A dilapidated tower of justice.

“Usopp, what is the situation now?”

“Is the Merry really coming?”

Sauron, the green algae-headed pirate hunter, asked, his face filled with shock and disbelief.


“Here it comes! It’s really coming! ”

Usopp still couldn’t cry.

“Then don’t just look at Mei Li!”

“What about Sister Robin?” What happened to Sister Robin? ”

Black Foot Yamaji hurried to the opening.

Listening to Sanji’s reminder, Usopp finally woke up.

Earlier when he looked at Robin for the last time.

Spandam had basically taken Robin near the gate.

Now I don’t know how.

Usopp’s gaze quickly fell back on the hesitant bridge.

I’ll have to see what happened on the bridge.

Usopp froze.

His eyes burst out, and his eyes were shocked that they almost broke through the telescope.

“Usopp, what do you see?”

Sauron asked.

“Isn’t it… Is it difficult to believe that something happened to Sister Robin? ”

Yamaji Daikyu.

“No, no, no”

Usopp hurriedly waved his hand in denial.

“Robin’s over there… It’s awesome! ”

“I can’t even shoot a bullet, that person is really good!”

Usopp screamed in shock.

Hearing that Yamaji and Sauron below were confused, their hearts were secretly anxious.

“Can’t move the bullets? Could it be that the underpants man arrived? ”

Yamaji guessed.

Naturally, he thought that Iron Man French had arrived in time.

“If that’s the case, Usopp, hurry up and get the key!”

Sauron urged.


The sniper king Usopp’s shocked strange cry resumed.

“The key… The key is no longer needed! ”

“What do you say?”

Both Yamaji and Sauron were puzzled.

“Because Robin… Robin is now free! ”

Usopp screamed in confusion.

“Sister Robin is free?”

Yamaji was overjoyed.

“Have the handcuffs of Hailoushi been opened?” What’s going on? ”

“Usopp, what the hell are you seeing?”

Sauron scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks.

I was eager to fly to the top of the tower on the spot, grab Usop’s telescope, and see what was going on.


Usopp took a deep breath to calm the turmoil in his heart.

“Yamaji, Sauron, Robin’s Hailou stone handcuffs were not opened with a key!”

“That handcuff was crushed by the man’s bare hands!!!”

Usopp shouted and told this extremely shocking fact.

After a moment of silence.


“What do you say!!!”

Yamaji and Sauron’s tacit understanding of Qi Qi broke his voice.

“That’s Hailou stone handcuffs!” Breaking it with his bare hands…”

“Hey, hey, kidding! When did that French have such power! ”

Shanso shouted and questioned in unison.

“I never said the man next to Robin was French!”

“That man, he must have been the rescuer that the Merry moved for us!”

Usop’s determined opening.

“Eh eh eh ~ ~~”

Bang bang bang bang!

The sound of artillery fire suddenly continued.



I don’t know how many gates of justice there are.

For the first time in eight hundred years, it was fully opened.

The connection of the sea currents ordered the two original whirlpools of the Isle of Justice to be filled in and no longer exist.

About a few hundred meters away from the sea, ten Slayer Warships from the Naval Headquarters came side by side.

Five elite lieutenant generals of the Naval Headquarters, led by Dauberman, Squirrel, Burning Mountain, Ghost Spider, and Strobery, stood in the bow of the warship.

In addition to the five powerful elite lieutenant generals of the headquarters.

Each warship is also equipped with ten rear admirals and nearly ten thousand elite naval headquarters.

Such a huge gathering of combat power is no less than a war.

This is the Navy Slayer Order!!!

Wait until you see the Slayer Order warship that slowly sails out from behind the Gate of Justice.

Robin’s pretty face was suddenly white.

The joy of beating Spendham was no more.

In turn, only a thick horror and fear were born.


‘Bang Bang Bang Bang’

Shells rained down on the entire island of Justice and blew up the entire island.

Even the Hall of Ainies, one of the three government agencies, is not spared.

Even on the island there were many naval soldiers.

