“I’m sorry!”

“I’m really sorry!”

“I didn’t know it was a golden pillar!”

“Help! Nami is going to kill! ”

Luffy’s joyful cries echoed over the pool banquet hall.

Look at the straw hat Luffy who is being chased and killed by Nami.

The crowd tacitly looked at each other and laughed.

‘Sizzle Sizzle’

At the same time, Sauron, who had been woken up by Nami’s slap, was still inhaling cool air.

“Damn, where was the bastard who dared to sneak up on me before?”

Sauron scolded.

“What do you say? Green algae head! ”

“How dare you scold Miss Nami!”

Yamaji’s eyes spewed fire.

“All right, you two!”

Two white hands separate the-for-tat Sauron from Yamaji.

“Roronoa boy, have a drink!”

Qi Yu handed Sauron a wine glass.

“Ah—thank you”

Sauron took over.

Grunt gulp gulp gulp gulp and exhaust.

A soft hum of comfort.

All the unhappiness dissipated.

“Brother, it’s really good to drink with you!”

“Besides, looking at you, I always have a feeling of déjà vu!”

“Where have we seen it?”

Sauron asked confusedly.

I always felt that Qi Yu’s face was somewhat familiar.

He seemed to have seen it somewhere.

And before joining the Straw Hat Regiment, he was a pirate bounty hunter.

“Sauron Sauron”

Looking at Sauron who was still in a state of comfort, the little cute Joba was so frightened that he pulled the corners of his clothes.

“Hahaha, what’s wrong?” Joba, do you want to lift high? ”

Sauronda, who spoiled Joba the most, lifted Joba above his head like a child.

“Hahaha, no, no, no!”

Joba wanted to explain.

But for a while he was comfortable and unable to speak.

“I haven’t reacted yet!”

“What a dull thing, Green Algae Head!”

Yamaji wrapped his arms around him, and the old god was in the Tao.

“What do you say?”

Sauron squints at Yamaji.

In the end, Robin couldn’t stand it.

I had to open my mouth to introduce it.

“Sauron, this is Mr. Qi Yu!”

Hearing this, Sauron held up Joba for a moment.

His mind, paralyzed by a large amount of alcohol, gradually cleared up and functioned.

“Qi Yu”

Sauron muttered unconsciously.


His eyes widened suddenly.

The mouth is even wider to the limit.

He finally remembered.

I remembered the source of that sense of familiarity.

He became a pirate hunter more than a year ago.

I have seen the world’s current bounty rankings in the Bounty Guild.

The fifth person who followed the four Sea Emperors was none other than Qi Yu, who was known as the ‘Uncrowned Emperor’!

“[email protected]#¥%!!!”

Sauron yelled incoherently.

He suddenly got up.

The whole person is completely awake from a drunken state in an instant.

Looking at Qi Yu next to him, his gaze was no longer as casual as before.

It’s also nature.

I suddenly learned that the man who fought with him was a big man standing at the top of the world.

No one can be completely calm.

“That… Thank you so much for coming to the rescue! ”

Sauron’s restrained thanks.

Qi Yuhun waved his hand indifferently.

“Thank you or don’t worry!”

“I was originally entrusted by Shanks to take care of you!”

“Besides、、、 nothing and nothing!”

“Or keep drinking at the bar, Roronoa Kid!”

Qi Yu raised his glass again.

Sauron had a flattered look on his face.

After three consecutive glasses of wine.

Only then did his stirring mood calm down a little.

Look at Qi Yu in front of you.

Sauron’s subconscious thought of the knife he had seen on the day of the Justice Island incident.

Suddenly my heart itched, and my hands itched.

Scratch your ears and cheeks like a child.

“What’s the matter, Roronoa, there’s nothing to be said about.”

Qi Yu saw through Sauron’s desire and stopped.

“That… Actually, I was thinking…”

“That day I saw Sir’s amazing knife!”

“So please Mr. Qi Yu will not hesitate to teach one or two!”

Sauron’s sincere request.

He had just challenged Hawkeye during the day and experienced a fiasco.

