“Straw Hat Kid Munch D Luffy!”

“You should know!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

“Mr. Straw Hat!”

“Know know, of course know!”

“Did you come looking for the Straw Hat Boy?”

“Are you Luffy’s friend, my lord?”

Ganfur, Rachi, Aisha, Kenise and other people of the empty island couldn’t help but light up.

“Let’s just say it.”

Qi Yu nodded.


“What, it turned out to be Mr. Straw Hat’s friend!”

“It’s really… Shock us! ”

“Webb, don’t keep tightening!”

“Since you’re an acquaintance of the straw hat, you must be fine!”


Everyone on the empty island was relieved.

“That, Mr. Straw Hat, left more than a week ago.”

The little girl Aisha of Shandia blinked her eyes widely, without forgetting Qi Yu’s purpose, the weak opening.


“This is a bad coincidence!”

Qi Yu nodded calmly.

There are no surprises or regrets about this.

As early as when I met Aniru.

He probably guessed it.

The Straw Hats’ adventure on the empty island should have come to an end.

But this time I came to the Golden Country of the Empty Island.

Qi Yu’s purpose was not simply for the sake of the Straw Hats.

It is to fulfill the promise to Hawkeye and show him the legendary Golden Bell Tower.

“Then please allow us to rest here for the time being.”

Qi Yu Dao.

“That’s nature, that’s nature!”

“Everyone, hurry up and prepare snacks and entertain your guests!”

The warm opening of the people of the empty island.



Golden Bell Tower, ahead.

Qi Yu, Golden Lion Shi Ji and Hawkeye Mihawk stood side by side.

Stop and look at the golden bell in front of you that exudes an eight-hundred-year-old history.


“How much should such a big golden bell tower be worth?”


Golden Lion Squirrel was amazed.

One sentence made Webb, the war ghost outside the field, blush again.

The Golden Bell is a treasure that their Sandia family has lost for four hundred years.

It is difficult to find back, naturally it is impossible to give it to others in vain.

“Shi Ji, you guy don’t play any crooked ideas, this is a precious historical relic!”

Qi Yu glanced at the golden lion.

“We are pirates, as long as they are precious treasures, they must all be caught in our own hands!”

“Besides, with me here, I don’t have to worry about the problem of handling, but my ability can even float up the island!”

Golden Lion Skey smiled proudly.


When he noticed Qi Yu’s slightly stern gaze, he smiled again and said no more.

According to the orthodox pirate thinking of the Golden Lion, when encountering such a precious treasure, of course, it is necessary to pack it all away and take it away.

However, Qi Yu, who was deeply influenced by the style of the red-haired pirate group, was not an orthodox pirate.

For the sake of the treasure, the destruction of the country was such a thing, Qi Yu did not care to do it.

Moreover, the Golden Bell Tower is precious, but the golden ark proverb of Aniru is not bad.

“The words on this golden pedestal…”

Hawkeye Mihawk took the first two steps.

Fingers brush over the ancient words on the pedestal of the golden bell and feel the pulse from history.


Hawkeye’s gaze fell on the two lines of small characters below the pedestal, independent of the text.

“This is…”

“I came here to take this article to the end of the world – One Piece Galle D. Roger!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly and said the meaning of those two lines of small characters.


“This is what Roger bastard left behind?”

Golden Lion Sckey was astonished.

“No, how can you make that guy Roger concentrate on the front, Lao Tzu also has to leave a message.”

Golden Lion Squidway.

“So, what do you want to keep?”

Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

“Well, I want to think”

A moment of deep thought.


“Just carve – in the autumn of 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar, the flying sea thief Golden Lion Shiji came here for a visit!”

The golden lion crossed his hands at the waist, and the cow roared at the opening.

Typical mass tourist mentality.

Qi Yu resolutely ignored it.

Under the Golden Bell.

Listening to the Golden Lion wanting to carve the words on the holy relic, Webb, the strongest warrior of Shandia, couldn’t help but blush again.

Thanks to the pull of Ganfur and others, this did not lead to a catastrophe.

