“You should still be able to stand up, little girl!”

Qi Yu, who had finished dropping the Spandam bomb, came to Robin, who was shaking his head.

The tall body that brings an infinite sense of oppression to others.

What Robin brings now is an infinite sense of peace of mind.

The fear and panic in her heart quickly subsided for no reason.

Her jaw lifted slightly.

A pretty face with a chuckle color.

“It’s just a slaughtering order, and there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Qi Yu smiled gently at Robin, and there was a strong confidence around him.

Between words, domineering and arrogant are on display.

Robin’s inner uneasiness and trepidation dissipated completely.

She didn’t desperately introduce the horror of the Slayer Order to others, as usual.

Because her intuition told herself —

If it were this man, he might actually be able to fight against the Navy’s Order of Slayer.

“My lord, who the hell are you?”

The irrepressible curiosity in his heart drove Robin to ask.

“My name is Qi Yu!”

Qi Yu answered.

Robin was stunned.

Qi Yu turned.

Bang bang bang bang !!!bang bang

The sea hundreds of meters away.

The nine slayer warships fired in unison under the orders of the lieutenant generals.

The shells rained down and covered the entire sky.

The terrifying artillery fire was enough to blow up and sink the entire bridge in an instant.

Even if they already know that they are facing men who are competing for the world’s strongest throne.

Five elite lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters remained unflinched.

Because what they are doing now is the task of slaughtering demons.

There is no retreat to speak of.

“Arrogant bastard, let me sink with the bridge!”

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider roared in anger.

“Even if it is the Emperor of the Sea?”

“We now have a force of 100,000 Demon Slayer Orders!”

The long-headed Lieutenant General Stoloberry looked fierce.

“I don’t know why you, as a member of the Red Haired Pirates, are here!”

“But now I can only ask you to die!”

Lieutenant General Dauberman Lengsensen’s opening.

“That man, moved!!!”

The elite lieutenant general Burning Mountain once again narrowed his eyes.

“What the hell is going on!!!”

The lieutenant general then lost his voice and shouted.

Resolute face with a ghostly expression.


Shells fell with the roar of the navy crowd.


Qi Yu, who had comforted Robin, turned around and faced the rain of thousands of shells.

There was not the slightest fluctuation in the look on the angular face.


A soft sound.

The famous knife Griffin at Qi Yu’s waist was sheathed by half an inch.

Same time.

A domineering momentum that even the heavens and the earth had to be subdued by Qi Yu as the center, suddenly spread and spread.

In an instant, the whole sea is covered.

This moment.

Heaven and earth are silent for it.

The clouds of the sky froze.

The waves of the sea gradually stopped.

Thousands of shells in mid-air also suddenly stopped in mid-air.

No further progress or no further downfall.

This is precisely the majesty that comes from the hegemon!!!

This is exactly the momentum of men who are qualified to compete for the strongest throne!!!

This is the domineering power of the uncrowned emperor of the new world!!!



The solidified shell exploded one by one.


A sailor on board the warship fell unconscious without warning.

Bang bang bang bang —

The sky was filled with gunfire, and one brilliant firework after another bloomed.

Snap Snap Snap

On the warship, the sailors rolled their eyes one after another, as if a domino effect had occurred.

Wait until the shells in the sky explode.

The dark smoke and dust dissipated with the wind.

Heaven and earth return to clarity.

I saw ten Navy Slayer Warships on the deck, and the upside-down sailors hula into pieces.

Under the impact of Qi Yu’s overlord color before.

At least 80% of the headquarters sailors fell.

The confrontation has not yet officially begun.

Of the 100,000 people, 80,000 lost their combat strength and fell unconscious.

What a horrible picture!!!

Simply unheard of!!!

Right now.

The ten Slayer Demons had plunged the warships into unprecedented chaos.

Even the majestic lieutenant generals could not control the overall situation for a time and put an end to this chaotic situation.


“Before, it was overlord… Domineering!!! ”

“But… Has that arrogant bastard’s overlord color actually grown to this level? ”

“It doesn’t match the intelligence of four years ago!” Could it be that he is getting stronger again? ”

The lieutenant generals all looked vicious and unwilling.

“In the face of the hegemons of the new world, the number of people has no meaning!”

