“Oh well”

“General Kuzan is mighty!”

“See? This is the highest combat strength of our navy! ”

“Turn into a sieve under the attack of General Kuzan!”


Look at Qi Yu covered by thousands of needle swords.

The sailors watching the battle from a distance of hundreds of meters were shouting with excitement.

However, their cheering soon came to an abrupt end.

The faces turned to be filled with unparalleled shock and disbelief.

The sailors couldn’t believe their eyes.

What do they see?

The front was subjected to more ferocious fire from the general Green Pheasant than the machine gun.

Qi Yu didn’t say that he had turned into a sieve, and he still couldn’t see even a little scrape on his body.

He’s still unscathed!

What a horror!


“Sure enough, as the intelligence says, that man is a monster!”

“Even if it is the dragon body of the Hundred Beasts Kaido, it is not as good as him!”

Lieutenant General Dauberman’s teeth creaked.

“Is Admiral Kuzan really okay?”

Stoloberg’s face trembled with fear.

“That’s a great admiral of our navy!”

“How can it be so easy to lose?”

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider Road.

“But just in case, we must also be ready for support!”

Lieutenant General Fire Mountain looked solemn, and he turned his head to look at the squirrel.

“Has the headquarters been in touch with each other?”

“In contact in contact!”

Lieutenant General Squirrel was sweating profusely.

Kung fu between words.

Hundreds of meters away from the battlefield of the generals.

Shock regeneration.

The temperature in the air is constantly rising.

Obviously, it is on top of this ten thousand miles of ice field.

However, it gives people the feeling of being in a sea of fire and roasting on a fire.

“It’s hot!”

“What the hell is going on?”

“It’s too hot!”

“Obviously there is General Kuzan, why is it so hot?”

The sailors screamed.

“All of you, keep going back!”

The lieutenant general burned the mountain and immediately made a decision, and gave the order.

Rising temperatures in the air are an extremely bad sign.

This means that the midday sun has risen to its highest point.

At the same time, it also represents Qi Yu’s strength to reach the peak state.

The rumored sun of arrogance, this time is really going to appear!!!

A drop of cold sweat oozed from the pheasant’s forehead.

Before it could fall, it was evaporated by the terrible heat.

Right now.

A pheasant with the ability to freeze fruit naturally.

Born with an extremely cold atmosphere, he felt that he was about to be heated!!!

This is the first time since getting the Frozen Fruit.

At this moment, he only felt as if he were in the center of the sun.

Before the heat of the sun.

Even the frozen fruit is completely suppressed.

Under the vibrating gaze of the pheasant.

Qi Yu’s right hand was held high, and one finger was in the sky.

“From this moment on, settle the battle in one minute!”

“Are you ready?”

Qi Yu looked at the Great General Green Pheasant.

Looking at Qi Yu, who was surrounded by the fire of the sun.

The alarm in the heart of the Great General Green Pheasant rose to the extreme.

There was no leisure to respond to Qi Yu’s arrogant words.

The Great General Green Pheasant did not hesitate to unleash his strongest hidden killer skill.


He slapped his face to the ground.


The huge ice surface shook violently.

The head of an angular ice giant suddenly bulged from behind the Great General Green Pheasant.

Followed by.


The ground roared.

Under the unbelievable gaze of people.

Just a few breaths.

A giant made entirely of ice rose from behind the mighty pheasant.

This is the ultimate means of the Great General Green Pheasant.

The dark blue frost giant, which is super-compressed with extremely cold and frost gas, has a hardness comparable to steel.

Twenty meters is not the limit.

However, the Frost Giant’s body is not the bigger the better.

The larger the body.

The domineering distribution becomes more dispersed.

The corresponding strength and defense will become weaker.

The twenty-meter-level Frost Giant was perfectly controlled by the Great General Green Pheasant.

Whether it’s agility, attack or defense, it’s best.

The Great General Green Pheasant took a deep breath and jumped into the heart of the giant’s eyebrows.

The frost giant’s originally godless eyes suddenly lit up.

The great sword standing in front of him danced in the wind.

It was also the moment when the Great Pheasant entered the Lord Frost Giant.


The roar of the ice earth resumed.

It was Qi Yu, who was surrounded by the fire of the sun, striding and running, taking the initiative to attack.

Each step down is a huge gully for which the thick layer of ice cracks.

Face Qi Yu who is attacking strongly.

The great general Green Pheasant is also uncompromising.

The heart moves.

The frost ‘Gundam’, which is made up of extremely cold air, moves forward with the footsteps of the shaking mountains.

The melted ice surface froze again under his feet.

Even if it is an ordinary flame.

At this moment, it was also difficult to escape the domineering freezing aura of the awakening level of the Great General Qing Yan.

However, what was burning on Qi Yu’s body at this moment was not an ordinary flame.

The golden red flame is the fiery fire of the sun.

Even the cold air of the Great General Green Pheasant awakening the frozen fruit could not freeze or extinguish it.


Arrogant Sun comes into contact with the Frost Giant.

The ultimate collision of horror ensued.

The Frost Giant Gundam controlled by the Great General Green Pheasant and Qi Yu of the Sun finally clashed completely.

The Frost Giant waved the great sword in his hand, ‘Frost Sorrow’.

A deep blue breath burst out from the tip of the sword.

