Great Passage, Diamond Islands.

A pirate ship carried by two venomous snakes swayed.

Without any hesitation, sail into this sea protected by naval heroes.

The name of the pirate ship is Perfume Snake, and the shape adopts the oriental ancient cruise ship type, and the whole body has a big red tone.

At the top of the mast flutters the symbol of nine snakes surrounding the skull, representing its identity –

The famous daughter country of the Nine Snakes Pirate !!!

“The Pirate Ship is the Pirate Ship of the Nine Serpents, and that is the Nine Snakes Pirate Regiment.”

“The Nine Snakes Pirate Regiment is coming, so let’s get ready.”

“A bunch of idiots, hurry up and prepare the goods, this time Young Master Ben wants to be the first to win the favor of the female emperor.”


The arrival of the Nine Snakes Pirates was soon noticed by the major merchant ships on the nearby routes.

Suddenly, the whole sea was lively and even boiling.

It’s just diametrically opposed to the panicked behavior of the average merchant ship encountering pirates.

The people of these merchant ships became more and more excited after learning that it was the ship of the Nine Snakes.

Instead of fleeing at the first time, all the merchant ships immediately turned their heads.

The group swarms in the direction of the perfume snake, like a cat smelling fishy.

“One Piece Emperor, Poyahan Cook, this Diamond Islands has an agreement with our navy and is protected by the navy!”

“Although you are the king of the Seven Martial Seas and have permission to legally plunder, please give us a face, give the hero Lieutenant General Kapu a face.”

The navy that has been staring at this sea naturally cannot ignore the appearance of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

A small patrol ship was dispatched at the first time.

Negotiate with the Nine Snakes before the merchant ships gather.

Even at the expense of the hero Karp.


“It’s too much of an eyesore, Gentian, blow it off.”

Perfume Snake Pirate ship, the pirate Emperor Boyahan Cook waved her hand proudly and indifferently.

There is not the slightest fear of the hero Karp’s name.


The Hydra warrior with the head of the pill and a lady’s cigarette in his mouth grinned.

Raise the rocket cannon in your hand high and shoot at the small patrol ship.

In the rumble, the small patrol ship of the Navy was blown apart and the flames were raging.

Fortunately, the sailors above jumped into the sea one step ahead of schedule, which saved a life.

“The bastard Pirate Female Emperor really dared to do it.”

On Karp’s orders, the rear admiral of the naval headquarters who was responsible for staying in this area especially pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

There was nothing he could do about Poyahan Cook’s arrogant behavior.

Not to mention that with his strength he was not a rival to the One Piece Emperor at all.

In addition, Poyahan Cook, who was the king of the Seven Martial Seas, had a legal license to plunder issued by the world government.

Finally, looking at the performance of those merchant ships on the sea, there was no fear of the Nine Serpents Pirate Regiment at all, but one by one they were willing to rush to be plundered.

The reason for this, especially Russ, is also very clear.

One Piece Emperor Poyahan Cook – King of the daughter kingdom of Hydra Island.

At the same time, there is another more resounding fame – the world’s first beauty.

Any person or thing, after being crowned as the number one in the world, will be very different.

For example, Hawkeye Mihawk’s world’s first great sword master.

It is also like the name of the world’s first beauty of Poyahan Cook.

For those well-off chambers of commerce rich second generation, a mere ship of cargo is nothing at all.

Being able to see the legendary fairy-looking female emperor at close range through these goods is their greatest expectation.

What’s more, many of them held that if they were to be favored by the female emperor and take back the Nine Snake Island together, it would be a wonderful thing!

Know that Hydra Island, the daughter country, is a place with only women.

For men, it is simply a paradise of happiness.

Even the Major General, especially Russ himself…

“Oh, I’m a righteous navy, how can I be seduced by a red and pink skeleton?”

On the observation deck of the warship, the rear admiral especially Rass opened his mouth with awe.

Turning his hand, he snatched the telescope under his hand, and looked at the Pirate Emperor on the Nine Snakes ship in the distance without blinking.

“Especially Major General Russ, the position of surveillance watch is mine.”

The seaman who had been robbed of the telescope suddenly shouted with dissatisfaction.

“What to shout, you are laid off, and then I will personally monitor it.”



“One Piece Emperor, I have the finest perfume I just produced, please be sure to rob me.”

“Your Honor, not only this pile of goods, I am willing to pay all my family property, just to be able to follow the queen as a licking dog.”

“Front, you don’t pee to see your own appearance, the look of fat head and big ears, and the face to say such things, how can Lord Poyahan Cook look at you?”