However, in the end, the golden lion did not really leave his own travel motto.

After all, he didn’t understand ancient writing.

If you use the text of this era to engrave it, you always feel that Roger is culturally weak.

Moreover, his tourist-like inscription is much worse than Roger’s ideologically.

So he gave up the idea of leaving words.

Qi Yu went straight to the ringing hour of the Golden Bell.

A rare trip, naturally to do something to take a souvenir.

Like ringing a bell.


The ethereal, high-pitched, far-reaching golden bell flutters leisurely.

It was like a clear spring rushing by, calming people’s turbulent hearts.

I don’t know when.

Hawkeye Mihawk closed his eyes and sat down in front of the Golden Bell.

He seemed to have some feelings.

These days, I have exchanged and confirmed many times with Qi Yu and the Golden Lion.

Hawkeye’s kendo realm has steadily improved.

Until now, driven by the ethereal bell of the Golden Bell.

Hawkeye’s state of mind is also gradually becoming ethereal, and the kendo perception is like a natural progression.

Look at the eagle eyes that suddenly fell into an epiphany.

Qi Yu first looked suspicious, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

Not for Hawkeye’s epiphany.

It was because there was a flash of golden light in his eyes.

The Hawkeye in the epiphany turned out to be – the golden legend burst out!!!

No need to hesitate.

Pick up!!!


【Congratulations on obtaining the S-class sword meaning】


Qi Yu smiled.

Sure enough, the decision to go to sea with Hawkeye was the most correct.

This is not.

Hawkeye himself to improve his kendo.

He can also pick up a leak next to him.

And it is also the highest level of golden legends that have exploded.

The meaning of the world’s largest sword, Eagle Eye, is extraordinary.

There is the blessing of this golden legendary sword meaning that bursts out from Eagle Eye.

Qi Yu obviously felt that his kendo realm was also greatly improved, and his understanding of the sword deepened.

Originally, he was only able to reach the level of the superior sword master.

Now it is completely stable and senior in this realm.

In terms of the great ascension, I am afraid that it is even greater than the eagle eye of the difficult epiphany.

If Hawkeye Mihawk knew this, I don’t know if there would be an urge to vomit blood.

Of course, if only the Golden Lion Sckey knew.

Absolutely be jealous to the point of vomiting blood.

Half an hour, quietly gone.

Hawkeye Mihawk awakens from the epiphany of Kendo.


So much so that the face that has not been smiling is a look of excitement

Golden Lion Skey skimmed his lips and looked at Hawkeye with a look of surprise.

As a fellow Great Sword Lord, how could he not know what state Hawkeye had entered before.

That was a kendo epiphany that could not be encountered!!!

He hadn’t been able to enter it once in his life.

Seeing Hawkeye like this, obviously, this is not the first time.

Thinking of this, the golden lion Skey envied Jill was purple!

“Haha, it seems that everyone has gained something.”

Qi Yu laughed happily.

Golden Lion Stoney: “? ”

I didn’t!

I would like to have it too!

“Well, let’s go!”

Ignoring the Golden Lion’s appeal, Qi Yu, who was in a good mood, waved his big hand and was about to leave.

“Wait a minute!”

“Lord Qi Yu!”

At this moment, the Sky Knight Ganfur suddenly stopped with a loud voice.

“Is there anything else?”

Qi Yu asked.

“Yes, sir”

“This is our little care, not a tribute!”

“Please accept it!”

Ganfur bowed respectfully.

Then he pointed to the huge golden pillar not far away carried by hundreds of people.

It was one of the pillars of the Golden Bell Bell interrupted by the final battle between Straw Hat Luffy and Aniru.

Originally, Ganfur and the others wanted to give it to the Straw Hat gang as a thank you gift.

As a result, the Straw Hat gang who were thieves with weak hearts directly slipped away at that time, and they could not catch up.

This golden pillar also survived.

Earlier, Qi Yu had dismissed the Golden Lion’s proposal to snatch the Golden Bell.

Ganfur was relieved and at the same time thought of this useless golden pillar.

Someone sent it on the spot.