Not sword qi.

It is a frost-cold shock wave that is even colder than the cold air of the Yellow Spring.

This frost shock wave came out.

Vaguely, even the heat of the sun is suppressed a little.

But it was only for a moment.

Watch as the frost shock wave comes closer.

Qi Yu waist famous knife Griffin out of the sheath.

Between waves.

A huge sun flame sword qi sprang out

The 100-meter Flame Sword Qi touched with the Frost Cold Great Sword Shock Wave.

A light that is brighter than the sun blooms.

The golden red sun is equal to the deep blue frost.

A moment’s stalemate.

The frost shock wave of the Frost Giant was cut open and swallowed up by the sun’s flame sword qi.

A tall figure rushed out from between the flames.

Rushing towards the Frost Giant’s body.

The pupils of the Great General Qing Yan, who captured Qi Yu’s trajectory with the domineering spirit of seeing and smelling, shrank suddenly.

A great sense of crisis arises in my heart.



The Great General Green Pheasant held his sword high and slashed at the locked target.

The sharp ice blade and the famous knife Griffin rendered in golden red color touch head-on.

The cold air on the dark blue blade melted and evaporated under the erosion of the sun’s fire.

Followed by.

More terrible things happen.

When Qi Yu hit this double hidden shock force was triggered.

Click, click!

The Frost Cold Great Sword, which condensed from the Extremely Cold Frozen Qi, made an overwhelmed clicking sound.

Then it exploded under the shocked and shocked gaze of the general Green Pheasant and the sailors watching the battle from afar.


The power of terror shockwaves spread.

The twenty-meter-level frost giant staggered and retreated

The original dark blue color of the Frost Giant is also half light.

The face of the Great General Green Pheasant in the Gundam Brow Control Room was also a little pale.

This mighty frost giant is the Frozen Fruit Awakening Body, which is also closely related to his body.

When a giant is wounded, it will eventually be fed back into his body.


The general Green Pheasant smiled helplessly.

He knew that even though he had come up with the last killer weapon.

In the end, the enemy could not be Qi Yu at noon.

Worst case.

It will even really be as Qi Yu said.

As the supreme combat power of the Navy, he would be defeated in a very short time!!!

But I can only do my best!

The Great General Green Pheasant took a deep breath.

The Frost Giant took a step forward to re-close the distance with Qi Yu.

A bone-chilling cold hits.

If ordinary people are afraid, they will be frozen into popsicles just by approaching.

This is the terrible thing about the awakening of the frozen fruit.

Discarded elemental damage cancellation.

In exchange for the ultimate attack damage.

Even if it is a physical strength with a high-level armed color shield.

Touching the Frost Giant’s body will inevitably be frostbitten.

However, the cold qi could not play any role for Qi Yu, who was as hot as the sun at this moment.

There is not the slightest hint of jealousy or hesitation.

Qi Yu took off into the air and faced the Great General Green Pheasant with the overwhelming fire of the sun.

“Euler Aura Euler!!!”

Hot fists rained down.

The dull crashing sound was mixed with an overwhelmed click.

The Frost Giant’s defensive shield emerged from a large rift crisscrossed by paths.

The giant’s body is also crisscrossed with ravines.

The color consists of dark blue to light blue.

Blood spilled from between the mouth and nose of the general pheasant.

His face grew haggard.

“Not good!”

“If this continues, Mr. Kuzan will soon be unable to hold on!”

“Mr. Green Pheasant’s Frost Giant is about to be blown up!”

The faces of the lieutenant generals who watched the battle from afar, such as the fire mountain, the weasel, and others changed drastically.

But even if you know, you can’t help it.

I can only clench my fists reluctantly.

Even the most powerful general of their navy was crushed by Qi Yu at this moment.

There was no way to fight back.

What about them?

Even if the desperate attack is forward, it is only cannon fodder.

In an instant, it will be burned away by the terrible fire of the sun.

“It’s over!”

Lieutenant General Squirrel was pale as snow.

The voice dropped.

Only a dull bang could be heard.

It’s like the heartbeat of heaven and earth.

“One minute is almost enough!”

“It’s time to end!”


Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

The right fist clenches slowly.

“It seems that this is the end of it!”

“But I’m also a major admiral!”

The general Green Pheasant grinned.

Push yourself to your limits and pour all your power into your fists.

The cracked right fist suddenly glowed blue.

The cracks are smoothed and healed.

“Come on, this is also my last!”

The Great General Green Pheasant’s eyes were bright and he threw his ultimate punch at Qi Yu.

“You’re strong, but…”

“My strength is above you!”

Qi Yu grinned wildly and arrogantly.

Fists that gathered the power of the massive sun burst forth and soared.

It’s a blow to the sun!

It’s the sun’s heavy punch!



The Frost Giant Fist touched it and shattered in an instant.

Qi Yu’s figure burst out along the Frost Giant’s fist.

Again, in an instant.

The twenty-meter-level Frost Giant exploded.

Countless ice cubes scattered and splashed.

Without waiting for the ground, it is melted and evaporated at high temperatures.

Between the ice cubes, the general pheasant was powerless to fly backwards, spewing blood from his mouth.

The battle of the emperors is over!

The highest combat strength of the Navy Headquarters, General Green Pheasant Kuzan, defeated!


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