


Melodious, high-pitched golden bells echo in the sky.

The afterglow is endless.

Under that beautiful golden bell like a fairy tale.

People just close their eyes.

Quietly listen, pray, receive cleansing and baptism from the sound of the golden bell.

After the sixteenth bell rings

The empty islanders and Shandia people of the golden city of Chandora are satisfied.

Began the restoration of the Golden City.

The battle lasted for nearly four hundred years.

The natives of Empty Island and the people of the Shandia clan took the straw hat gang as an opportunity!

With the golden bell as a link, it is completely linked together.

Ice releases the previous suspicions and is no longer hostile.

The picture is peaceful and tranquil.



The little girl Aisha, who was carrying a shoulder bag, suddenly held her head, and her face was full of panic.

“What’s wrong? Aisha. ”

The beautiful warrior of Shandia named Raqi asked incomprehensibly, with a worried face.

“Someone is coming, a lot of people.”

The little girl Aisha held her head with both hands.

She was born to see and smell domineering, and she could sense the breath of the people on the island.

The same can also be sensed from the ‘intruders’.

It’s just that I can’t fully grasp it.

The little girl Aisha could not accurately distinguish the real body of those breaths.

“A lot of people?”

Shandia Beauty Warrior Raki was stunned.



A loud and heroic laugh suddenly rang out from the sky.

“This is the legendary Golden Country and the Golden Bell Tower, and it is better to hear it than to see it.”

Above the Golden City, the Golden Lion Shiki took the lead in breaking through the sky.

Look down at the large golden bell tower in the middle of the city below.

Rao is a well-informed Shi Ji, and he can’t help but be shocked by it.

The laughter of the Golden Lion Shiki also attracted the collective attention of the people in the Golden City.

No need for the little girl Aisha and the beautiful warrior Rakira to sound the alarm.

The Kushima Divine Soldier Corps and the young warriors of Shandia who had been helping with the repair work everywhere rushed towards the direction of the large bell tower in the square.

Not much time.

The Divine Team, led by Ganfur, and the Sandia warriors such as Webb the War Ghost gathered.



Look at the golden lion Shiki floating in the sky.

Whether it was Ganfur or Webb, the strongest young warrior in Sandia, his face was extremely dignified.

Very strong!

Indescribably powerful!

Just looking at the lion-like figure in the sky.

Their bodies instinctively produce great fear.

The muscles of the body stiffen involuntarily.

It was as if he were facing the former god of thunder, Aniru

Repressed emotions hung over every warrior’s mind.

“Hey, hey, who the hell is that old man?”

Sandia warrior, Mantis Camachelli widened in horror and roared lowly.

“Damn, Mingming has just been liberated from the domination of Aniru!”

“Is our homeland about to be occupied again by intruders who don’t know where they came from?”

“This time the Straw Hat Boy they won’t 、、、 again


The warriors of the Guardians of the Gods looked unwilling.

“Everyone, is it time to say such things?”

“This is the home we have so hard to retake!”

“No matter who the opponent is, we must definitely guard our hometown this time!”

“Light the fire of Shandia!”

The war ghost Webb jerked his arms and shouted.


oh oh oh oh”

The Sandia warriors were all shouting with boiling blood.

I have already made up my mind to fight the lion in the sky to the end.


“Lord Ganful”

At this moment, at the highest observation point of the Golden City, the people of Shandia and the empty island suddenly shouted in unison.

“What’s going on?”

Mantis Camachelli asked.

“Bass (the earth) Huge Bath (the earth) is coming in our direction.”

A Sandia warrior let out a scream of shock and shock.

“What do you say!!!”

There was a sudden uproar in the square.

“Bath (the earth) flies in the sky???”

“How can such a thing be…”

Before the mantis Camachelli could finish speaking, it came to an abrupt end.

Not just him.

At this moment, all the people gathered in the Bell Tower Square were silent.

Whether it’s the warriors of Sandia or the god team of Ganfur.

People’s eyes widened.

The chin almost touched the ground.

Look at the large floating islands floating from the sky.

Everyone’s faces were filled with extreme shock and disbelief.

Bath (Earth)… Really flying!!!


Above the Golden Bell Tower.

Golden Lion Squi waved a big hand.

The islands in the sky suddenly increased their movement.

In a few moments, the entire island of gods is enveloped.

Like the shadow of death that hangs over people’s hearts.

This moment.

Even the fiercest war ghost Webb.

It is also inevitable that there is a sense of despair and powerlessness.

Under that supernatural terror, how could these mortals fight against them?

That huge island, if it falls, who can resist?

This is no longer a existence that can be countered by momentum alone.

“Enough, Stoney, I’m not here to scare people when I let you come first!”

A faint sound came from above the island.

The people of the empty island looked up in confusion.

All I could hear was a loud bang.

A figure descended from the sky.

It fell on the Golden Bell Square.

A gentle young man appeared in the sight of everyone on the empty island.

With a spring breeze and a gentle smile on his face.

“My men are a little disrespectful!”

“I have no malice in this trip, just to find someone!”

Qi Yu nodded calmly.

“You look for… Who are you looking for? ”

Sky Knight Gamfold plucked up his courage and asked.

“Straw Hat Kid – Munch D Luffy!”


Ps. Listed on time at midnight tonight! The dismal grades of the little flutter street kneel to beg the readers to subscribe to support!

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