
“Sorry sorry, just a little kidding!”

“I know, Mr. Qi Yu, you have a lot to do with the Navy one!”

Robin giggled happily.

Her eyebrows were bent and the corners of her mouth were raised.

Fully show his belly black side.

Of course.

Robin dared to do so.

It is also based on the premise of understanding Qi Yu’s temperament.

Such violent mood swings arise for the strong ones who can make the top of the pyramid.

Robin was also full of accomplishment and triumphant in his heart.

It’s just that her pride obviously can’t last long.

Next second.

When she saw Qi Yu’s raised slap draw on a certain part of her back.

The smile on Robin’s face immediately froze, and his look was already there.

The slim hand subconsciously covered the intact other half.

“I’m really sorry!”

“I was so overwhelmed!”

Robin quickly leaned forward to apologize.


Qi Yu lazily lay down on the recliner.

He carried the bottle in one hand and pointed to his thigh.

Robin was impressed.

Rush forward to remedy.

Start pounding and pinching Qi Yu’s legs.

Just a pair of hands on your own is not enough.

Even flowers and fruits bloomed everywhere on Qi Yu’s body.

The pressure from dozens of small white hands was something that even Qi Yu had never experienced before.

I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart, the flowers and fruits were indeed a good thing.

“Mr. Qi Yu”


“Actually, I really don’t understand something?”

Robin smiled slyly.


Qi Yu hummed comfortably twice.

“Mr. Qi Yu, why did you save me that day?”

Robin opened his beautiful eyes and looked at Qi Yu without blinking.

“I have already said that, entrusted by Shanks, to take a little care of his descendants!”

Qi Yu said casually.

“If that’s the case, you should have gone to Luffy’s side first!”

“Because that Shanks asked you to take care of Luffy, I don’t know Mr. Qi Yu at all!”

Robin Road.

“You are all in a regiment, who is not to be cared for?”

“Just as if you were lucky, I just happened to meet you.”

Qi Yu answered.

“Then there’s the matter of Spandam, you shouldn’t know anything about him.”


“So why?”

“Just a glance at the past you know the fact that the guy is a scumbag!” I’m just punishing the dregs!” ”

Qi Yu took it for granted.

“Not really, no, no”

Robin shook his head suddenly.

“How I felt at the time… And yours… All in all wrong”

That day on the Isle of Justice.

Qi Yu gave her a very special feeling.

It’s like Sauro twenty years ago.

Flooded her with light into the darkness and despair.

“Miss Robin, what the hell are you trying to say?”

Qi Yu asked rhetorically.

“I don’t know!”

Robin held his head in both hands and frowned in distress.

“Sorry, Mr. Qi Yu, for bothering you!”

Forget it.

Robin just turned and trotted away.


“The little girls are really inexplicable!”

“It can’t be that I’ve been in the red-haired pirate for a long time, been influenced by Shanks, and turned into a straight man of steel!”

Qi Yu looked suspicious and began to reflect on his previous conversation with Robin.

Nothing seems wrong!

But something doesn’t seem right!

Moreover, Robin’s problems are very problematic in themselves!

How can the good end of the tangled up in this?

Keep asking for the reason to save her!

Is this the answer you want to hear what you want to know?



“What the hell am I talking about before?”

In the secluded forest of no one, Robin’s face turned red.

She kept fanning the wind with her hands, blowing away the overloaded heat.

“What the hell am I expecting?”

“Mr. Qi Yu is the top existence in this sea!”

“And he has such a great navy、、、”

“In contrast, I will only cause trouble for Mr. Qi Yu!”

“Even if I really confess success, I can’t leave this team!”

“When the time comes, it will be a dilemma!”


Robin sighed lightly.

Keep convincing yourself internally.

Pressure yourself down on some of the emotions that have sprouted.

“Well, Mr. Qi Yu is a benefactor!”

“I can’t take revenge on him and continue to cause him trouble!”

Packed up, Robin returned to the banquet hall.

Let go of yourself and party.

In the end, for the first time in his life, he was drunk.

Refused Nami’s support.

Robin willfully named Qi Yu to carry her back.

Nothing left or right.

Qi Yu did not refuse.

“Mr. Qi Yu”

“Maybe you don’t believe me, but I seem to really like you!”

Under the bright moonlight, Robin made a bold confession through wine.

Her slim hand wrapped around Qi Yu’s neck.

A sudden.

Qi Yu’s face snapped and left a red lip mark full of saliva.


Robin giggled like a child.

Then his head was tilted and he completely fell into Qi Yu’s arms.

A face of satisfaction and happiness.

Qi Yu: “…”



The next day, it was dawn.

