
An overlord who was even more violent than the first time came.

Cover a radius of hundreds of meters.

Even their own Nine Serpent Pirates were accidentally affected.

Under the overlord color impact of Poyahan Cook to the next level.

Many of the Nine Snake girls rolled their eyes and fell into a coma on the spot.

“Sister… The adult’s overlord color is stronger! ”

Mary Groed’s eyes widened in amazement.

“Now is not the time to pay attention to this!”

“What matters is why my sister is suddenly angry!”

Sandarsonia exclaimed in surprise and hurried forward.

“How dare … That woman, what a guts! ”

“He dared to hug and hug Lord Qi Yu in front of his concubine!”

“This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed by concubines!”

The female emperor Han Cook whispered like a demon.


Just before coming closer, Sandarsonia’s face that heard her whisper was stagnant.


What’s the situation?

Does that woman refer to the person who is now in Mr. Qi Yu’s arms?

When did my sister have a holiday with her!

And Qi Yu… My lord?

“Sister, what’s wrong with you?”

Sandarsonia’s face was full of surprise.

I couldn’t believe my ears.

She is the most proud sister of her family.

Call everyone else… My lord?

It is difficult to believe that the abnormality of the sister adult in these two days is because of the joy … Like……

When the doubts that had plagued her for many days were solved.

Sandarsonia’s mood at this moment was not a relief.

What dominated her whole body was extremely shocking and unbelievable.

My own sister!

One Piece!

I actually have a sweetheart!!!

And he was also an emperor of the sea!!!

If this is passed out, it will definitely make the whole sea shake!

Just when Sandarsonia was shocked to the point of sluggishness.

The big legs under the high forked cheongsam of the pirate female emperor Poyahan Cook stepped forward and stepped forward with great momentum.

“Seven Martial Seas – One Piece Female Emperor”

The only cp0 masked man on the world government side who was still awake was suddenly overjoyed.

“Poyahan Cook, you’ve come just in time!”

“I convey orders to you on behalf of the world government, and now I will immediately assist the government, kill…”

Cp0 Mask Man didn’t finish speaking.

A high-heeled jade foot suddenly dilated in his pupils.

Don’t wait for him to react.

Aromatic feet!

Emperor Hancock kicked him in the head.

The petrified attack effect of the sweet fruit is launched.

Turn his head into a stone head.

It then exploded under the powerful kick.

“If you want to order a concubine, you are far from qualified!”

Poyahan Cook opened his mouth coldly.

It’s just that the cp0 mask man whose head is petrified and exploded obviously has no chance of regret and begging for forgiveness.

Witnessing a powerful CP0 reservist, he was just stepped on by the female emperor.

There was chaos beneath Carly’s heart.

Although it is not known where the hostility of the One Piece Emperor came from.

But if you really get kicked by that jade foot.

Absolutely will crack!

Kalifa looked panicked.

However, the more panicked he hugged Qi Yu.

The more unkind the sight from the One Piece Female Emperor became.

Seeing that the two women were about to make contact.

“That’s it!”

“That’s it!”

Qi Yu finally opened his mouth and was no longer silent.

His left and right index fingers each pressed against the smooth foreheads of Califa and Hancock, separating them.

“Miss Emperor, help solve these miscellaneous fish, really thank you!”

“It’s just that Califa over here is my secretary from now on!”

“Please don’t scare her!”

Qi Yu smiled.


Poyahan Cook’s red lips pouted subconsciously.

A beautiful face with a hint of grievance.

“Can’t accept it?”

Qi Yu asked.

Of course not!

Obviously I came first!

And you haven’t even called a concubine’s name!

The grievances and resentment on Poyahan Cook’s face were even worse.

Just these words, she can only think in her heart now.

But he didn’t dare to say it.

“Lord Qi Yu and the One Piece Female Emperor?”

Kalifa looked at Qi Yu and then at the Pirate Emperor.


She seemed to understand something.

Could it be that Poyahan Cook was hostile to her?

Is it because of seeing the 、、、 between her and Qi Yu.

The iceberg-like arrogant and cold Pirate Emperor actually fell in love with men!!!

Kalifa’s pretty face was already full of shock and amazement.


She seemed to think of something again.

“Now is not the time to say this!”

“As I grinded, Luke… Everyone is still in danger! ”

Carlypha was in a hurry.

Don’t care about the hostility of the Pirate Female Emperor.

Kalifa stepped forward and hugged Qi Yu’s arm.

“Lord Qi Yu, please save us!”


“After the Justice Island incident, we were rescued by Bruno with the fruit of the door, and then we were chased and killed by the Navy and the World Government, traveled to many places, and finally forced to the island.”

“Although we have thrown off the Navy, this time it is the government’s cp0 organization that is chasing us, led by Spendam and his father, Spendane.”

“Because… Because of Spandam’s tragic death.”

Speaking of this, Kalifa weakly peeked at Qi Yu.

“Go ahead.”

Qi Yu gestured.

“Spanda said nicely, saying that as long as we can pass this trial, we can return to the government and even become a member of the CP0. But because of Spandam’s death, he has always held a grudge against us and has never thought of giving us a way to live. ”

“I was supposed to work with Bruno and Gabra, but Spandain sent a lot of killers, we couldn’t beat it, Gabra tried desperately to block it, so that Bruno could have a chance to take me away with the goalkeeper.”

At this point, Kalifa is a lost bow.

There was worry written between the looks.


“That is to say, because I killed Spandam, that is why you were hunted down.”

Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

“Not really, no, no”

“Don’t get me wrong! Lord Qi Yu”

“That’s not what Carlyfa meant!”

Kalifa hurriedly waved her hand.


“If you can, please ask Lord Qi Yu to save them!”

Carly’s eyes widened and she looked at Qi Yu beggingly.

“Then can you guarantee that they will submit to my command, just like you?”

Qi Yu asked.

“This…” Kalifa was silent.

This kind of thing, she can’t do the Lord alone.

Others leave it alone.

At least Lukee’s words、、、

Kalifa knew that he would never easily submit to the pirates.

So she couldn’t really guarantee it.

After all, the price of deceiving a sea emperor may be their lives.

“Well, forget it”

“You can’t ask anything, so why don’t you ask them directly?”

Qi Yu smiled.


Knowing the meaning of Qi Yu’s words, Califad’s eyes lit up suddenly.

“But then again, if I intervene, no matter what others other than you think, without my permission, there is no way to leave!”


Kalifa nodded her head and said she knew.

For them, surviving right now is the most important thing.

“Then let’s get started!”


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