The shelling will not cause the slightest mercy from his men.

This is the absolute erasure of the Order to Slay the Demon!!!

Under the fire of the relentless slaughtering demon order.

The entire Isle of Justice was shaken.

It seems like it may overturn and collapse at any time.

The Bridge of Hesitation.

The crackling of the slaps suddenly stopped.

“The Demon Slayer Order 、、、 coming!”

Looking at the raining shells, Robin’s eyes froze.

Her delicate body trembled uncontrollably, and there was a trill in her voice.

Her soul seemed to dream back twenty years ago, and in front of her was the burning O’Hara.


Robin screamed, crouched on the ground in fear, clasped his hands around his head, trembling.

“Oh no”

Unable to imprison the flowers and fruits, Spendam fell to the ground.

A face that was slapped in the face by Robin’s serial slap was not in human form.

Blood was gushing between the nose and mouth.

The unprecedented pain stimulated his spirit.

But at this moment, his deformed face was tinged with a hint of pride.

Because the Order of Slaying is coming!

After all, he won the battle!

No matter who it is, it will definitely not be able to defeat the Slayer Demon Order!

“Nicole Robin and you damn bastard—”

“When Uncle Ben recovers, he will definitely make you look good.”

“I’m going to make it better for all of you to live than to die!!!”

Spandham glared angrily and drank triumphantly.

There is still no clear understanding of his current situation.

Take ten thousand steps back.

Even if the Navy’s Slayer Order could really save him.

But at least for now.

If Qi Yu and the two wanted to kill him, it would definitely not be more difficult than stepping on an ant.

The harsh words just went out.

Spandam reacted as well.

Watch as the figure with the hot oppressive force of the sun approaches.

Spendam couldn’t help but feel infinite panic and trepidation in his heart.

His reinforcements were still on their way and would take at least a few minutes to arrive.

And Qi Yu, who had crushed the Hailou Stone with one hand, was beside him.

If you want to crush his head, it will definitely not be more difficult than squeezing tofu.

“No… No…… Don’t you come here!!! ”

Spandam burst into tears and squirmed like a maggot backwards, trying to escape.

At this moment, he was full of regret.

If you didn’t say those provocative words before, how good it would be to just continue to pretend to be dead.

It’s just that there is no regret medicine in the world.

“What the hell are you?”

“Please, spare me.”

“The Navy … The Order to Slay the Devil has arrived! ”

“Aren’t you going to run away yet?” If you slow down, you won’t be able to walk! ”

Spendam pleaded for forgiveness with a desperate desire to survive.

However, the tall figure that was as hot as the sun and as dazzling as the sun still came to him.

A heat wave is coming.

Spendham was in pain between breaths.

I only felt as if all my internal organs were about to be burned away by the flames.

“Who do you think I am?”

“How can I resist the order to slaughter demons?”

Qi Yu’s arrogant opening.

He reached out a large hand and stuck it in Spendum’s neck.

“Ahh… Good location and nice staff”

Spendam uttered a series of meaningless syllables in his mouth, but he could not say a word.

Because of the moment when he was held by Qi Yu’s big hand.

His voice was already scorched by the fire of the hot sun.

“To live is just a waste of food, a waste of air, a scum of the sight!”


Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

The voice dropped.

The expression of fear on Spandam’s face froze.

Qi Yu’s raised right hand shook slightly.

Only to hear a loud bang.

Spandam’s body was like an arrow off the string.

Facing one of the slayer demons hundreds of meters away, the warship fell straight down.

“The shelling continues.”

The naval commander on the warship waved a flag and instructed the next round of refill of the shells.

That’s when it happened.

“Lieutenant General Dauberman, something has fallen from the sky.”

A lookout seaman reported anxiously.

Just as the voice of the sailors fell.

The object from the sky landed on the deck of the warship.

Will the sturdy deck are smashed out of a hole.

“This man is…”

“Captain cp9, Spendam!”

“What a serious injury!” Who the hell beat him up like this! ”

A naval medic rushed to the rescue.


