
Powerful as the tide.

It swept the audience in an instant.


The originally noisy banquet hall was silent.

Whether it is the Straw Hat Regiment of Eight in the field or the French family and the Carrera boatmen who are fighting outside the field.

Everyone looked frozen and silent.

This is not the domineering spirit of the overlord color.

If Qi Yu releases his own overlord-level overlord color.

I am afraid that there are less than one hand that can stand in the end.

At this moment, what burst out from around Qi Yu was only the pure ‘domineering’ spirit of the strong man standing at the apex of the sea.

“That’s three hundred and thirty billion men!”

“So strong! It’s too powerful! ”

“Just by feeling this momentum, my hands and feet are already cold!”

“This is the Emperor of the Sea!!!”


The people outside the stadium whispered in shock and horror.

The three main forces of the Straw Hat gang in the field are all waiting in strict formation.

As a timid trio, Nami, Joba and Usopp are already on the verge of being scared to cry.

“Luffy, I’ll attack first!”

Sauron let out a loud roar.

The big fast knife and the word Dao Yi should be sheathed first, and bite it in the mouth.

Immediately after that, the three generations of good fast knives and the broken knife snow walked one after another.

“Nine mountains and eight seas, no self continuously…”

Sauron chanted fancy lines.

One side rotates the double knife in your hand.

“Three Knife Streams – Three Thousand Worlds!!!”

A dazzling cold light shimmered under the moonlight.

Sauron’s three-knife stream is the most powerful move to explode.


Don’t wait for Sauron’s three thousand worlds to explode.

A sheathed black knife suddenly burst out of the sky.

With just one blow, Sauron’s three thousand worlds were cracked.


Without the slightest bit of pressure.

On the other hand, Sauron, whose offensive was blocked, seemed to be suffering from great oppression at the moment.

He clenched his teeth.

Lips, hands and the whole body trembled slightly.

Now after a head-to-head confrontation with Qi Yu.

Sauron finally knew the weight of three hundred and three billion.

Look at Qi Yu in front of you.

Sauron felt as if he were facing an unattainable mountain.

Ming Ming Qi Yu hadn’t done anything yet.

Just cracked his moves.

But it still put a lot of pressure on Sauron.

It almost left him breathless.

This is a feeling that has not been felt when the Hawkeye is the opponent.

The confrontation between him and Hawkeye.

In the end, it is only limited to kendo.

Yet now.

But it is an all-round showdown of mental skills.

He was facing the real pyramid of the sea.

“There are still too many unnecessary movements!”


Looking at the stiff Sauron, Qi Yu just smiled and commented.

Sauron took a deep breath and without hesitation, he retreated and pulled away.

“Rubber – jet rocket launcher!!!”

After Sauron, Captain Luffy in the Straw Hat.

The figure slammed forward at the same time.

His hands were thrusting back.


Straw Hat Luffy slammed his feet to the ground.

One foot shattered the earth.

At the same time, the hands that stretched to the limit with a thousand and one forces struck towards Qi Yu not far away.

Face the onslaught of the straw hat.

Qi Yu did not dodge or dodge.

Let the Straw Hat Luffy’s rocket cannon fall on his bear chamber.

Only a dull crashing sound could be heard.

The ground behind Qi Yu raised a cloud of smoke and dust that drifted away with the wind.

Then there is no then.

Straw Hat Luffy’s all-out blow didn’t even make Qi Yu retreat even half a step.

Completely unshakeable!!!

“It’s still far off!”

Qi Yu said calmly.

“How come?”

Joba sluggish.

“Luffy and Sauron’s attacks didn’t work at all!”

Nami murmured.

“This is the man with the bounty of three hundred and three hundred million!”

“This is the strongest !!! in the world”

French and the others were amazed.

“Demon Wind Foot – The Finishing Touch!!!”

While the others were amazed, Yamaji, one of the three main forces of the Straw Hat, was not idle.

Immediately after Straw Hat Luffy, he launched a tentative attack on Qi Yu.

With the power of the rotation and heating, Yamaji’s right foot is like a red-hot iron pot.


Yamaji took off.

The strength of his whole body gathered in his right foot and kicked at Qi Yu’s arm.

In this regard, Qi Yu still did not dodge and let Yamaji’s attack fall.


It sounded like a clash of gold and iron.

“Well… It hurts”

A cry of pain sounded, but it was not Qi Yu who was attacked, but Yamaji who launched the attack.

