Naval Headquarters, Marin Fodo.

Not long ago, the storm of the Demon Slayer Order is still continuing.

A dignified atmosphere still envelops the entire headquarters.

The sailors who remained at the headquarters were in groups of three or two, and there was a lot of discussion.

The focus of the discussion was naturally on the target island of the slaughter order.

Isle of Justice – Ainis Hall!

It is one of the three institutions of world government.

But now their navy is going to carry out a demonic order destruction there.

The navy took the initiative to destroy its own island, even ignoring its naval companions on the island.

Anyway, it’s too weird.

This moment.

Many sailors had some different ideas about the absolute order of the Slayer Order.

More than just ordinary sailors.

Even the marshal standing at the apex of the navy was frowning at the moment.

When the first order was given.

Thinking of the absoluteness of the Demon Slayer Order, the Marshal Warring States was naturally cheerful.

Now that I have thought about it carefully, I have finally come back to some taste.

I felt that the implementation of this demon slaughter order was really too hasty.

“Kuzan, which idiot gave the golden phone bug to?”

Marshal Sengoku’s teeth creaked.

This is basically the water washed away the Dragon King Temple, and the family beat the family!

If it is passed out, it must be a scandal and black history of the Navy.

It caused great damage to the prestige of the Navy and the government.

It’s just that that’s it.

The Demon Slayer Warships are probably already in combat.

It was too late to withdraw.

Sure enough, you still need to find a scapegoat.

“One Piece Straw Hat Gang, Straw Hat Kid Munch D Luffy!”

“I’m sorry, Karp, this time I’ll take your grandson to the blame!”

“But this matter was originally caused by your grandson!”

Marshal Sengoku Mizuki thought.

Information control, they are also professional in the navy and the world government.

In the previous Alabastan incident, the credit can be taken on Smaug.

This Justice Island incident can naturally blame all the faults on the pirates.

Thinking of this, the tense mood of the marshal Sengoku was also much more relaxed.


“Marshal of the Warring States!”

Rapid footsteps accompanied by soul-like cries of panic came from the corridor.

Marshal Sengoku, who was so frightened that he relaxed, almost fell under his desk.

After returning to its usual posture at a speed of 0.1 second.

“Come in!”

Marshal of the Warring States majestic opening.

His eyes then fell on Brigadier General Brannew, who pushed the door in.

“What’s the matter, Brannew, the panic is really not good!”

Sengoku scolded angrily.

“Yes… Yes”

“I’m really sorry, Marshal of the Warring States!”

Brigadier General Brannewer bowed and apologized.


“Get up, what’s the matter?”

Sengoku nodded with satisfaction.

“Marshal of the Warring States, something big has happened!”

“Just now, I received a report from the Demon Slayer Order Special Operations Team!”

“The ten Demon Slayer warships that went to the Isle of Justice were almost completely destroyed!”

Green-haired Brigadier General Brannew’s anxious report.


“You tell me again?”

“What is almost the total annihilation of the army?”

Originally, the old god was nodding his head in response to the shocked shooting of the Sengoku.

The whole person trembled slightly from extreme shock and disbelief.

After all, it was a slaughtering order that gathered five elite lieutenant generals and 100,000 sailors!

Everywhere you go, it’s all about islands!

But now some people say that their naval operations at the highest level are almost counterattacked?

Are you kidding!


Brigadier General Brannewer of the Navy Headquarters, with a short green curly hair, stood upright and saluted.

He swallowed hard before continuing.

“In this operation, in addition to the invasion of the Straw Hat gang on the Isle of Justice, there was also an unexpected man!”

“Who the hell is that, you’re going to say it soon!”

The Sengoku are in a hurry.

Extremely dissatisfied with Brannew’s selling report.

“That unexpected man is Qi Yu!”

“Deputy Captain of the Red-Haired Pirate Regiment – Arrogant Qi Yu!”

Brigadier General Brannewer shouted in a broken voice and said the heavy name.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to say it directly.

It is really the weight of this name that makes him unable to speak.

A moment of silence.


The voice of the marshal of the Warring States was also raised by an octave.

“Deputy Captain of the Red-Haired Pirates?”

“That arrogant bastard!”

“Why did that guy appear on Justice Island?”

The Warring States shouted, almost breaking the sound.

“About a week ago!”

“Someone in the New World witnessed the man and Hawkeye Mihawk on the Empty Island Challenge together!”

“They were supposed to have come from heaven to the first half, but it doesn’t matter now.”

Vice Admiral Tsuru, the Grand Staff of the Navy, arrived and acted vigorously.

Behind her was a tall and beautiful woman.

But at this moment, she was always keeping her head down, with a faint sadness on her face.

Obviously, the last time I said yes, although they are in different camps, they must fight for their own justice.


But once again, he deceived himself.

“What a hopeless idiot I am!”

Admiral Peach Rabbit Gion small mouth tightened, stubbornly not letting the tears fall.

“Xiao He, what is the situation?”

“What happened to the Demon Slayer that almost destroyed the action team?”

Marshal Sengoku reacted, and the top priority was not to find out how Qi Yu came from, but what impact his actions had on the Navy.

“According to the squirrel’s report, he slashed the sky with one knife!”

Lieutenant General Crane muffled.

“What do you say? Really fake? ”

“Chopping? How to break it? ”

Sengoku was shocked again, obviously frightened by the statement of Lieutenant General Crane.

“It’s not over yet!”

“After a knife shattered the sky, it also triggered a tsunami!”

Lieutenant General Crane added, with a complicated look.

