“He he he … He is…”

“The deputy captain of the red-haired pirates!!!”

“Uncrowned Emperor – Arrogant Qi Yu!”

“How come he’s him again!!!”


This moment.

When recognizing Qi Yu who had protruded from the mast observation platform.

The fierce female warriors of the Nine Snakes Pirate Regiment all stared at each other with shocked eyes.

That face was filled with an irrepressible expression of horror.

At the moment and first glance at seeing Qi Yu appear.

They already recognized the true identity of the man they had targeted and plundered.

Except because the uncrowned Emperor Qi Yu’s reputation was big enough.

For the Nine Snakes Pirate Regiment present.

There is another, deeper reason.

Something like today’s.

Four years ago.

They’ve already experienced it once.

Can’t say déjà vu.

It can only be said that it is completely consistent.

That’s right.

The picture they are experiencing now is almost exactly the same as the one they experienced four years ago.

One day four years ago.

Overwhelmed by the bored plunder, they saw the small boat that had ignored them.

One is like today.

Cadres Daisy and others should even be interested.

After asking the captain for instructions, he caught up with the boat.

A landing search.

As a result, no one saw it.

Just as he was about to collect the troops.

A head popped up from the mast lookout.

And that was the beginning of their ‘nightmare’.

They should be unlucky.

At that time, the encounter with Qi Yu was not long before eleven o’clock in the morning.

So including the haughty pirate Emperor Boyahan Cook.

All the warriors of the Nine Snakes Pirate Regiment were baptized by Qi Yu in an arrogant form.

I can’t even lift my head.

Seven Martial Sea Thieves of the Seven Martial Seas.

The famous Hydra Pirates.

It was overwhelmed by an inexplicable man who did not know where to appear.

This blow is naturally not small.

It almost makes people, including the female emperor Han Cook, doubt life.


The entire pirate regiment, up to the captain of the ship, Emperor Hancock, down to the general members.

It was all negative for days.

Until later.

They saw more and more reports about Qi Yu in the newspapers.

It is learned that he is a member of the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirates.

He is even recognized as the uncrowned emperor.

The girls of the Nine Snakes Pirate Regiment were relieved one after another and walked out of the shadows.

Of course, they were sea thieves of the Seven Martial Seas level.

But if the other party is the Emperor of the Sea, there is no way.

Being educated by the Emperor of the Sea and overpowering what is natural is a matter of course.

Anyway, as long as you have a long memory, the next time you don’t provoke, you will not be able to walk around it.

The sea is so big.

The Redhead Pirates are back in the New World.

In the first half of the activity, they want to meet Qi Yu again, I am afraid it is more difficult than winning the lottery.


It’s such a very small probability.

But they still had the misfortune to meet.

Four years later.

Once again, they have provoked the man who once brought them a huge psychological shadow.

More recklessly.

This time, it was they who came to the door and bumped into it.

The history is strikingly similar.

The emotions called shock suddenly occupied the bodies and minds of all the Nine Snake Pirate Regiment warriors.

This was followed by a strong sense of fear and panic.

Because their minds recalled the words before Qi Yu left four years ago.

‘If there is a next time, it will not be so simple’

I thought the next time was far away.

Looking back.

The next time it really came.

This moment.

One of the hearts of the mighty girls of the Nine Snakes Pirates was mentioned in the throat eye.

Worst-case scenario —

Their Nine Snakes Pirate Regiment will be destroyed here today.

Come to think of it.

Their faces were all white.

Just when the girls of the Nine Snakes were shocked and panicked.


The footsteps sounded again, very slight.

But listening to the ears of the Nine Snakes was nothing more than thunder, waking them up from their sluggishness.

I had to see Qi Yu who appeared on their ship at an unknown time.

The delicate bodies of the female warriors trembled in unison.

“How come it’s you Nine Snakes again?”

“Sure enough, we have a lot of fate between us!”

Qi Yu smiled brightly.

“That’s our line – how come it’s you again!”

“Besides, who wants to have a relationship with you?” We just don’t want to! ”

Purple fans, gentian and other cadres are slanderous.

But he didn’t dare to say anything more.

“Oh well”

“Then the girls of the Nine Snakes, stop me this time, what do you do?”

Qi Yu wrapped his arms around him and asked with a smile.

“Misunderstanding and misunderstanding”

“It’s all a misunderstanding!”

“We didn’t know it was Mr. Qi Yu’s ship!”



“So you’re going to rob me like you did last time?”

Qi Yu asked rhetorically.

“I should have said it four years ago, no next time!”

The voice dropped.

Qi Yu’s introverted momentum suddenly burst out, fierce and powerful.

Feel the momentum impact from the overlord.

Even the Nine Snakes cadres who had experienced hundreds of battles only felt that their breathing was stagnating at this moment.

However, after all, they were also fierce Nine Snake warriors from the fighting nation.

Even if you know that the man in front of you is standing at the top of the world, one of the most terrifying sea emperors.

Even though I was terrified in my heart, I knew that the odds were slim.

But they will not stop there.

Each one of them is the first to draw their weapons and prepare for battle.

“Don’t be so nervous!”

“Meeting me again and again, this is the fate between us!”

“Look at this fate, I will tolerate you again!”

Qi Yu grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth and smiled gently.

The smile is bright, like the spring breeze.

However, even if the smile on Qi Yu’s face is kind, no matter how harmless people and animals are.

The vigilance of the Hydra warriors was still not diminished in the slightest.

Because they know that no matter how kind the smile of the ‘devil’ is, it will still be the ‘devil’ after all.

Don’t look at the man in front of you at this moment and be kind, just like the big boy next door.

Which one who is qualified to stand at the top of the world will be the easy one.

If you slack off a little, you will inevitably be eaten dry and wiped clean by the belt bone in an instant.


Just when the Nine Snake Girls were waiting in strict formation, the atmosphere was tense.

A cold and majestic woman’s scolding suddenly sounded from the cabin.

“All staff, back off!”

A majestic command came from the cabin.


The crisp sound of high heels lapping on the deck forms a melodious piece of music.

Captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates,

One of the most beautiful pirate women, Emperor Boyahan Cook, listens to the fierceness with her head held high.

With a proud posture, he stepped out under the arch guard of the two Gate God sisters and faced Qi Yu directly.

Those narrow autumn water eyes lifted slightly.

Four eyes facing each other!


Sparks are sparkling!


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