The lieutenant general burned the mountain and murmured.

“So, what are we going to do next?”

“Do you want to report to the Sengoku Marshal and apply for a temporary retreat?”

Lieutenant General Squirrel retreated.

“How can you retreat?”

“This is a demonic order mission that must be erased!”

“If we are so frightened off by a simple man, where will our face, the face of the navy, be put aside?”

Lieutenant General Dauberman and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider stared angrily at each other.

“Hey, look, what is that arrogant man going to do again!”

The long-headed general Strobery screamed.

When I heard the news, everyone was shocked.

Suddenly turn your head.

But he saw Qi Yu standing on the edge of the hesitant bridge.

The famous knife Griffin at the waist is completely out of the sheath.

“Ten warships and five lieutenant generals are also trying to take me down!”

“There must be a limit to not measuring your own strength, Navy!”

Qi Yu grinned.

The sound was like thunder, exploding the whole sky.

Everyone in the entire sea area of the Isle of Justice is clearly audible.

“This voice… So strong! ”

“Who the hell is that?”

The straw hat boy in Warehouse No. 1 and Luci’s deathmatch, Namijoba in the underground passage, and others are all subconsciously shocked and sighed.

“If you want to fight with me on an equal footing, you need at least two generals!”

Qi Yu’s thunderous and arrogant words once again resounded throughout the sky.

“Two generals!!!”

“What a big breath!!!”

Rob Luke, who had fought to the death of the Straw Hat Boy, snorted disdainfully.

Although he did not know who the other party was, he dared to say such arrogant words.

In Robluch’s view, it is too arrogant.

However, knowing Qi Yu’s identity and strength, as well as the lieutenant generals in this special time period, they would not have any refutation of it.

Because they knew that Qi Yu at twelve o’clock in the afternoon really had the qualification to be the strongest.

In the same way, it does have the strength to shout at two strong general-level people at the same time.

“Damn, how can you make that arrogant guy do whatever he wants?”

Under the pressure of Qi Yu’s momentum, the grumpy lieutenant general ghost spider did not bow his head, but instead burst into flames.

The soles of his feet slammed down on the deck, and his figure suddenly soared into the sky.

Stepping on the moon, he approached Qi Yu on the Hesitant Bridge.

“Ghost Spider”

Seeing that there is no way to stop the companions.

The four lieutenant generals of the Fire Mountain, the Squirrel, the Doberman and the Stoloberry also stepped on the moon in unison.

Five lieutenant generals of the naval headquarters attacked like crane wings.

At the time when it was only about 100 meters away from the hesitant bridge.

The lieutenant general Ghost Spider, who had the strength of a superior sword master, cut off his drink and made a sword.

At the same time.

The four men of Burning Mountain, Squirrel, Doberman and Stoloberry also drew their swords out of their sheaths.

Five powerful swordsmen attacked in unison.

Five slashes that were enough to cut open the hesitant bridge converged towards a point.

The central point that will be hit is naturally Qi Yu.

“Just five lieutenant generals, also delusional to challenge the emperor of the King’s Landing!”

“You guys have courage, but you’re also stupid!”

Qi Yu stood proudly.

The ‘little dagger’ between the right hands of Griffin blooms with a dazzling light.

Face the five lieutenant generals, who are strong enough to pierce the golden rift stone.

Qi Yu also made a knife.

Just one knife.


The flying slashes of the five swordsmen were like mirrors.

The moment it came into contact with Qi Yu’s sword qi, it suddenly shattered.

Not even the slightest delay or weakening can be done.

The terrifying sword qi that spread for a hundred meters burst forward.

Ling’s five lieutenant generals, including Fire Mountain and Squirrel, were all terrified.

Hurriedly step on the moon step or descend, or rise, to dodge.

The next second, however.

Something happened to everyone’s surprise.

The flying slashing sword qi emanating from Qi Yu’s blade did not sweep into the sky as expected.


The brilliant sword qi froze in mid-air.

A light that was even brighter than the sun bloomed, causing the people who looked up to them to close their eyes unconsciously.


Ears can also be heard.

Click, click!

It was as if something was breaking apart.

Five lieutenant generals and many more powerful men in the navy held their eyes open.

Then I saw a picture that I could not forget even in my lifetime.

It was the sky shattering!!!


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