Naval Headquarters, Office of the Field Marshal.

A dignified atmosphere envelops the room.

No one spoke.

There is no high-speed circulation between the gates of justice.

It will take at least half a day for the naval headquarters warships to reach the Isle of Justice.

Definitely can’t catch up.

It is not impossible to arrive in a short period of time.

Someone clocking in to work in the general’s office now has the ability to arrive.

It’s just that Sengoku and others know.

That guy didn’t want to wade into the muddy waters even if he was killed.

Even if you go, you will watch the play, paddle the water, play soy sauce, and you will definitely not make much effort.

After all, four years ago、、、

“Marshal of the Warring States, there is news!”

Brigadier General Brannewer hardened his scalp to report again.

“How’s it going?”

“Kuzan… That kid is all right! ”

Cat asked hurriedly.

Among the three admirals.

Kapu and the pheasant Kuzan are the most similar in temperament.

In the past, the pheasant had also been following Karp on missions.

The relationship between the two goes without saying.

“Yes, Lieutenant General Karp!”

Brigadier General Brandon nodded.

“Happiness in misfortune!”

“Admiral Kuzan is still alive!”

Marshal Sengoku frowned and asked, “What are the details?” ”

“Marshal of the Warring States, that arrogant man left after defeating General Kuzan!”

“Except for the serious injury of General Kuzan, the scrapping of a warship, and the coma of 80,000 sailors in our navy, there is no big problem this time!”

The green-haired Brigadier General Branniu 1510 reported.

With a happy smile on his face.

For them, who anticipated the worst situation of total annihilation of the army.

Now the result is already very good.

“Besides, that man has now left Isle of Justice with the Straw Hats!”

“There will be no other changes!”

Branniu added.


After listening to Brannew’s report.

The people in the marshal’s office were all breathless.

Indeed, this is already the best result.

The loss of a mere warship is nothing at all.

The coma of eighty thousand sailors was only temporary.

As for the Admiral Pheasant、、、

As long as you can’t die, it’s not a big deal.

“Poof, hahahaha”

“Then it’s almost time for the old man to go!”

“First go to the Isle of Justice to comfort Kuzan, and then 、、、 hum!”

“I’d like to see what the red-haired bastard wants to do when he sends someone to contact Luffy!”

Karp’s eyes lit up.

The intent speaks for itself.

The monk who ran could not run the temple.

He decided to go directly to the water capital to arrest people.

Even if Qi Yu could not be caught, he would still have to educate that idiot grandson for a long time.

For Karp’s wayward behavior, the marshal of the Warring States did not stop it.

Let him let it go.

In contrast, his field marshal’s immediate priority was to properly handle the aftermath of the Isle of Justice incident.

Negative news must not be allowed to leak out too much.

“Sister Crane”

Gion turned his head and looked at his sister with a look of hope.

“Go for it, go for it!”

“Go when you want!”

“But this time, don’t be easily deceived by that man’s rhetoric!”

Lieutenant General Crane shook his head helplessly.


Gion confidently shook his small pink fist and looked determined.

“This incident will definitely not let him fool him again!”

“I absolutely want him to give an explanation!”



Endless blue sea.

A ragged-looking, nearly scrapped sheep’s head pirate ship with a vigorous vigor moves forward cheerfully.

The ruined deck was filled with the laughter of the Straw Hats who had escaped death.

“Thank you, Mei Li, thanks to you, we were able to escape, we have been protected by you all along, it is really good to have a partner like you, thank you, Mei Li.”

Straw Hat Luffy lay on the bow of the sheep’s boat and thanked him softly.

On the deck, Nami, Robin, Joba and other members of the Straw Hat Regiment were full of joy on their faces.

About two hours later.

Under a clear sky, the tattered Melee confronts a large ship.

A large ship from the Carrera Company of the Water Capital.

Just as the Straw Hat gang greeted the water capital Shi Chang Asbagu with joy.

The strong ship Mei Li’s strong breath finally let go.

Stick it all the way to here, until someone comes to pick up the guys on deck.

