“Every day… The heavens are cracked!!! ”



Click, click!

The sky clicked at this moment.

Present the effect of a mirror shattering.

It was caused by the double vibration force hidden under the sword qi.

Blessed by the power of the sun at noon.

The vibrating power picked up from the white beard is also at its peak.


Qi Yu once used this to crush an island.

Right now.

This vibrational force, which did not lose the white-bearded Buddha-figure, shattered the sky.

And that’s just the beginning.



“The sky… Shattered!!! ”

“What a terrible power this is!”

“That man slashed the sky with a knife!”

When you witness the horror of the sky shattering like a mirror.

The ten naval slaying demons made the sailors who were still standing on the warship all lose their voices in shock.

Even the powerful five elite lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters were no exception.

“Can anyone tell me what’s going on?”

The lieutenant general squirrel lost his voice and shouted.

“That arrogant bastard’s slash, why can it have this effect?”

“This kind of thing is simply unheard of!”

Lieutenant General Burning Mountain was full of absurdity.


“That’s definitely not just a simple slash!”

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider’s steadfast way.

“That’s right!”

“This phenomenon seems to have been seen somewhere before!”

Lieutenant General Dauberman frowned and groaned.

After a moment, he seemed to think of something.

The scarred face can’t help but appear extremely shocked and incredulous.

“How… How can it be! ”

“How can this man have the power of that monster old man?”

Dauberman screamed.

Click, click!

Just when the five elites will be immersed in shock, they will not be able to extricate themselves.

The rift in the sky suddenly lengthened.

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider and Lieutenant General Strobery at the fracture node were both hit hard, unconsciously spewing out a mouthful of blood.

“Retreat quickly and stay away!”

“That man’s attack isn’t over yet!”

The face of the burning mountain changed suddenly.

Alone with Dauberman, he helped the ghost spider who was unfortunately affected to retreat.

The rift in the sky is constantly extending.

Finally touch the sea.


The calm sea suddenly set off terrifying waves.

Sea quakes triggered by air quakes.

Finally, a huge tsunami formed.

This is the first hand of the Whitebeard war on the top.

Now it was triggered by Qi Yu.


The sea trembled violently.

The waves are constantly rising.

It was only a minute before and after.

A 100-meter wave has formed.


The ten slayer demons caused the sailors on the warship to fall into utter trepidation.



Judicial Tower Orientation.

“What the hell is that?”

The cigarette in the mouth of the black foot Yamaji involuntarily fell to the ground, splashing a little Mars.

“That’s the guy too!”

“The man Mei Li brought was caused!”

At the top of the Tower of Justice, Usopp danced excitedly and shouted.

“The previous one… Could it be sword qi? ”

Sauron clenched his teeth, and his right hand subconsciously landed on the three knives on his waist.

“Is that the power of the Great Sword Master who has reached the peak of Kendo?”

“The last time I saw Hawkeye was just the tip of the iceberg!”

“The power of a knife, smashing the sky, causing a tsunami, this is the power of the real great sword!!!”

Sauron murmured in shock.

A series of crazy brain supplements flashed in the mind unconsciously.

“What the hell is going on over there at the Bridge of Hesitation?”

“Why did the sky shatter? Why is there a tsunami? ”

Warehouse One, CP9 The strongest man in eight hundred years, Robluch, was completely shocked.

“Is it all done by the man who spoke earlier?”

Previously, he only thought that was Qi Yu’s arrogance and arrogance in his own words.

When he was done cleaning up the straw hat boy here, he would go over there and have a good look.

By the way education education.

Yet now.

Lu Qi did not have the slightest contempt or disdain in his heart.

If this series of heaven and earth changes is really caused by that man.

Then even ten of them are not enough to see.

Lutch put away the bold ideas of the past.

The straw hat boy who decided to clean up here was to finish work.

That’s when it happened.

“Second gear – rubber – jet pistol !!!”

