Isle of Justice – Ainis Hall.

Because it has no night and is daylight all year round, it is also called the island that never sleeps.

Together with the Naval Headquarters of Marin Fodo and the Deep Sea Grand Prison Promotion City, it is known as the three agencies of world government.

As one of the three institutions of world government, the nominal place of justice.

The total number of naval and government spies stationed on the island exceeds 10,000.

The apex of these is the government secret spy organization cp9.

Under the town of the supermen of the generation cp9.

In the eight hundred years since the establishment of the Isle of Justice, no one has ever breached it.



Accidents happen.

A chaotic event unprecedented in eight hundred years has descended on the Isle of Justice.

Take O’Hara’s only survivor, Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, as the fuse.

The all-out war between the Pirates and the Justice Island cp9 began!!!

The entire Isle of Justice is in chaos with the Straw Hats and the French family and others.

Even the CP9 supermen in the Tower of Justice have fallen one by one.

The Gate Fruit Ability, with the horns of the bull, the Mune-looking Bruno resisted the second gear Luffy with an iron block and fell!

The big-mouthed sound no owl resists French’s heavy punch with an iron block and is unconscious!

Like a drama actor, the male lion snuggles up with an iron block to resist the heavy blow of the violent Joba and is hit by a ko!

InuYasha Fruit Gray Wolf Form Ability Gabra defended the demon wind foot of Blackfoot Yamaji with an iron block, and almost roasted on the spot!

Cow Cow Fruit Giraffe Form Ability Kaku, his iron block defense is inferior to the Nine Blades of the Pirate Hunter Sauron’s Nine Blade Stream Asura, defeated!

Except for Kalifa after being defeated by Nami with lightning.

The rest of the cp9 supermen are all slumped under the proud iron block.

All that remained was the CP9800 strongest man, Robb Luke, who was still battling Captain Straw Hat Luffy.

But his results are not much different from other cp9s.

In the end, he also fell under his own iron block.

After all, the six-type iron block is not something that anyone can use.

Count the entire navy and the world government.

There is and only one person who applies to the six-type iron block –

That’s the legendary Vice Admiral of the Navy, the hero Karp!

Others, who use who are unlucky.

It’s just a pity.

Cp9 and many more iron blocks of the new people obviously do not realize the seriousness of the matter.

Except for the strongest captain-level battlefield.

The rest of the Justice Tower has largely settled down.

However, the situation has not improved by half a point.

Because of the idiotic acts of the stupid cp9 scum chief Spandam.

The order to slaughter demons has already been launched!!!




White waves churn.

The sea around the Isle of Justice suddenly burst into violent waves.

All because of the door of justice that is completely open!!!

The door of justice is fully opened, and for the first time in the history of eight hundred years!

All in order to let the slayer from the naval headquarters make the warship arrive and pass as quickly as possible.

Right now.

A hesitant bridge just one step away from the Gate of Justice.

This is the last hesitation of the prisoners who are about to be escorted to the Great Prison of the Deep Sea.

Once you cross that door, there will be no more hope.


Believe in your partner!

Believe in the Straw Hat gang!

Robin, who still has hope even here!

At this moment, I want to delay as much as possible no matter what!

Both hands handcuffed by Hailoushi?

Never mind.

She still has teeth.

In order to delay the time, wait for the arrival of partners.

Even if it was to shatter this silver tooth, it didn’t matter.


“Stupid woman, it’s all because of you doing these senseless resistances!”

With purple curly hair and a half-mask, the scum chief of the CP, Spandam let out a villainous laugh.

“Hurry up and stand up for me!”

Spandam kicked Robin mercilessly.

To make her give up resisting.

Yet Robin remained stubbornly motionless

“Really, the door is already close at hand, and it will really cause trouble for Lao Tzu!”

Spendam complained.

He took a rope from his arms and tied it to Robin.

Brutal and tough dragging forward.

Robin’s hands, thighs, and even her pretty face were scarred.

Even so.

Spandam still hasn’t stopped ravaging Robin.

In front of Robin, who has experienced a miserable life, talk about her tragic past.

And the culprit that caused it all, his father, Spendane.

Watch the tears of pain slip from the corners of Robin’s eyes.

Spendam seemed to have received the highest pleasure, laughing with unstoppable pleasure.


A judicial tower separated from the Bridge of Hesitation by thousands of meters.

“Hey, Sniper King, aren’t you in place yet?”

The scarred Yamaji talked about the cigarette butts at his fingertips.