It’s useless for them to keep anyway.

It’s better to be a smooth person.

For Ganfuer’s small abacus, Qi Yu could probably guess it.

Think about it.

Rather than stay until two years later by Bellamy to pick up the leak and send it to Doflamingo.

It is better to accept it yourself.

Anyway, they sent it themselves.

“Okay then!”

Qi Yu nodded his head.

“Hahahahaha, that’s not bad!”

Golden Lion Squire rushed forward.

A large hand gently pats on the golden pillar.

Fluttering Fruit ability is launched.

Amid the shocking uproar, the golden pillar, which required hundreds of people to lift, soared straight into the sky.

A few minutes later.

The huge shadow that enveloped the empty island receded.

The large Winter Island slowly departs under the control of the golden lion.

The next destination is the Water Capital!!!



Two days later in the night.

The night was dark and terrible.

The sea is undulating.

Big waves cascading.

A wave is higher than a wave.

It eventually turned into a terrifying tsunami of tens or hundreds of meters.

For the capital of water, tonight is destined to be not peaceful.

Because tonight is the day of the annual arrival of the gods of water.

And there are also a series of major events that have taken place inside the Water Capital.

Powered by Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, as the fuse.

One Piece Straw Hat gang goes head-to-head with the world’s secret spy organization cp9!!!


Right now.

It is about a few miles away from the water capital.

A large island floats slowly.


“Qi Yu, do you really want to ‘get off’ here?”

“This wave is not calm tonight!”

Golden Lion Skey asked with a big laugh.

“Who do you think we are, Shiki!”

“Send us down quickly!”

Qi Yu smiled confidently.


Golden Lion Squire said no more.

The right hand tapped lightly on Hawkeye’s coffin boat.

Fluttering Fruit ability is launched.

“By the way, Stoney, you should be optimistic about the electric shock boy, if you run, I only ask you.”

Qi Yu instructed.

“Got it, got it!”

“With me here, you can rest assured!”

“That boy, you can’t run!”

Golden Lion Skey confidently patted the bear’s chamber.

The coffin boat descended slowly.

Finally landed on the undulating sea.

Compared to the monstrous waves.

The coffin boat and the Qi Yu and Eagle Eye on the boat are really inconspicuous.

However, it was such a humble thing that they calmed down this big wave.

“Mihawk, try to defeat the gods of the water!”

Qi Yu grinned.

Hawkeye Mihawk said nothing.


The supreme big fast knife black knife night out of the sheath.

Brilliant gold!


Two kinds of sword and light sword shadows illuminated the night sky.



The tsunami wall of the gods of water, which stretched for thousands of meters, was defeated by the combination of Qi Yu and Hawkeye.

The move would delay the tsunami from hitting the water capital by at least two hours.



Qi Yu stood on the boat, toasting and drinking with Hawkeye.




The slight tapping of the mallet came.

But in the midst of this noisy wave, it is so clearly audible.

Qi Yu looked slightly shaken.

“What’s wrong?”

Hawkeye Mihawk asked puzzled.

Qi Yu raised his hand to signal Eagle Eye to silence.

I myself pricked up my ears and listened.

【I want to sail】

【I want to sail again】

After the sound of the mallet, a gentle voice came from nothing, but with infinite longing.


Qi Yu murmured.

The gaze looked strangely at the eagle eye in front of him.

In this vast sea, only Eagle Eye is beside him.

But Hawkeye didn’t open his mouth.

Could it be that I have awakened the ability to hear the voices of others?

Qi Yu couldn’t help but think.

“What do you see me doing?”

Hawkeye Mihawk’s eyes twitched slightly.

Qi Yu’s gaze was staring at Qi Yu with some hair.

Don’t wait for Qi Yu to open his mouth.

The voice of the heart in the darkness reappeared.

[I must go and pick them up]

【Please, please help me sail】

“This voice?”

The suspicious look on Qi Yu’s face was even worse.


He seemed to have thought of something.

“Mihawk, over there!”

Qi Yu pointed in the direction of the Water Capital Abandoned Ship Island.


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