The midday sun is exceptionally strong.

However, even the most fierce sunlight was far from being able to match the brilliant sun sword light.

What a dazzling knife!

The first one appears.

Even the blazing sun in the sky was dimmed.

The huge sword qi of hundreds of meters at the same time combines the sharpness of the sword and the heat of the sun.

The golden and red sword qi that turned into magma color seemed to be burning.

Start on the southeast coast of the Water Capital.

The burning sword light went straight to the middle of the huge warship and the little lion.

The speed is so fast that few people can react.


The calm sea is flooded with violent waves.

The sea was torn open under the blazing sun sword qi and a huge gap.

The deep ravines are unknown.

Under a knife.

The surface of the sea was split by hard.


Seawater splashes hundreds of meters above the sky.

A vicious sea ravine appeared.

But that’s not the end of it.

Following the cracking of the sea.

The special huge iron ball thrown by the naval hero Kapu did not wait for the smash to fall, and it suddenly froze.

With the blazing light of the sword.

The surface of the huge iron ball suddenly lit up with a bright thin line.

Followed by.

The water capital on the coast sent off under the terrified gaze of the people.

Under the shocked gaze of the sailors and the Straw Hats.

The huge iron ball of 100 meters has cracked in half without warning.

It was cut head-on by the terrifying sword light of the blazing sun.

The incision is smooth as a mirror.

The cabin power room of the Qianyang ship.

French whistled easily.


The cola energy is filled.

“Ready to take off!”

“Wind Cannon!!!”

French grinned confidently and triumphantly.

The Coke Feitian system was immediately activated.

The jet port at the stern of the Qianyang erupted with brilliant light.

The terrifying thrust took the Qianyang and the people on board to the sky.

“It’s Lord Qi Yu~~~”

Nami grabbed the boat railing and pointed to the distant coast, shouting in excitement and joy.

“Qi Yu… sir”

Robin covered his heart with his hands.

I only felt my little heart beating hard.

However, in the end, it turned into a light sigh.

“Very good value for money”

Straw Hat Luffy’s eyes lit up.

“Such a large iron ball was cut off with one blow!”

“Sure so strong! Emperor of the Sea! ”

“Hahahahaha, everyone in the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirate Regiment, including my father, is very powerful!”

Sauron, Sanji, Joba, Usopp and the others all shouted with joy.


“Lieutenant General Karp, the Straw Hat gang flew away!”

A rear admiral shouted for a report.

“Don’t worry about such small things!”

“Now the problem is that man!”

Karp suddenly turned his head.

The gaze locks on the striking figure of the distant shore.

Three days ago.

He looked at Gion and didn’t care.

But this time、、、

“Oh, what the hell does that guy want to do with Qi Yu?”

On the second deck, Gion was secretly anxious.

Look at the Karp who is clapping his fists.

She knew.

This battle is inevitable.

“Arrogant little ghost!”

“Eat me!”

Karp grinned.

He raised his hand and grabbed the spring chain of the oversized iron ball.

The moment the arm muscles bulge.

The remaining half of the large iron ball suddenly broke out of the sea.

With the swing of Kapu, Qi Yu fell towards the southeast coast.


The blazing sun-like sword light reappeared densely.



The 100-meter-diameter hemispherical iron ball lit up with the light of the horizontal and vertical interlacing of the road.

And then it exploded.

Turned into countless tiny pieces and fell to the sea.

“Come and go without being rude!”

Qi Yu grinned.

A large amount of solar power was gathered.

The famous knife with a red body pointed at the huge dog-headed warship hundreds of meters away.

One knife out!

The undulating sea once again cracked a huge ravine.

A terrifying slash that shines with a brilliant, dazzling halo.

Magnified in the eyes of all the sailors on board the Doghead Warship.

Face this terrifying slash that is enough to cut through the heavens and the earth.

Kirby, Belumeb and other navies throbbed to the extreme.

Unprecedented fear and despair hung over their hearts.

Diffuse occupies their whole body.

In front of that slash.

All beings seem to be so small.

“No good, no good no good!”

“I’m going to die!”

“If you eat this blow, the warship will not be able to hold on!”

Karp’s G3 sailors looked horrified.