At this moment, he challenged Qi Yu again.

I don’t know if I should say he’s drifting, or if he’s really head iron.

As Sauron’s voice fell.

The atmosphere between the venues was once again stagnant.

“Ah I go… Green algae head, are you crazy? ”

Yamaji lashed out.

“Yes, Sauron, don’t be impulsive!”

“Moreover, Mr. Qi Yu is our benefactor!”

“You’re so rude to say that!”

Joba was in tears.

“Sorry, Mr. Qi Yu, please…”

Don’t wait for Robin to finish speaking.

“Haha, yes.”

Qi Yu laughed and responded.

The conversation quickly turned around.

“It’s just, you’re not alone!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth seriously.


Sauron and the others were puzzled.

“This time, all eight members of your Straw Hat Pirate Regiment are together!”

“I want to make a complete assessment of the overall strength of all of you!”

“When you get back, tell Shanks if they don’t!”

Qi Yu smiled.

“Oh well”

“Oh well”


Although the heart panicked a lot.

But Qi Yu had already spoken.

The Straw Hat gang naturally had no reason to refuse.

Nami, who is chasing Luffy, and Luffy, the captain who is being hunted down, have also quietly returned to the team at this time.

When I learned about the next ‘special show’ from Robin’s mouth.

Nami was stunned and narrowed her eyes.

She stepped forward with her long legs.

Go straight to Qi Yu’s side.

“Lord Qi Yu, I’m just a weak woman, can I not participate?”

Nami tugged at Qi Yu’s arm.


She had already learned in detail from Robin what that day had been.

This handsome guy in front of him, but in one minute, he blew up the navy general who had abused them to death and live!

After that, it was a punch that destroyed the Thousand Mile Ice.


This is if you accidentally hit it.

Lives have to be accounted for here.

“Lord Qi Yu ~ Na ~ ”

In the face of Nami’s sly and flattering attacks, Qi Yu just smiled slightly.

So the expression on Nami’s face froze.

I had to shrug my head and honestly return to the ranks, weakly hiding behind Robin.

“Rest assured, Miss Nami, I will protect you and Sister Robin!”

Yamaji, whose eyes turn into the shape of a love heart, dedicates himself to hospitality.

“So… Sauron, you have to protect me too!” ”

Joba said weakly.

“Don’t be nervous! Joba! ”

“You’re already a wonderful man!”

Sauron reassured.

“Daddy’s partner’s test!”

“I must behave well!”

“Don’t lose Daddy’s face!”

Usopp snapped in the star cloak of the Jesus’ cloth.

“Oh, how handsome, Sniper King!”

Straw Hat Luffy’s eyes lit up.

It has not yet been discovered that the Sniper King is Usopp.

“Wait a minute”

The iron man at the very edge of the French, suddenly made a sound.


Qi Yu nodded calmly.

“It doesn’t matter if the long-nosed sniper king is words, but why should I be tested?”

“I’m not part of the Straw Hats!”

“And the most important thing is that I don’t want to fight a monster with a reward of three billion!”

“Dead people!”

Iron Man French wailed.

Then there was strabismus from Luffy and others.

“French, I thought we were already partners!”

“You are the captain of my ship!”

Straw Hat Luffy said seriously.

“Huh? Is that right? ”

The recognized French scratched his head, full of embarrassment.

“Big Brother!”

“Come on!”

“It doesn’t matter if you lose!”

“After all, the opponent is Mr. Qi Yu!”

“But you must play with style!”

The stockings perverted macho men of the Frankie family, such as the Block Sisters Flower and Zambi, shouted loudly to cheer for French.

“French, what you said makes sense.”

“Then if you don’t want to test, I don’t force it, and it’s okay to quit now.”

Qi Yu smiled.


“No, no, no, Mr. Qi Yu, I’ve changed my mind!”

“In order to believe in my people, I fought this fight!”

French’s imposing way.

“Well, if you’re ready, let’s get started!”

Qi Yu grinned.


A mighty momentum surged up like a tidal wave, sweeping the whole field in an instant!


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