Luke, who was distracted during the battle, ate a straw hat Luffy without any defense.

On the spot, he vomited blood and flew backwards.


“Straw Hat Boy!”

Luke was furious.

The battle continues.


“Wow, aaaah, I’m going to die!”

On Mae Island of Justice, two giants each carrying a monarch bullfish and running towards the main entrance.

Imperial cattle fish on the back.

The little brother of the French family and the captain of the Carrera Company, Barry, and others, at this moment, all of them are terrified ghosts.

“That’s all there is to it!”

“Tsunami is happening even now!”

“I’m really going to die this time!”

“If that tsunami had come to us, we and the island would have been doomed together before the Order of the Slayer was killed!”

“Idiot, calm down! See clearly, the direction of that tsunami! ”

“That’s not coming for our side!”

“Alas, it seems that this is really the case!”

“Big Brother… Big Brother French seems to be still over there, is it really no problem? ”

“There must be no problem, we should retreat now!”


Amid the shock and amazement of the Slaughtering Navy, the Navy and government personnel stationed on the Isle of Justice, the French family and Carrera shipwrights, and the Straw Hats.

The 100-meter tsunami caused by the air quake shot at the ten Slayer Warships.

As you can imagine.

Hit head-on by such terrifying tsunami waves.

Even the Navy’s highest-ranking warship, a war-class warship, may not be able to carry it.

This is the true power of natural disasters!

Even if Qi Yu wanted to terminate it now, it was impossible.


The situation on the battlefield is always changing rapidly.

Without warning.

An extremely cold air drifted over the sea.

The temperature in the midday air drops by ten degrees in an instant.

“Glacier – Century !!!”

A lazy voice came from the sea in the distance.

At the same time arrived the absolute freezing force that froze everything.

The terrifying tsunami of great waves suddenly stopped when it was only the last ten meters away from the Slayer Warships.

The flowing sea water is no more.

Instead, a huge ice sheet appeared.

It’s not just tsunami waves.

The extremely cold absolute freezing force indiscriminately freezes the sea within a radius of thousands of meters.

The sun is shining and the ice is shining.


The whole place was silent.

I don’t know how long it has been.

“This terrible freezing ability, is it … Admiral Pheasant!!! ”

On the hesitant bridge, Robin was a stirring spirit, unconsciously shouting, breaking the silence here.

Look at the frozen sea for a moment.

The first thing that came to Robin’s mind was the name and figure of the terrifying frozen general Kuzan the Green Pheasant.

After all, it was a ‘nightmare’ that had been haunting her since the O’Hara incident twenty years ago.

The recent encounter on the uninhabited island completely exploded this fear.

At this moment, when it was learned that the general Green Pheasant had appeared.

Robin’s delicate body instinctively gave birth to horror and fear.

The next second, however.

A warm breath like the sun suddenly shrouded me.

Robin lifted his chin slightly.

Look at the tall figure in front of you.

Look at the sun now standing in front of you.


The cold and panic in her heart that had arisen from the appearance of the great general Green Pheasant disappeared in an instant.

I don’t know why.

But the man in front of her now is her sun!!!

Qi Yu!

How could Robin not know about this name!

The New World is enough to be an uncrowned emperor on an equal footing with the four Sea Emperors!

Even qualified to compete for the title and throne of the world’s strongest man!

At this moment, it was the frozen power of the Great General Green Pheasant.

It was no longer possible to make Robin’s hands and feet as cold as before, and even the blood was frozen and coagulated.

Because now she has the warm sun shining to dispel all the cold!!!

“Thank you, Mr. Qi Yu!”

Robin took a deep breath and thanked him softly.


The other side.

“Deserved… saved!!! ”

Look at the ‘ice cream ice sheet’ overhead.

The ten Slayer Demons caused the main sailors on the warship to collapse on the deck as if they were out of strength.

Fine cold sweat wet their whole bodies.

That face was filled with trepidation and joy for the rest of his life.

