“Admiral Kuzan!”

“Mr. Kuzan!”



On the ice battlefield of Justice Island, the terrified shouts of the sailors rose and fell, one after another.

Look at the Frost Giant that Qi Yu defeated with one punch.

Look at the big general Green Pheasant who vomited blood and didn’t know how to fly backwards.

The faces of the sailors were filled with extreme shock and disbelief.

They couldn’t believe it.

One of the highest combat forces of the Navy Headquarters, the Great General Green Pheasant, was defeated!

And it’s a quick defeat in such a short period of time!

After showing the strongest posture, he was still defeated by the man head-on.

There is not the slightest hint of small means.

One-on-one duel of great light.

The Great General Green Pheasant was defeated by Qi Yu in an almost crushing way!

What a shock!

How terrifying is that!

Look at the figure that is as hot and dazzling as the sun, unable to look directly.

The eyes of the sailors were filled with irrepressible horror.


Lieutenant General Burning Mountain soared into the sky with a step of the moon.

The first time followed by vomiting blood and flying backwards of the general Green Pheasant.

Lieutenant General Dauberman, Ghost Spider and others were vigilantly drawing their swords out of their sheaths.

If Qi Yu didn’t plan to give up, they could only fight to the death.


“After watching the previous battles, haven’t you seen the insurmountable gap between you and me?”

Qi Yu stood proudly, condescending to look down on the elite lieutenant generals of the headquarters.

“Cough cough”

“Stop it all!”

The big general pheasant coughed up a mouthful of bruises, and opened his mouth with difficulty.



The squirrel and the others pursed their lips, and finally said nothing.

Even if it is a grumpy ghost spider, it will be a banner at this time.

He didn’t dare to say anything, but just escorted the general Green Pheasant back to the warship to treat his wounds.

Watched the Navy crowd leave with interest.

Qi Yu did not pursue.

After all, the purpose of his trip was not really to go to war with the Navy.

“The Straw Hat Kid is almost over there!”

“Then 、、、”

Qi Yu’s gaze fell on the broken ice surface beneath his feet.

The power of the endless sun once again converged on his fist.

It was as if a blazing sun had formed in his fist.

“He he he … What is he going to do! ”

“Are you still going to do it?”


Under the terrified gaze of the sailors.

Qi Yu, who was holding a round of sun, suddenly slammed his fist on the thick ice surface under his feet.

Heaven and earth are silent.

Next second.

The brightest of the rays bloom.

Occupies everyone’s field of vision.

One can only dimly see the lava-like fire of the sun swimming in the ice.

The ice that had frozen for the glacier age of the great general Pheasant was falling apart at this moment.

Constantly melting and evaporating.

Half a day.

Stay calm.

The area of thick ice for a kilometer is no longer there.

The sea returns to its liquid state.

The waves are growing.

Pushing the remnants of the ice floes.

Everything before that was like a dream bubble.

Only the badly injured general Green Pheasant was reminding the Navy.

Everything they witnessed was a real thing.

“The Tao… Lieutenant General Dauberman, what are we going to do next? ”

A major general commander asked tremblingly.

Lieutenant General Dauberman looked at Qi Yu, who had returned to the Bridge of Hesitation.

He took a deep breath and gave the order.



Lieutenant General Fire Mountain and Squirrel and others are all long breath.

“If the opponent is the man, give up the task immediately!”

“That’s what Motobu means!”



The Bridge of Hesitation.

Qi Yu gathered up all the power of the sun.

Back to Robin, who looked shocked to the point of being sluggish.

“Makes you wait a long time!”

“If you want to clean up an admiral, you still have to work hard!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

Robin: “…??? ”

That’s a general, a general!

The highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters!

Not a roadside cabbage!


Look at the tall figure in front of you.

Robin felt an infinite sense of peace of mind for no reason.

Even the nightmare general Qingjing, who had been haunting her for twenty years, was crushed and defeated by this man’s strength.

Now there is nothing to be afraid of!

Kill the Devil – Robin thought.

“Let’s go!”

“It’s almost time to go back!”

Qi Yu reached out a large hand to Robin.


“It’s a great honor!”

Robin smiled.

The cold little hand rested on Qi Yu’s hot hand.

Jump down.

The Golden Merrier, freed from the ice confinement, just happened to catch the two men steadily.

“Hey, wait a minute~”

Frankie, a strange-looking underwear male reformer, has gone through many hardships and finally arrived at the bridge of hesitation.

During this period, it was also blown under the bridge by a mine trap by Spendum.

It was hard to climb up, and as a result, I had to go down again.