The morning light is faint.

Shine through the deep darkness before dawn.

The grand banquet at the pool of Dock No. 1 Carrera, the capital of water, finally ended after a night of revelry.

The Straw Hats returned to their huts.

Ready for a new day.

Except, of course, Robin.

For the first time in his life, he let go of himself, drunk Robin.

At the moment, I am still immersed in the pain of hangover.

“It hurts so much”

Robin rubbed his eyebrows.

The head is a bit messy.

She seemed to have said something after getting drunk last night.

But at the moment, I don’t remember exactly.

Just when Robin was almost about to remember.


Nami’s screams interrupted Robin’s train of thought.

“What’s wrong, Miss Nami!”

Yamaji turned in a circle and stepped forward.



Nami repeated her words like a magic obstacle.

Even stuff the little head into the safe and look at it inch by inch.

“My one hundred million Baileys, no!”

“What the hell is going on?”

Nami wailed.

“Oh, that, Nami, have you forgotten?”

“That money, last night, was happy, and it was all used to celebrate!”

Straw hat Luffy clasped his nose while casually opening his mouth.

The atmosphere of the cottage was suddenly stagnant.

Sauron and Jobba, who were originally by Luffy’s side, silently drifted away.

Jingle Bells!

Luffy’s rubber head turned into a pig’s head under Nami’s special punch to the captain.

“What’s the matter, the ship already has it anyway!”

Straw hat Luffy weak road.


“Even if the ship is already there, the furniture or something still has to be bought!”

Nami wanted to cry without tears.

There is such a spend-money, lavish captain.

As the treasurer of the Straw Hat Regiment, she is really hard!

Right now.

Nami just wanted to lie flat.


It would be even better if I could have the comforting feeling of last night’s electricity.

This is the time.

The cottage door was pushed open.

“Early in the morning, I heard your voices here, and I was full of spirits, little devils!”

Qi Yu grinned widely.

“Lord Qi Yu~”

Nami’s eyes lit up.

Take a big long leg and take three or two steps forward.

She just thought about wanting to experience the pain and feeling of last night again.

Qi Yu came.

“Oh, Nami, what are you doing?”

“Don’t you want to borrow money?”

Qi Yu glanced at Na Mei.


“Can I?”

“This dares to be kind!”

“Then I’m not welcome!”

Nami rubbed her little hands.

The light in his eyes grew brighter and brighter.

“It’s okay to borrow money, but my interest rate is very high.”

Qi Yu’s kind reminder.

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter”

Nami cheerfully responded.

After sharing the money borrowed from Qi Yu with Qiao Ba and Yamaji, he sent them out to buy necessities.

Nami finally said her original purpose.


When hearing Nami’s request.

Qi Yu and Robin both had strange expressions.

I didn’t expect Nami to have such a small habit.

Or did you accidentally electrify this guy’s brain last night?

No, it shouldn’t!

“Robin, really comfortable to say!”

“You’ll know after you’ve tried it!”

Nami’s vows.

In the end, Qi Yu agreed to Nami’s request.

Raise a little current from the power supply line.

Qi Yu pointed at Nami’s lower abdomen.

“Oh well”

“It’s the feeling, it’s coming.”

Nami screamed and fell to the ground.

Thanks to Robin’s quick eyes.

Lian Lian supported her with the ability of flowers and fruits.

This is why it did not fall to the ground.

It’s just that.

“This time it seems a little too late!”

Qi Yu thought to himself secretly.

But look at that clarity.


“Cough cough”

Qi Yu withdrew his gaze from Nami and turned to look at Robin.

There is a flash of electric light at the fingertips.

“Robin, are you going to try it?”

Qi Yu asked.

“I’m still free!”

Robin waved his hand hurriedly.

“Then again, Mr. Qi Yu, I shouldn’t have said anything strange last night!”

Robin asked suddenly.

The pretty face had a hint of nervousness.


Qi Yu said calmly.

Confession is certainly not a strange word.


“That’s good, that’s good!”

Robin patted his heart and let out a long breath.


The peaceful days of the Water Capital continue.

The whole sea is not calm.

The undercurrent is gradually raging.

In addition to the fact that the world government finally announced the Justice Island incident, a reward was offered to all members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

There is another big event in the making.

And at night.

Qi Yu received a call.


“Luffy, there was news from Mr. Qi Yu’s side earlier!”

“He’s in contact with the red-haired Shanks right now and asks if you want to come over and talk!”

Robin, who traveled between Qi Yu and the Straw Hat Regiment, brought the news.



The scream fell.

Straw Hat Luffy had already run out of shadows.


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