“Tsunami… The tsunami was frozen! ”

“This ability… Sure enough…”

“There won’t be anyone else!”

“In this world, the only one of the three highest combat forces of our navy has the ability to freeze the sea for a moment!!!”

“General Green Pheasant Kuzan!!!”

“Kuzan is coming!”

“Admiral Green Pheasant, our Admiral has arrived!”

“Mr. Kuzan is here and has been saved!”

“Admiral Kuzan—”

Jingle Bells!!!

Thousands of calls to ‘drive’ out!

Under the ardent anticipation and call of tens of thousands of headquarters sailors.

Admiral Kuzan of the Admiral Headquarters——

Riding a bicycle, accompanied by the crisp sound of the bell, from far and near, finally appeared!!!


“Finally give it up!”

The corners of Qi Yu’s mouth raised a pleasant arc, as if he had already known the existence of the Great General Green Pheasant.

The appearance of the general pheasant was unexpected, but it was reasonable.

Twenty years ago.

Because of the giant’s best friend Sauro.

Kuzan moved his compassion and let Robin go.

Twenty years after that.

Kuzan has been secretly observing and monitoring all of Robin’s behavior.

Because he needs to take responsibility for his own actions that year.

If Robin really becomes a hazard to the world.

Then he will take responsibility for clearing the threat.

The beginning and end of the Alabastan incident, of course, as a general, Kuzan will not be unaware.

He didn’t expect that Robin had disappeared for six years and was actually hiding under the Seven Martial Seas.

Although I don’t know the purpose and reason for this.

But sooner or later, Robin, who joins the Sea Thief, will become a real threat.

This time it was a sand crocodile.

The next time may be the Four Emperors.

So the pheasant finally made up his mind.

A final assessment is given to Robin who joins the Straw Hat Corps.

That encounter on the uninhabited island was not really an accident.

The subsequent Water Capital event was arranged by the Green Pheasant.


Performing an undercover mission in the Water Capital, how could Lukee, who was on a blueprint with his sword on Pluto, learn of Robin’s whereabouts as soon as she arrives.

This is also the information given by the general Green Pheasant.

Robin is then arrested and coerced.

It was also secretly directed by the general Green Pheasant.

The purpose is to test the bond between Robin and the Straw Hat Regiment.

If Robin had turned his back on his partner as before.

The pheasant will not hesitate to arrest it with his own hands.

If Robin is willing to sacrifice himself to save the Straw Hat Regiment.

Robin’s test passed.

However, there is still a crisis of arrest.

Then came the test of the Straw Hats.

The test is whether they have enough strength to protect the son of the devil coveted by all sides.

The test that the pheasants gave them was cp9.

It’s just that the general pheasant didn’t expect that.

The Straw Hat gang who failed to pass the one-week examination turned out to be really bold and launched a challenge for the purpose of the second week.

Directly from the water capital to the Isle of Justice, there was a big fuss.

On a whim, he handed the golden telephone worm to Spendam and did not think too much.

As a result, he did not think that the idiot of Spandam had actually launched the Slayer Order.

That’s it.

Things were already a little out of his control.

But it’s fine.

Just next.

Qi Yu’s appearance was far beyond the expectations of the Great General Qingjing.

This whole incident has completely gone violent!!!

Not long ago, at the first time of discovering Qi Yu.

The Great General Green Pheasant couldn’t help but want to enter.

The breath that exploded in an instant was still captured by Qi Yu’s perception of seeing and hearing.

The reason why Qi Yu used the air shock to cause the tsunami.

One of the reasons is also to force the big general pheasant who is secretly peeping out of the screen.

Sure enough.

At a time when the Navy was about to be completely destroyed.

As the supreme combat strength of the Navy, the Green Pheasant naturally could not remain indifferent.

Ice Age, Launch !!!

The general Pheasant appeared!!!

The collision between the Admiral of the Admiral and the Uncrowned Emperor of the New World is on the verge of !!!


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