Three days after the Justice Island incident.

The report of this vicious incident has finally come to the press.

Under the strict information control of the Navy and the world government.

The culprit of this incident is only the straw hat gang.

In response to the open challenge to the majesty of the world government.

The Navy offered a bounty to all members of the heinous Straw Hat Pirates.

The amount of the bounty spans is rare in the world.

The tallest captain’s straw hat rose from 100 million Bailey to 300 million.

The pet Joba who broke the record for the lower limit of the first bounty was only a poor fifty Berry.

The kind that can’t even afford a copy of marshmallow.

Such a blow once made Joba feel negative.

Not just Joba.

At this moment, there is another person who, like him, is quite dissatisfied with the reports of the Navy and the world government.


“Hey alas”

“If the bounty is not raised, it is just that, and the report does not even mention me!”

“Those guys in the Navy are really floating!”

“Is it difficult to provoke me to go to Justice Island to make a big fuss again?”

Qi Yu looked at the latest news reports and said casually.

The sound travels through the telephone bug to somewhere in the new world thousands of miles away.


Listening to Qi Yu’s self-talk, the four emperors of red-haired Shanks on the other end of the phone worm squirted out the fine wine that had just been drunk in his mouth.

“I said Ancestor Oh you can stop for a while!”

“Why the Navy didn’t report it, you should know best!”

“After all, the supreme combat power they are proud of will be crushed by you in one minute!”

“If this is reported, the face of the admiral and the face of the navy will be lost!”

Red-haired Shanks grumpy opening.

I thought that the previous time I subdued the Flying Sea Thief Golden Lion Shiki was enough of a surprise.

The result has not been comforted for a few days.

Suddenly, such a big thing happened.

“I’m too strong to blame me!”

“Besides, Shanks, this time you asked me to take care of the Straw Hat Boys!”

“Don’t you want me to watch them being wiped out by the Navy’s Order to Slaughter Demons?”

Qi Yu wrapped his arms around him, and the old god asked in his arms.

“No, no, no, my fault, my fault!”

“You’re doing a great job!”

Red-haired Shanks quickly changed his mouth.

[That’s pretty much it]

[For the sake of your ancestors]

[Let’s not talk about your eldest grandson]

Qi Yu thought magnanimously.

Ah poof!

Phone bugs on the other end.

The red-haired Shanks had another urge to vomit blood.


Hawkeye Mihawk, who was not far away, laughed happily.

For Qi Yu’s voice at this moment, he also heard it clearly.

So when I heard Qi Yu in his heart, he presented himself as the ancestor of Shanks.

Rao is as calm as an eagle’s eye, and his expression is also a little taut.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Is it Mihawk?”

“Mihawk, aren’t you smiling?”

The red-haired Shanks’s ears moved, keenly aware of the noise on the other side.

Recognized the laughter of Hawkeye Mihawk.

“Idiot Shanks, don’t say stupid things!”

Hawkeye Mihawk hurriedly corrected and refuted.

Red-haired Shanks was uncompromising and argued with Hawkeye.

An emperor of the sea!

One of the world’s first great sword masters!

At this moment, I am very happy.

At the same time, Qi Yu was amazed to hear it.

I couldn’t help but improvise a paragraph for them.

The result was the glares of Hawkeye and the wailing of the other red-haired Shanks of the telephone bug.

“What’s wrong?”

“You two, all of a sudden this is 、、、”

Qi Yu was secretly suspicious.

“All right”

“Let’s get down to business!”

Beckman’s voice came from the other end.

The red-haired Shanks sorted out his emotions and just wanted to open his mouth.

That’s when it happened.


“Is it Shanks?”

A monkey-like figure nimbly broke through the window and catapulted closer.

Listen to that familiar lively voice.

The other end of the phone worm was silent at first.

Followed by.

“Is it Luffy?”

“It must be Luffy!”

“This is definitely Luffy’s voice!”

“Although it has not been seen for ten years, it is definitely not bad!”

“It’s Luffy!”

The little fat man Raqilu, Jesus Bu and other red-haired old people who have been following since more than ten years ago are shouting and greeting with joy.

“Hip Hop”

“It’s really you!”

“Lu, Jesus, Beckman… And everyone! ”

Luffy the straw hat blew his nose and greeted them warmly.

Although it is only a call thousands of miles away.

But it was also enough for the people of the red-haired pirate group to be excited and boiling.

The feast of celebration then began to be prepared.

“Yo, Luffy, I haven’t seen you in almost eleven years!”

