Rocks pierce the air.

The waves crash on the shore.

Roll up a thousand heavy waves.

The water capital boils in the southeast near the sea.

The sea and sky shook violently.

The shock wave of the powerful duel spread and spread, causing the entire water capital to shake and tremble.

The terrified shouts of the city’s residents came and went.

The legendary hero of the Navy and the uncrowned emperor of the great routes!

Hero Kapu and arrogant Qi Yu!

The battle between the two sea supreme beings went to the third hundredth move.

There were still five minutes before Qi Yu reached the true peak.

Duel, abrupt stop!

Qi Yu and Kapu.

The two mighty men are silently separated from each other.

One side returned to the coast.

The other side returned to the dog-headed warship.

This great showdown of the century has come to an end for the time being.

Win or lose.

As for why it was stopped?

Nature is because.

Qi Yu and Kapu both knew it clearly.

If you continue.

Even if their battlefield is at sea.

But it will inevitably affect the ordinary people of the water capital.

Compared to the average island.

Water is much more fragile.

Because that layer of building is based on the building.

If the foundation collapses.

By then the entire water capital will fall apart.

This was not the result that Qi Yu wanted to see.

Nor is it a consequence that Cat can bear.


The battle can only be aborted.

“Thanks, the hero of the Navy, Karp!”

“The next time you fight again, your legend will be over!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

The sound of the bell thundering and reverberating under the sky.


“What do you say?”

“Arrogant little ghost!”

“This time it’s your luck!”

“Next time I see you, I’m going to beat you up all over the place!”

Karp blushed and had a thick neck, indignant rebukes, and harsh words.

“Mr. Karp, why don’t you bandage the wound first?”

Gion suppressed a smile and reminded him seriously.


Karp hummed twice in dissatisfaction.

Angrily, he pushed away the military doctor who was ready to help him treat his wounds.

“This level of small injury, in the blink of an eye, does not need to be dealt with at all!”

Forget it.

Kapu returned to the cabin with a step that his six relatives did not recognize.

Stay back in your captain’s room.

“Sizzle ~~~”

Karp sucked in a cool breath.

“That monster boy, how cruel!”

“If I play for another five minutes, even I won’t be able to get out!”

“Decided, bully him next time at night!”

“Hum, when the time comes, see if you can still get angry!”



Time passes.

Two o’clock in the afternoon.

It is still a ship-scrapping island on the southeast coast of the water capital.

Carrying the world’s strongest black sword, Hawkeye Mihawk, meditated in a small coffin boat.


The rustling of footsteps came.


Qi Yu yawned lazily.

“Sleep full, sleep full!”

“Yo, Mihawk, still waiting for me!”

Qi Yu said and boarded the ship.

But it wasn’t Hawkeye’s coffin boat.

Beside it, however, there was a vibrant sheep ship about five times larger than the coffin ship.

It is the scaled-down version of the Golden Merrier!!!

At the same time, this is also the brainchild of Qi Yu these days.

“Mihawk, do you want to come and sit on my boat?”

“This is my proud work!”

Qi Yu grinned and extended an invitation to Hawkeye Mihawk.

[It is said that the more Mihawk’s coffin ship looks, the more ominous it is]

[Don’t be naïve and carry him away]


Hawkeye Mihawk seemed to choke.

He opened his falcon-like eyes and stared at Qi Yu darkly.

“What’s wrong?”

Qi Yu was confused.

“No, nothing!”

“Oh no, my boat is fine!”

Hawkeye opened his mouth calmly.

Refuse Qi Yu’s invitation.

Qi Yu shrugged his shoulders and didn’t force it.

“Then let’s go!”

“The coordinates have come!”

Qi Yu smiled and opened his mouth.


Hawkeye Mihawk shook his head.

“This is the end of our journey!”

He opened his eyes brightly and opened his mouth seriously.

“Hey, there’s a really interesting event next, Mihawk!”