“All the staff scattered!”

Elite Vice Admiral Doberman gave the order.

His domineering spirit caught the danger in the darkness.

Sure enough.

Just as the sailors retreated.

Falling between the decks, the impersonal body of Spendam suddenly lit up with a dazzling light.

It was the power of the sun that had previously been injected into his body by Qi Yu.

The body of Spendam Spandam, who stored a large amount of the power of the sun, was a terrifying time bomb in his own right.

When the sun’s rays converge a little.

The terrifying explosion ensued.


The Naval War-class Slayer shocked the warships.

The overwhelmed click accompanied by the terrified shouts of the sailors.

Just a little human bomb.

It was almost blown up a hundred-meter-class Demon Slayer warship.


“What the hell happened?”

“Are you okay?”

“What the hell was going on before?”

Burning Mountain, Squirrel, Ghost Spider and Stoloberg, the four elite lieutenant generals stepped on the moon for the first time and gathered on the nearly sunken warship.

“It’s all right!”

Lieutenant General Dauberman had a calm face.

Fortunately, his previous orders had been given in sufficient time.

The sailors’ orders were carried out quickly enough.

All were far from the center of the explosion.

Damage could not be avoided, but at least there were no casualties.

But the silence of this warship was sooner or later.

“Dauberman, what kind of shell was that before?”

“It has such great power!”

Lieutenant General Squirrel yelled in disbelief.


Dauberman shook his head.

“Not a cannonball! It was Spandham who landed on my boat earlier! ”

“What do you say? Spandam… Could it be the one of the cp9s? ”

Lieutenant General Stoloberg, whose head was a meter long, shouted.

“cp9’s Spadam? Exploded? ”

“This kind of thing、、、”

The burning mountain looks ridiculous.

“Hey, now is not the time to care about these things!”

“Look over there、、、”

The Lieutenant General’s Ghost Spider’s gaze landed on the hesitant bridge in the distance, and the look on his face gradually became solemn.

“That Spandam bomb came from that bridge!”

After being reminded by the ghost spider, the other four elite lieutenant generals of the navy also threw their eyes on the bridge one after another.

At the same time, their powerful smelling domineering aura spread out.

Help them capture the situation on that bridge more clearly.

They saw Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, who was the target of the mission.

I also saw the tall figure with his back to them and the light of the sun shining around him.

“Who the hell is that man!!!”

Lieutenant General Stoloberg cried out in horror.

When his sight and smell fell on the tall figure of the sun.

An indescribable terror and oppression ensued, causing both his spirit and body to feel a great panic.

Infinite fear arises from the heart for no reason, as if it were facing some supreme being.

And that’s not all.

Next second.

His spirit, which was connected to the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing, seemed to be burned by flames.

Even the lieutenant general, who had experienced hundreds of battles, screamed in pain.

It’s not just Stoloberg.

The four people of Dauberman, Fire Mountain, Squirrel and Ghost Spider are not much better.

Their spirits and sights and smells have also suffered from various degrees of burns.

“Damn! What’s going on here? ”

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider gritted his teeth unwillingly.

“Hey, hey, no!”

“That man, isn’t it…”

Squinting his eyes at the burning mountain seemed to think of something.

His perennially squinting eyes widened sharply.

The smile on his face is no more.

What arose in turn was a thick sense of horror and disbelief.

“How can that be?”

“But… But it’s not impossible! ”

“Why is that man here?”

Lieutenant General Squirrel also reacted.

Thought of the reports I had seen about a man’s abilities.

“What time is it!!!”

Lieutenant General Dauberman stopped drinking.

“Yes… Yes”

“Lieutenant General Dauberman, it’s five minutes before twelve o’clock in the afternoon!”

A seaman answered tremblingly.

“What do you say!”

“What a worst time!”

“Full Alert! The man who is strong enough to compete for the best in the world—”

“The deputy captain of the red-haired pirate regiment is arrogant and Qi Yu!”

“I’m going to fire in full force!!!”


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