Its mission has finally been accomplished.

I can’t walk any longer!

‘Click, click’

In the successive clicks, the Mei Li suddenly broke into two pieces from the middle without warning.

This sudden bad news caused the smiles on the faces of the straw hat on the ship to come to an abrupt end.

“Uncle Esbagu, you are a shipwright!” Hurry up and do something to save Mei Li quickly! ”

Luffy’s Straw Hat crowd shouted and pleaded anxiously.

For the request of the Straw Hats, the world’s top shipwright Ace Bagu only had a sad look on his face.

“Just let it sleep here!”

Esbagh said in a deep voice.

It was snowing in the sky.

A cluster of bright flames lit up above the sea.

Captain Luffy threw the torch at the wrecked Mellie.

The raging fire was instantly lit.

Supporting the ship of wonder Mei Li, who has finally completed her final mission.

Finally here comes its ‘end’!

Man has a time of death.

Boats are no exception.

In many cases, even more vulnerable than humans.

“I’m sorry, I wanted to take everyone farther away!”

“I’m sorry, I want to adventure with you forever!”

Between the raging fires, an ethereal sound once again sounded.

It was the Spirit of the Ship whispering.

Listening to the final farewell of the Mei Li, the Straw Hat gang, who had always held back tears, finally couldn’t help but cry in unison.

In the heavy snow, the sad cries of the straw hats continued.


No one noticed.

At some point, Qi Yu, who had regained his normal size, had already arrived on Carrera’s big ship.

Unceremoniously occupy the highest deck room belonging to Esbagu.

Again, no one noticed.

A small stream of light rushed from the burning Merriam.

Eventually it sank somewhere in the big ship.

“So what the hell…”

The top ship’s master Esbagu seemed to sense something and suddenly looked up.

Resolute face was full of shock and confusion.

“No, it should be an illusion!”

Esbagu shook his head and didn’t dig any further.



The farewell ceremony of the Merry lasted for an hour.

An hour later.

The wreckage of the ship completely sank into the sea.

Even if you don’t give up, it’s time to leave.

The Straw Hats boarded Carrera’s ship and headed back to the City of Water.

Another two hours.

The capital of water has arrived.

When the misunderstanding is clarified.

It was learned that the Pirates and Straw Hats were not the murderers of Esbagu.

Instead, it was after its savior.

The attitude of the citizens of the Water Capital towards the Straw Hat gang has changed by one hundred and eighty degrees.

So after learning the news of the victorious return of the Straw Hats, the whole water capital was boiling.

Considering that the Straw Hat gang has just experienced a life-and-death battle.

Esbagu stabilized the agitation of the people of the Water Capital.

For the time being, he declined everyone’s request to see the hero.

The Straw Hat gang rested in a cabin at Carrera One Dock under arrangement.

As for the inner residence of Dock No. 1, it is owned by Qi Yu.

Of course, Hawkeye Mihawk, who arrived first, is also staying here at this moment.

It’s just that apart from Esbagu, not many people know the shocking fact that the world’s first great sword master is in the dock at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, another two days passed.

Qi Yu couldn’t shut down for some reason.

Hawkeye Mihawk was also still closed to consolidate the kendo enlightenment of that day.

The other side.

Without the threat and pressure of the outside world, the Straw Hat gang is once again returning to the joy of the past.

Captain Luffy is using the ancestral stunt of sleeping while eating.

Nami, who had been born hopeless, completely recovered her spirit after seeing the return of the treasured orange tree and money.

And after Iron Man French reveals that he wants to use the treasure tree Adam to build a ship for them himself.

The atmosphere in the cottage was immediately warm.

Just as the Straw Hats cheered for the new ship that had fallen.

What they don’t know is —

A greater ‘danger’ than the Isle of Justice incident is looming.

On the coast of the water capital, a naval warship was ushered in.

The bow of the boat is an iconic giant Sharpie dog head that represents its belonging.

The legendary lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, the hero Kapu came!!!

Admiral-in-waiting, Peach Rabbit Gion also came!!!


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