“You really don’t want to go for a hustle together?”

Qi Yu asked rhetorically.

“Not necessarily.”

Hawkeye decisively refused.


The previous time Qi Yu had contacted the red-haired Shanks, he had not overheard it.

It’s not just the Whitebeard Pirates inside the business.

Even the navy and the world government will blend in.

He was also a member of the Seven Martial Seas under the King.

It belongs to the same camp as the navy and the world government.

If you are really involved.

Then it will inevitably be another trouble.

Instead of that.

It is better to get out early.

And most importantly.

Hawkeye Mihawk was already fed up with Qi Yu’s bamboo shoots.

Someone around me orchestrates himself from time to time.

I can’t question myself yet.

It feels really humbling.

Of course if Hawkeye knew.

How Qi Yu was in his heart to shoot Shanks’s words.

He would probably be secretly glad too.

Qi Yu still gave him some face.

Compared to Shanks, the degree to which he was shot was already light.

“Let’s part here for the time being!”

“See you next time!”

Hawkeye Mihawk arched his hand.

“Yes, then goodbye!”

Although Qi Yu had regrets in his heart, he would not ask for anything too much.

After a simple goodbye.

Qi Yu and Hawkeye Mihawk.

The coffin boat and the Mianyang boat are facing the east and west directions.

Officially parting ways!!!

It’s just that

Look at the Hawkeye Mihawk who is fading away.

Qi Yu’s heart couldn’t help but ponder curiously.

[Sure enough, Mihawk’s ship is a big coffin.]

Hawkeye: I would love to!

[If there is no me, how should Mihawk’s three meals be solved?] 】

Hawkeye: You have to take care of it!

[Ah, forgot!] A question I wanted to ask for a long time]

How did Mihawk’s boat cross the windless zone? 】

[Without wind belt, his sails don’t work]

[I didn’t see wood pulp or anything like that on the boat]

[That guy in Mihawk should not be taking his own forehead black road to make pulp]

“Oh well”

Thinking about the picture of Hawkeye Mihawk paddling the water with a black knife, Qi Yu couldn’t help but make a sound.

As for the Hawkeye on the other side.

At this moment, there was already an urge to vomit blood.

They were all left and were subjected to such ‘attacks’.

What made him even more angry was that.

His biggest secret was revealed!!!



Follow the direction of the permanent pointer.

A day after departing from the Water Capital.

Qi Yu came to a rich group of islands——

Great Passage, Diamond Islands.

It is one of the rare and rich island groups on the Great Routes.

The major archipelagos have extremely developed commerce.

As the origin of various rare items and luxury ornaments that are famous in the world, it is favored by the nobles of countless countries.

Such a well-developed empire of business islands.

If you let it go unchecked, I am afraid that within three or two days, you will be looted by the murderous pirates and become a scorched black wasteland.

The reason why it has been able to be safe and sound, of course, has its reasons.

The Diamond Islands were before the time of the Sea Thieves.

Even going back hundreds of years, there has always been a close relationship with the world government and the navy.

Every year, the archipelago alone pays the same amount of heavenly gold as the combined powers of several world governments.

Conservation fees that cost so much.

The government and navy have been meticulously protected by this area of the big fat sheep.

For hundreds of years.

Every channel here is patrolled seamlessly by naval patrol ships 24 hours a day.

Since the time of the sea thief.

The Navy even relocated the base of the G3 branch of the Navy to the vicinity of the archipelago to defend and deter one side.

In general, pirates in the first half of the Great Passage.

Unless you are very confident in your own strength, you will never take the initiative to plunder in this life.

After all, the base commander of this G3 base is the legendary lieutenant general of the Navy’s generation, the hero Kapu.

Even if Karp is no longer in the base, the pirates don’t dare to make trouble in his territory.

Of course this is the usual case.

What is not lacking in the world is exceptions.

Just like now.

Extremely rare and unusual images.

This is happening in this sea at the moment.


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