearer than his near-death experience in his hometown of Bika when he was a child.


A loud bang.

Aniru fell on Qi Yu’s ‘earth cast’ and smashed heavily between the woodlands.

The ground smashed into a huge pit that spread hundreds of meters in all directions.

Countless fine cracks like cobwebs spread out.

The shaking of the earth has not stopped.

In the next instant, Qi Yu appeared next to Aniru, whose eyes were bulging and his expression was vicious and painful, and he raised his hand to grab his upturned calf.

‘Snap Snap Snap’

What followed was a series of crackling sounds of close contact between the face and the ground.

Qi Yu follows the famous scene of the Hulk educating Loki in the Marvel Avengers.

The one who drew the gourd in the same way gave Aniru a set of up-and-down left and right consecutive throws.

Aniru and Locke look at each other, the same arrogant weak god.

Qi Yu, who has an arrogant posture, is similar in size to Hulk’s

It’s simply the perfect reproduction of the famous scene.

After dozens or hundreds of violent impacts, Aniru was covered in blood, and his body was almost inhuman.

The whole person collapsed like a dead dog into the pit under the ground, unable to move.

Only the hum of the mosquito means that he is still alive.

“The weak ‘God.'”

Qi Yu sneered.

Casually threw Ainilu, who was humming like a dead dog, aside.

“Stoney, this boy will be handed over to you to teach later.”

Qi Yu ordered.


“Leave it to me!”

“I’ll take good care of him!”

Golden Lion Skey grinned.

“Then let’s go to the empty island!”

“It shouldn’t be far away!”



About an hour later.

1 o’clock in the afternoon.

The pirates of the Flying Regiment rushed to report.

A huge piece of land was found ahead.

Empty Island Gold Township arrived!!!


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