“Wait, adjust it right away!”

“Good wind direction, moderate wind speed, angle…”

At the top of the Tower of Justice, Usopp, a masked sniper of the Straw Hat Regiment, began to adjust the trajectory of the slingshot.

“That’s it!”

Sniper King Usopp smiled confidently.

His preparation was complete.

With every bullet he followed, he was sure it wouldn’t fall short.

“If you’re ready, let’s get started!”

Green algae-headed pirate hunter Roronoa Sauron opened his mouth calmly.


Usopp responded.

The slingshot’s crosshairs were aimed at Spandam on the Hesitant Bridge.

It’s about to launch.

That’s when it happened.


The undulating sea suddenly gave birth to a strange fluctuation.

In the darkness, it was as if an ethereal voice sounded.

With excitement and excitement, it resounded directly in the hearts of the seven members of the Straw Hat Pirate Group.

[Everyone, I’m here to pick you up]

“This is…”

“What sound?”

Sauron and Yamaji at the edge of the Tower of Justice,

Nami and Joba in the Underground Passage,

Luffy of Warehouse 1 Deathmatch,

Robin on the Bridge of Hesitation,

There is also the sniper king Usopp at the top of the Tower of Justice.

The Straw Hat Pirates Seven felt at the same time.

Let’s go back to the sea of adventure together.


“Who’s talking?”

Yamaji and Sauron screamed.

“It’s that guy!”

At the top of the Tower of Justice, Sniper King Usopp sits on his knees.

“That guy, our last buddy has come to greet us!”

Usopp laughed and cried.

Say the name of their most important partner —

“Mei Li!!!”


The waves swirled.

The scarred little broken boat faced the wind and rode the waves.

Come and welcome your scarred companions back to the sea.

“Mei Li!”

“Is it really Mei Li?”

Yamaji and Sauron screamed in shock.

“Is this Mei Li’s voice?”

“Mei Li has come to greet us!”

Nami and Joba were surprised and delighted, tears of joy overflowing uncontrollably.

“Mei Li!!!”

Usopp at the top of the Tower of Justice and Luffy in the straw hat of Warehouse One opened their arms and shouted with full momentum.

“Mei Li… Here we go too! ”

Hesitant on the bridge, Robin, who was extremely weak, tried his best to climb to the bridge.

Looking at the familiar partner below, tears loomed in Robin’s eyes.


“What, it was just a ship!”

“I thought someone was really chasing me!”

“It really scared me!”

Shocked into a cold sweat, Spendam was distraught.

He lifted his big foot.

Without mercy, he stepped on Robin’s pretty face.

Use this to vent your inner dissatisfaction.

In this regard, Robin could only close his eyes helplessly.

Waiting for the pain to come.


Time passes by minute by minute.


The imagined pain still hasn’t appeared.

Robin opened his eyes in confusion.

That’s what it was discovered.

I don’t know when.

Standing in front of him was no longer the abominable Spandam.

Instead, it was a strange figure with a majestic body.

“Little girl, please be patient for a moment!”

“Set you free right away!”

Qi Yu half-crouched down in front of Robin, opening his mouth gently.

“You are…”

Don’t wait for Robin to speak.

“Abominable, abominable”

“What the hell are you?”

“Where did it come from?”

“I was almost scared to fall into the sea before!”

Frightened by Qi Yu’s sudden appearance, Spendam retreated one after another.


“That woman is my prey!”

“Hurry up and keep me away from her!”

“And the Navy, what are you doing, shooting!”

“Beat that inexplicable guy into a sieve!”

Completely ignored, Spendam yelled in anger.


The naval soldiers in charge of receiving at the hesitant gate set up the firing formation.

With the order of the chief.

Dozens or hundreds of bullets were discharged in unison.


Robin’s word ‘heart’ has not yet been exported.

A finger landed on her lips.

Blocked her reminder.

Jingle Bell!

The sound of striking iron suddenly became a series of pieces.

The bullet that was enough to penetrate the stone landed on Qi Yu’s body, but it did not leave even a trace of abrasion.

“Not good!”

“Sir, that guy is not good!”

“That’s not an ordinary person!”

The sailors who encountered this situation for the first time could not help but scream in horror.

“What’s not to like?”

“Keep firing at me!” fire! ”

Spandam also shouted in horror.

But no one paid attention.

Because right now.

A miraculous shocking picture is happening.