“Poyahan Cook…”

“Lady Emperor…”

As more and more merchant ships gathered, the sea was suddenly noisy.

On the deck, the female emperor Poyahan Cook, who had a stunning posture, frowned.

“What a bunch of noisy smelly men, I don’t even want to look at them, Mary, Sonia, I’ll leave it to you.”

Poyahan Cook opened his mouth in disgust and turned to return to the cabin boudoir.

“Yes, sister!”

The tall Poiya sisters, Sandarsonia and Marie Groed, both nodded yes.

Organize discipline with the other Hydra warriors and have the merchant ships line up one by one to accept their picks and robberies.

The whole process of plunder was orderly.

There was no bloody fight.

There is no crying father and mother’s heart-wrenching screams.

Some are just orderly and willing.

Such an elegant phenomenon of plundering and being plundered is not to say that there is no such thing as nothing in the entire history of pirates, but it is definitely rare.

It’s all because of the beauty of One Piece Emperor Boyahan Cook, the world’s first.

From noon to dusk.

Perfume on the deck of the Snake.

Boxes of precious goods are stacked continuously.

After the tribute was completed, the merchant ships that had lost their value were kicked away by the fierce women of the Nine Snakes.


Only three or two merchant ships remained in this area of Shanggong waters.

Still undeterred, he wanted to see the peerless countenance of the female emperor Han Cook again.

Even if you can’t see the female emperor Han Cook, it is good to see the fierce girls of the Nine Snakes.

“Daisy, have all the merchant ships been plundered?”

A wave of pleasure swimsuit, the right leg wrapped in a delicate long barrel of Hi silk in the Nine Snakes Navigator Purple Fan Flower asked.

“Yes yes yes, all the merchant ships have been cleared!”

Daisy, a smiling girl, raised her hand to report.


Suddenly, someone squealed, as if they had found something.

“Target Discovery!”

“To the southeast!”

“New ship discovered!”

Cadre Gentian Report.

“Oh well”

“That ship doesn’t seem to mean coming toward us!”

“Could it be an ordinary passing boat?”

Cadre Cosmos guessed.

“Hip Hop”

“That’s great!”

“At the end of the day today, I was really bored to death!”

“Sure enough, the pirates are just robbing them!”

Cadre Daisy laughed exaggeratedly.

“Purple Fan Flower, go to Lord Han Cook and ask them for instructions, now go and play!”

The tough girls of the Nine Snakes are all locked on to the sheep boat that is slowly wandering, rubbing their fists and eager to try.

Relying on the beauty of the female emperor Han Cook, it is convenient to attract others to take the initiative to pay tribute.

But there is a lot of fun missing.

It does not match their pirate status.

Now it’s hard to come across a special one.

Naturally, the crowd wanted to have fun.


The request of the Nine Snake Girls was answered in the affirmative.

“Summer Cheer”

Two poisonous snakes and a divine dragon swing their tails, when even if it turns.

Not much time.

The Great Red House Ship of the Nine Serpents stopped in front of the sheep boat.

Daisy, Gentian and a few other bold cadres took the lead and landed on the sheep boat.

Start searching and looting.

“Well, is this ship a ghost ship?”

“How come no one has seen it!”

After searching for the cadres of the bottom cabin, Cosmos whispered in doubt.

“There was no one in the room above.”

Someone else reported.

“It’s so weird.”

All the girls of the Nine Snakes were all interested in the excitement.

That’s when it happened.


The sudden yawn caught people’s attention.

“Above the mast!”

Purple Fan Hua shouted.

Everyone brushed their heads in unison.

Then I saw that someone in the special observation deck of the mast seemed to be stretching out.


“It’s a little lively!”

Qi Yu stood up and looked at the tough girls below with sleepy eyes.


The girls of the Nine Snakes Pirate Regiment were finally able to see Qi Yu’s appearance.


Panicked screams burst forth.

Right now.

Look at Qi Yu on the lookout.

The eyes of the mighty Nine Snake Female Warriors were wide open.

Every face was filled with an expression of incredulity like a ghost.

Their minds couldn’t help but think of an encounter four years ago.

They also intercepted a ghost ship on the sea.

The owner of the ghost ship also snoozed on the mast.

History is always strikingly similar.

Everything was like yesterday.

More coincidentally.

Even people are exactly the same.

“He he he he he … He is…… 、、、 of the Redhead Pirates”

“The Uncrowned Emperor – Arrogant Qi Yu !!!”

“oh! no! How is it that he’s aaaaa


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