“Atmospheric shattering? Tsunami? ”

Listening to these few key words, Marshal Warring States had some inexplicable familiarity in his heart.


He reacted.

“The air quake caused the sea quake and formed a tsunami, isn’t this the proud move of the bastard with the white beard?”

“Is Whitebeard here too?”

The voice of the Warring States this time was indeed broken.

Because he found that this speculation was really not impossible.

After all, there are a lot of people in the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment who are wandering in the first half of the day.

In order to eliminate the traitor Titch, it is not surprising that Whitebeard himself went out to do so.

“No, Sengoku, all of this was triggered by that arrogant man!”

The deep meaning of the Lieutenant General’s Crane is self-evident.

When they don’t know.

Qi Yu became stronger again!

Much more terrifying than they knew!

It is even very likely that he has mastered some kind of ability similar to that of Whitebeard!


Lieutenant General Crane denied his own terrible conjecture.

Marshal Warring States finally let out a long sigh and fell back into his chair.

“Well, Branniu said earlier that it was almost destroyed, that is, they should all be fine if they burned the mountain!”

Returning to its composure, the head began to function again.

No longer as startled as it was at first.


Lieutenant General Crane nodded quietly.

“Fortunately, Kuzan arrived in time to freeze the sea, and the slaughter of demons saved the fleet!”

“It’s Kuzan!”

Marshal Sengoku was not so unexpected.

After all, in this sea, there are not many people who can handle tsunamis.

Among the Navy, only the freezing ability of the pheasant can do it.

But the doubts also follow.

“What the hell is that guy Kuzan doing this time?”

“I just asked him if he started messing around?”

“The golden telephone bug is just a matter of giving it to people!”

“I don’t believe that…”

Sengoku shook his head and did not continue to speak in front of Branniu and Gion.

After all, it is the reputation of the general.

He could only ask Kuzan afterwards why he had been wandering around the Isle of Justice so coincidentally.

Obviously, he was present, but he ignored the big fuss of the straw hat gang.

If he had intervened earlier, there would have been no such disruption later.

The more Marshal Sengoku thought, the angrier he became.

That’s when it happened.


A mid-breath roar came.

The legendary Vice Admiral Karp of the Navy grinned widely.

“The preparations for the voyage have been completed!”

“I can go at any time and give the redhead a head-on blow!”

Kapu swung his iron fist and was full of war.

“Kapu, this time it’s not the redhead, it’s Qi Yu!”

Lieutenant General Tsuru stressed.

“Neither the redhead nor Qi Yu makes much difference!”

“The red-haired pirates are not good things anyway!”

Karp skimmed his lips.

There is a deep resentment towards the red-haired pirates.

It’s also nature.

After all, the redhead was the culprit who brought his grandson into the pirate path.

Karp was ready to train Luffy the Straw Hat to become the King of the Navy.

The result is an inattentive one.

That’s how red-haired Shanks gave it a go.

All these years.

Kapu didn’t say anything, and his heart was always full of resentment.

It’s just that there are some deep-seated reasons.

He also didn’t want to go directly to the red-haired pirate group to find the fault.


The handle finally came to the door.

Karp is already starting to rub his fists.


This time I went to the Isle of Justice to fight.

He can also put water on his grandson ‘openly’.

Lest you be caught in the whole thing later, it will not be good.

Although he became a pirate, he was not his grandson anyway.

“Sengoku, hurry up and give orders!”

Karp couldn’t wait to urge.

“Mr. Sengoku, I’m going to go with you too!”

Gion raised his hand and his eyes were filled with tears.

“Gion doesn’t cry!”

“You Uncle Cat will help you teach that scumbag later!”

Kapu promised to stand up for Gion.

“He’s not a scumbag!”

Gion stared wide-eyed and retorted.


Karp was dumbfounded.

Why is this baby’s elbow still turning out?

Lieutenant General Crane smiled helplessly.

Branniu looked confused.

Without waiting for the inquiry, he was slapped by the marshal Sengoku and pulled out of the marshal’s office.

“Don’t worry, Kapu!”

Lieutenant General Tsuru Road.

“How can you not be in a hurry, if you don’t hurry up, that guy is going to run!”

Karp narrowed his eyes.

“You set off now, and when you get to the place, the broccoli is cold!”

Lieutenant General Crane stall stall hand.


Karp was puzzled.

“Originally, with the help of the high-speed circulation between the gates of justice, the Isle of Justice could be reached in an hour!”

“But now don’t forget that the door to justice on the other side of the Isle of Justice is still open!”

“And now that sea is frozen by Kuzan, and the door can’t be closed!”

“So now to go to the Isle of Justice, at least half a day!”

Lieutenant General Tsuru explained.

“Then let the boy Kuzan drag him for half a day!”

“It should be reasonable for a general to go all out for half a day!”

Karp said naturally.


“If it’s a night time, it’s not difficult to just drag it out!”

“Just do you know what time it is?”

Lieutenant General Crane had a strange look.

“What time is it?”

Karp really didn’t know.

“Twelve o’clock in the afternoon!”

Marshal Sengoku Road.


Karp was dumbfounded again.

“Mo said it was Kuzan!”

“Even you, Karp, can you win the man at noon?”

Lieutenant General Tsuru asked rhetorically.

“Right now, it’s best to be able to get along without incident!”

“Marshal of the Warring States”

Brigadier General Blannewer went and returned, shouting in a hurry.

“Hit… Fight is on! ”

“Just received a distress call from Justice Island!”

“Admiral Kuzan is about to be ‘blown up!!!”


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