Only to see Qi Yu’s large hand grasp the Hailou stone handcuffs in Robin’s hand.

His thick and powerful arm was gradually lifted.

Same time.

Strands of brilliant sun light converged towards his palm fingers.

The handcuffs of the Hailou stone are also rendered in golden red.

“He he he … What exactly does he want to do? ”

“Isn’t it… Is it difficult to want to crush the handcuffs of Hailoushi with your bare hands? ”

“This kind of thing…”

The sailors screamed.


Spandam laughed sarcastically.

“That’s ten times harder than steel, a hundred times harder, and there is no means of recognition except for the key…”

Spandam’s taunts came to an abrupt end.

Listen to the sudden sound, which belongs to the overwhelmed click of the Hailou stone handcuffs.

Extreme shock and disbelief struck the mind.

His pair of panda eyes were wide open.

It seems to have seen the most terrifying and incredible picture in the world.

So much so that even the eyeballs almost jumped out of the eye sockets.

Next second.

The beads of his left eye were indeed detached from his body.

Accompanied by a clicking sound.

The handcuffs that bound Robin exploded under the overwhelming power of the sun’s feathers.

One of the fragments happened to cross Spendum’s left eye.

With his eyeballs falling off to the ground.


A terrible scream immediately sounded.

“Commander Spendum”

This was followed by panicked shouts from the sailors.

“It’s all right!”

Qi Yu withdrew his big hand, a gentle Dao.

“Thanks… Thank you! ”

Robin raised his free hands in shock.

Look at the big man in front of you with a gentle smile.

Her heart was also flooded with unprecedented waves.

Who is this person in front of you?

Why is he here?

And why do you help yourself?

What the hell was going on with his body?

He couldn’t even penetrate the bullets, and he was even stronger than an iron man like French!

And just now he he he… He actually crushed the Hailou Stone with his bare hands!

What a powerful force this is!

Robin couldn’t help but wonder and marvel.

Wait a moment!


Robin seemed to have thought of something.

The person in front of you most likely came with the Mei Li!


“Are you Mei Li?”

Robin had a sudden whim, blinked his eyes wide, and looked at Qi Yu with a look of hope and surprise.

As if thinking, Mei Li, who did not expect that her voice was so soft and cute, was actually a big macho man.

Listen to Robin’s inquiry.

Feel her strange gaze.


Even Qi Yu, who was in an arrogant form, couldn’t help but be confused.

I was really shocked by this girl’s Qingqi brain circuit.

Robin was under the impression that he shouldn’t have this kind of personality.

If Straw Hat Luffy or Joba asked like this, Qi Yu would not have the slightest surprise.

Just Robin this… It was a bit of a surprise.


“I’m really sorry!”

“I was talking gibberish earlier!”

Robin, who got a negative answer from Qi Yu’s expression, apologized continuously.


“I’m not going to mess with a little girl like you.”

Qi Yu smiled.

Between his hands, half a fairy bean appeared in his palm.


Robin tilted his head in confusion.

“Eat it.”

Qi Yu Dao.


Robin didn’t ask, didn’t hesitate, when even the well-behaved bit the half of the fairy bean and ate it.

In a moment.

Robin was surprised to find that the various wounds on his body disappeared and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, the skin is restored to its original state, and the skin is even better than before.

These days, the physical strength lost by mental strength is also an instant recovery.

The body is full of vitality, and only the use of endless energy.

“It’s recovered!”

Qi Yu asked calmly.


“Thanks for your blessing!”

Robin nodded obediently.

Although I was very puzzled by the small bean before.

But at this moment, Robin was forced to suppress the doubts in his heart, and did not ask too much.

“If it’s recovered, then the scum over there will be left to you to deal with.”

Qi Yu stood up and glanced at Spandam who was rolling on the ground.

Followed by.

Qi Yu’s gaze immediately landed on the completely open door of justice.

Ten war-class Slayer Warships mobilized from the Navy Headquarters were approaching at great speed.

On the five warships ahead, five elite lieutenant generals of the naval headquarters, Dauberman, Fire Mountain, Ghost Spider, Squirrel, and Stoloberg, stood at the bow of the ship, and the cloak of justice hunted with the wind.

“The Order of the Slayer… Yes! ”

“This is the first time I’ve met!”

“I don’t know if this so-called demon slaughter order will last for five minutes under my hands!”

Qi Yu Wu whispered arrogantly.

Robin, who was still afraid of the demon slaughtering order, said, “!!! ”


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