A compelling and calm voice came from the telephone bug.

Qi Yu and Hawkeye Mihawk were stunned.

The next second, they reacted in unison.

This full-bodied thick bass comes from the red-haired Shanks.

Usually, I am used to hearing the laughter of the red hair.

Suddenly I heard his voice so solemn.

Qi Yu couldn’t help but be a little unaccustomed.

I thought I had listened to it.

[Shanks’s two goods, in front of the younger generations are even installed]


At the other end of the phone bug, the four emperors of red hair stumbled.

“Now, Shanks, do you see that?”

“I already have three hundred million beries in my bounty!”

Straw hat Luffy shows off the opening.

“Ah, we’ve seen it!”

“It looks like we’ll be able to say goodbye soon!”

“Come on, Luffy, I’ll be waiting in the New World for the day you give me your hat back!”

Red-haired Shanks continued to pretend to be deep.

[Oh, then you just wait slowly]

[Straw hat boys, they enter the new world, at least two years]


[Two years later, this little devil can even sit on an equal footing with us]

Qi Yu couldn’t help but think.

【The sea is fifth… The Sixth Emperor]

[When the time comes, it will be up to me to help this hanging boy quit the king’s addiction]

The Red Emperor Shanks: “??? ”

What’s the situation!

The amount of information is so big!

Completely unable to joke for a while?

Why did Luffy take two more years to enter the new world?

The sixth Emperor of the Sea? Luffy? How come!

Even Luffy.

Grow into an imperial figure in two years!

This is also an exaggeration!

Even with that special rubber fruit ability!

But that’s not how it opens!

The red-haired Shanks only felt that there was a mountain-like groove in his heart, but he couldn’t spit it out.

Only one person can hold it in his heart.

“Hahaha, Luffy!”

“My son Usopp, it is really troublesome for you to take care of it!”

Shanks was stunned when Jesus Boo took the phone and talked to Straw Hat Luffy.

“Jesus Cloth”

“No, no, no, I was taken care of a lot by Usopp!”

“Usopp is now a brave sea warrior who can stand alone!”

Straw hat Luffy serious opening.

“Hahaha, yes yes yes?”

Jesus wept with joy.

“What a son of Jesus!”

Raqiru and others echoed.


“This is a matter of course!”

Jesus spoke proudly.

Right now.

A certain long nose eavesdropping outside the window was already moved to tears, and he couldn’t cry.

Listen to Luffy’s affirmation of himself.

Listen to Dad’s complacency.

Usopp was both happy and blaming himself.


“After I go back this time, I will no longer casually say such things as leaving!”

Usopp made up his mind.


Luffy the Straw Hat and the red-haired Shanks were eleven years apart.

The dialogue across thousands of rivers and mountains did not last long.

After redating with the redhead.

Straw Hat Luffy is an imposing departure.

“Well, let’s move on!”

“Previous serious topic!”

Qi Yu said calmly.


Red-haired Shanks nodded.

“Not long ago, we received news!”

“The Whitebeard Pirate Regiment Crusade led by Ace has caught Blackbeard’s tail!”

“I’m afraid it won’t be long before the two sides will clash violently!”

Shanks solemnly opened his mouth.

“So, then what?”

“What does this have to do with me?”

Qi Yuhun asked indifferently.

“Ahahahahaha, yes!”

“This is an internal matter of the Whitebeard Pirates, and we in the Red-haired Pirates really can’t intervene!”

“It’s unprecedented that the old man with the white beard can listen to you!”

Shanks chuckled.

“Say something fast.”

“You should have something else to tell me?”

Qi Yu urged.

“It’s really worthy of Qi Yu!”

“Yes, we found the news this time!”

“The navy and the people of the world government are also involved, as if they are plotting something!”

Shanks said solemnly.

“Well, Shanks, you really want me to take a walk.”

Qi Yu Old God is in the Dao.


The red-haired Shanks touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

“What about time? What about the location? ”

Qi Yu asked bluntly.

“This is not yet determined!”

“I’ll contact you again when I’m sure!”

Shanks said.

“Sigh, that’s a lot of trouble!”

Qi Yu Dao.

“Please, Qi Yu!”

The redhead pleaded.

“Okay, but I can’t guarantee that I won’t accidentally kill any big man in the world government!”

“You know, the Navy is just that, and I won’t spare the people of the World Government!”

Qi Yu grinned.

Red-haired Shanks: “!!! ”



Phone bugs hang up!


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