“Aaaah, go down, Uncle Ben is here too!”

French jumped down.

Just want to gorgeous fall to the Golden Merrier.

As a result, the sails turned.

French fell gorgeously into the sea again.

Good moments.

“Whew, huh”

Fluke, who had drunk a belly full of seawater, spewed out a column of water like a whale and gasped for breath.

His gaze swept around.

Seems to be looking for something.

“Nicole Robin, what about that guy?”

“Where is that super-powerful man?”

French hurriedly asked.

Robin simply pointed to the room in the second-floor cabin.

“It’s better not to bother now.”

Robin’s kind reminder.


French is also a rest.

Honestly lie on your back and rest on the deck.

I thought back to the shocking scenes I had witnessed before.

The battle of those powerful people who stand at the top of the world can really destroy the heavens and the earth!

In terms of the strength of the force, it was not much worse than the shelling of the ancient weapon Pluto.

The Golden Merry followed the currents and swung to the vicinity of the Tower of Justice.

“Sister Robin ~~~”

The loving Kurozu Yamaji twisted his little brute waist and jumped down.

The half-kneeling half-knelt before Robin.

A big foot suddenly stepped on his head, causing Yamaji to fall a dog to eat.

“Robin, what about the previous Great Swordsman?”

“Where is he?”

Sauron, like Frange before, inquired anxiously.

Robin smiled and pointed to the cabin.

Sauron nodded knowingly.

Knowing what Robin meant, he had to temporarily suppress the fire in his heart.

And then again.

“Bastard green algae head!”

“Are you looking for death?”

Yamaji, who was trampled by Sauron’s footsteps.

Two living treasures when even wrestling together.

“Mei Li!”

“My Mellie!”

“Thank you! Mei Li! You really are the best boat! ”

Sniper King Usopp lovingly touched every part of the Merry and burst into tears.

Another three minutes.

Nami, Joba, the mermaid Coco Luo and others are also reunited to the Merri.

“Ah, it’s really the Merriam!”

Joba, who could not move because of the side effects of the blue wave ball, shouted with joy.

“Mei Li really came to save us!”

“Thank you, Mei Li!”

Nami was also moved to tears.

“What a good ship!”

Mermaid Cocoro sighed.

“Then again, what happened earlier?”

“We seem to have heard a huge commotion!”

Coco Luo asked.

“Hahahahaha, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, look!”

“There are so many big warships over there!”

“It’s like a mountain!”

The little girl with the pigtails in her hair screamed in amazement.

“Meow Meow”

The little blue rabbit Kumbe meows in agreement.

“Alas alas”

Nami, who reacted with hindsight, suddenly narrowed her eyes in fright.

She could roughly guess that it was the warship of the Demon Slayer Order.

“Don’t be afraid! Nami! ”

Robin strode forward and hugged the trembling Nami.

“It’s all over!”

“Those navies won’t do anything to us anymore!”

Robin smiled reassuringly.


Nami’s weak opening.

“Of course”

Robin looked at the second-floor cabin room consciously or unconsciously.

As long as that person is there.

The Navy absolutely did not dare to do anything to this ship.

“Hahaha, Robin has been rescued, so hurry back and leave this ghost place!”

Nami smiled brightly.

“Wait a minute”

The green algae head Sauron seemed to think of something, and raised his hand to stop it.

“Speaking of Miss Nami, have we forgotten something?”

Yamaji, who had always been obedient to Nami’s words, did not immediately echo it.

The atmosphere suddenly fell into an awkward silence.

The sky seemed to fly past a few rattling crows.

The eyes of the Straw Hat crowd were wide open.


Robin, Nami and the other six members of the straw hat group shouted in unison.

They finally remembered.

The forgotten one.

While they relax and laugh.

Their captain seemed to be still in a bitter battle.


Just as everyone was preparing to help Straw Hat Luffy.


Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling sound on the battlefield of Warehouse No. 1.

“Rubber rubber—”

“Machine gun shooting!!!”

Shoot down at the Straw Hat Boy Munch D. Luffy’s desperate machine gun!

Cp9 Eight Hundred Years Strongest Robluch, defeated!

This long-running battle has come to an end!



The Straw Hat crowd shouted with excitement.

“Everyone, I won!”

Straw hat Luffy than a V gesture.

The body stumbled weakly, and then fell into the sea.

For the Golden Merry to catch steadily.

“Little ones, go out on the sail!”

Straw Hat Luffy shouted with all his strength.

The Golden Merry rode the wind and stepped on the waves.

Under the eyes of the ten Slayer Demon Order warships, they swung away.

The Isle of Justice incident has come to an end!!!


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