Have the heart to do something, but are powerless.

His whole body was stiffened by fear, and he was motionless.

“Qi Yu, you guy is really…”

On the second deck, Gion clenched his little pink fist.

Her face was full of indignation.

After all, she was still on the boat.

However, Qi Yu still did not hesitate to swing his sword.

Face that level of horror slashing.

Even as a great sword hao, she was also an admiral candidate, but she could not stop it.

But Gion also knew.

The knife that Qi Yu swung out was not because he didn’t miss her old feelings.

It’s just a matter of wanting to provoke Kapu to take a shot.

“But the account of the unauthorized swing of the knife at the place where I am located cannot be counted as such!”

“Next time… The next time you see you, I’m going to make you succumb to my footwork! ”

The corners of Gion mouth raised a touch of arrogance.

At the end, he added in his heart, “You must not find him at noon.”

Because it will definitely be counter-killed!

“It’s still an inch!”

“Well, then let you taste the iron fist of old man’s love too!”

Karp shouted.

Faced with the terrifying and fierce slash of the sun.

Cap’s knees are slightly bent.

Both feet shattered the deck of the warship.

The figure soared into the air.

Don’t dodge, don’t dodge.

Face the hot sword light.

Fist like a shooting star.

Shine brightly.


It was heaven and earth trembling.

The waves crashed against the shore.

A brilliant meteor crossed the sky.

That’s a hero’s punch.

“Iron Fist – Meteor !!!”

The roar of the legendary Vice-Admiral Captain Kapu was earth-shattering.

Wrapped around the extremely powerful armed color domineering punch, shoot down.

The dazzling light shines in the heavens and the earth.

It occupies the whole field of view of people.

Nothing is visible.

The slash that shone with brilliant sun light completely surrounded and swallowed up Kapu’s figure.


An earth-shattering bang.

Loud in the sky.


The shock wave of terror power, starting from the center of the two touches, spreads in all directions.

The whole warship, and the sailors on the deck of the warship.

All shrouded in the aftermath of this horror.

So much so that even standing is difficult.


The waves are monstrous.

Huge waves are rushing.

Like a tsunami, the layers rush into the sky.


Like the gods of water, they shot down to the shores of the water capital.

“What the hell is going on?”

“What about Mr. Karp?”

“What happened to Lieutenant General Karp?”

Kirby and the other sailors were throbbing and shouting.

“Look over there!”

“Lieutenant General Karp is at the top of the tsunami!”

Bogart shouted in shock.

But he saw Navy hero Karp driving the tsunami.

Qi Yu on the coast of the Water Capital once again swung his iron fist.

“Come on! Karp! ”

Qi Yu did not dodge or dodge.

Attack without showing weakness.

One kick, stomped on the coast.

Another kick shattered the void.

Step by step, Qi Yu stepped on the atmosphere and soared into the sky.

Meet the mighty naval heroes without compromise.

“Qi Yu”




In the sky, it seems that two brilliant meteors have appeared out of thin air.

Everywhere you go, the atmosphere escapes with a popping sound.

In a split second.

Two strokes almost representing the strongest fist in the world collided in the sky.


This moment.

Between heaven and earth there seemed to be a beating of the supreme war drum.

It was as if the heart of heaven and earth was beating.

The incomparable shockwave centers on the fists of the two men.

Rushing in all directions.

In the void arises ripples like waves.

Brilliant light blooms.

And then explodes.

It was a loose punch punch.

Falling into the sea is to make the sea explode into one huge wave after another.

The waves are surging and rushing up into the sky.

Punch into the sky.

So the sky shattered like a mirror.

There is an extremely chaotic convection in the atmosphere between heaven and earth, rolling up the counter-rearing currents.

Transform into a raging and terrifying waterspout storm.

And that’s just the beginning.

The official clash between the legendary naval hero Kapu and the noonday sun of arrogance begins.

Ordinary people can’t see the figures of the two warring people in the sky at all.

Only the traces of their streaks across the air could be seen in a vague way.

This is a clash of the world’s top combat powers.

Everyone who witnessed this scene was shocked.

And in the near future.

It will shock the whole world with the news reports!!!


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