Only a crisp click could be heard.

Yamaji’s all-out kick landed on Qi Yu’s arm, but it failed to shake Qi Yu in the slightest.

Instead, it made his own leg bone crack!?

Watching Yamaji, who launched the onslaught, suddenly hold his right leg and hum on the ground.

Everyone in the field was stunned.

What’s the situation?

Didn’t Yamaji attack Qi Yu before?

Ming Mingshanzhi was the attacking side, and Qi Yu was just passively standing to receive the move.

In the end, it was Yamaji who fell?

The people outside the battle were all confused by the second monk.

This face, they really have not seen.

“I’m afraid that Mr. Qi Yu’s physical strength is too strong!”

“Even if they just stand still, the Straw Hat and Yamaji’s attacks are completely unshakable!”

“They can even be hurt by their own reaction!”

Carrera’s shipwrights gave an explanation.

And the surprise on people’s faces was even greater.

“Sanji, are you okay?”

Joba asked without fear.

“Didn’t… It’s okay! ”

Yamaji grinned and stood up in pain.

Limp away again.

“Straw Hats, if you don’t come, then I’m going to move.”

Qi Yu smiled kindly.

One step at a time.

All I could hear was a loud boom.

The earth cracked.

The huge banquet hall split in half at Qi Yu’s feet

“It’s really ugly to sit back and wait!”

“I’ll come too!”

French shouted in full momentum.

The right wrist flipped open, revealing the muzzle of the gun beneath it.


Countless tongues of fire spat out.


“Get into second gear!”

Straw Hat Luffy regrouped.

The blood in his body suddenly accelerated.

It’s like boiling.

A pale red vapor rose from the surface of his body.

“Rubber rubber – machine guns fighting!”

Straw Hat Luffy strikes again.

The machine gun that once defeated the CP9’s strongest man, Robluch, reappeared.

With French’s shooting one left and one right formed a pinch attack.

“In this case, I will come too!”

“Just standing there won’t help!”

“I have to let my dad know that I’m a great sea warrior!”

Usopp took a deep breath.

Firebird Star – Continuous Shot!

One after another, phoenix-like fire meteors shot out from Usopp’s large slingshot.

Seemingly disorganized.

In fact, each one is precisely positioned in various parts of Qi Yu’s body.

“Three Knife Streams – One Hundred and Eighty Troublesome Winds!”

Sauron unleashed his own ranged sword qi attack.

“Thirty rounds of flowers!”

Robin crisscrossed his hands.

Flower and fruit ability to activate.

One by one, the white hands locked Qi Yu’s joints.

Five different attacks, blocking all evasion routes.

This is a deadly blow that definitely does not give the opponent a chance to dodge.

That’s what it should be.


The means of the supreme beings standing at the apex of the world have never been something they can speculate about.

Unlike the previous tough flesh frontal resistance.

This time Qi Yu took the route of dodging.

Complete a perfect dodge in an attack that is considered impossible to dodge.

Present under the gaze of the warriors.

They only saw Qi Yu moving up and down, left and right, as if strolling idly.

The action is extremely simple, there is no bells and whistles.

But it is such a small action, but it is a perfect dodge.

The stormy onslaught of the Straw Hats and his gang could not reach Qi Yu in the slightest.

Even the corners of his clothes were untouchable.

This is absolute dodge!

A full minute later.

The Straw Hats softened.

Looking at Qi Yu, who was still unharmed and dusty in the field.

Everyone’s hearts could not help but have a strong sense of powerlessness.

The opponent in front of you is overdone!

What a foul prodigy!

This kind of graben-like gap is simply not something that can be overcome by numbers and momentum!

This test 、、、 they really can’t do it

“Whew, huh”

“Is this the same move as the cp9 guys?”

Straw Hat Luffy gasped and thought about fighting Rob Luke.

The other side once dodged his machine gun with a six-type paper drawing.

But there is no doubt about it.

Qi Yu’s previous dodge was far above Lu Qi.

“No, little straw hat!”

“This is a domineering sight!”

Qi Yu explained with a smile.

“See and smell?”

The crowd was stunned.

Don’t wait for them to ask.

Next second.

Qi Yu’s right hand formed a fist.

Dark airstreams spiral around.

“And it’s the domineering nature of the armed colors!!!”

Qi Yu smashed his fist to the ground.


The feast earth crumbled for it!!!


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