Paradise Island, a dense forest full of autumn.

A cold-looking middle-aged man wearing dark red sunglasses and a black suit killer sneaks in the shade of a tree.

His name was Laskie.

One of the CP9 members of twenty years ago.

Now it is Spendane’s personal bodyguard.

He is also Carlyfa’s father.

“Bruno, the Fruit Bearer of the Gate, your abilities are very special, and the superior has specifically ordered you to bring them back.”

“Now give up your resistance and obediently follow me back!”

Laschi looked indifferently at the wooden horned man who was almost comprehensible not far away.

“Mr. Laschi, I remember you were Kalifa’s father!”

Bruno spoke.

Ruschi’s grim countenance changed slightly, and he soon returned to his original state.

“Yes and how?”

“Kalifa is now a traitor to the World Government just like you!”

“I… I will catch her with my own hands! ”

Raschi said.

“And then, will you personally give Kalifa to the Dracos on the island?”

“You should know best in all these years of world government.”

“What a miserable result it would have suffered if the Kalifa had fallen into the hands of the Draco.”

Bruno painstakingly opened his mouth, trying to awaken Laschi’s cold heart.

It’s all right on his side.

At least let Laschi, the father, be able to protect Carlyfa.

“If you really care and love your daughter…”


At the same time that Laschi stopped drinking, his figure suddenly disappeared.

The reappearance was already in front of Bruno.

“Iron Block – Steel !!!”

Bruno’s pupils shrank and he did not hesitate to strike with an iron block.

Raschina was more terrifying than a pistol, enough to pierce the fingers of the Golden Rift Stone and shoot out.

Finger the gun!

A finger falls.

Bruno’s proud iron was once again broken.

In front of an old superman like Laschi.

His descendants are still far behind.


A loud bang.

Bruno’s figure flew upside down, breaking a towering tree.

Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth and gushed out.

The vision in front of his eyes gradually blurred.

“Looks like I can only stop there!”

Bruno’s feeble whispers.


He only felt a flicker of sight in front of him.

A familiar shadow suddenly appeared in his line of sight.

Is that…… Carlyfa!

“Card… Carlyfa, you… Why are you coming back! ”

Bruno’s red eyes screamed, as if returning to the light.

“Bruno, just shut up and watch, how can I leave you alone?”

“It’s very troublesome to explain now, but it’s all right!”

“Everyone will be safe!”

Carifa said seriously.

Bruno was stunned.

Mune’s gaze crossed Kalifa and landed on the tall figure in front of him.


Laschi’s gaze was also locked on Qi Yu, who was next to his daughter.

“It’s you… You you you…”

“The Red-Haired Pirates… Uncrowned…”

At the moment of recognizing Qi Yu.

Recognize the moment an emperor of the sea appears before his eyes.

The expression on Laschi’s face could no longer be described simply as shock and horror.

Fear and death haunted him, so that he could not even utter a complete sentence.

On the other hand, at the moment of seeing Laschi, Qi Yu also inexplicably felt somewhat familiar.

After thinking about it, I finally remembered his identity.

It was the members of the CP9 who followed Spendane to O’Hara twenty years ago.

If it had been before, Qi Yu would have said nothing long ago, and slapped him down to make him a pile of broken meat.

But now it’s to slow down first.


Kalifa called softly, and her little face looked complicated and dark

“Card… Carlyfa”

In a state of extreme fear, Laschi saw Califa walking behind Qi Yu and cried out.

“Kalifa, why are you with this man?”

“Do you know who he is?”

“Are you really going to betray the government?”

Ruschi screamed in horror.

“Dad, it should be us who are betrayed!”

“You should know best what Spendane is doing!”

“And that Draco?”

Kalifa sipped her small mouth, the eerie opening.

“Or do you want to give me to the Draco?”


Laschi’s face turned pale.

“In short, you cp9 are all traitors to the government now, and it is our shame, and so are you.”

“The order of the world government is absolute!”

In front of his daughter, Raschi seemed to have forgotten the fear of being dominated by Qi Yu’s murderous spirit, and raised his hand to fight.

For the slap from her father, Kalifa had no intention of hiding at all.

As before, keep your eyes closed and prepare to bear it.

However, until a few moments later, the slap never fell.

“Now Kalifa is my cover.”

“I wanted to hit her, did you ask me?”

Qi Yu blocked in front of Kalifa’s body, and opened his mouth domineeringly.

The right hand clasped Laschi’s wrist as firmly as a pliers.

The heavy force almost crushed his wrist.

Under Qi Yu’s overwhelming strength, Laschi’s face gradually turned vicious due to pain.

“Lord Qi Yu, he… Is he my dad? Can you please not kill him. ”

The corner of Carly Fararazi’s coat, the weak opening.

“That’s what it says.”

Qi Yu nodded, and with a single flick of his hand, he flew Lasch out, breaking several large trees, and finally passing out between the ruins.

“The red-haired pirates’ … Arrogant! ”

“Is it true, Carlyfa, did you sacrifice yourself and make a deal with this man?”

Bruno had a bitter curvature on his face.

Survive by the sacrifice of your partner.

Shame on you.

At this moment, his heart was uncontrollably happy.



Paradise Island Southeast Region.

The river at the junction of Harujima and Natsushima.

On each side of the river stood a group of people


There was thunder in the sky.

Then there was a roar, and a thunderstorm arrived as scheduled.

Even in the midst of the torrential rain, the people on both sides of the river still did not move.

“Luke, your injuries are too serious, so I’ll deal with them for the time being.”

Kaku, who has a square nose, takes a deep breath and transforms.

‘Click, click’

The ground cracked beneath his feet, and the animal was launched in the form of a giraffe.

“Oh yo, I have to do my part too.”

“Owl, you have a good rest first.”

A lion with long pink hair and dressed like a kabuki actor is also a step forward.

“Pleasant stay in Kyoto”

“Cough cough”

The owl coughed violently twice, and his face was pale and bloodless.

He knew that it was best if he could not drag his friends behind him now.

“It doesn’t matter, I can still fight.”

Hadley, the white pigeon, flapped his wings and flew up over Luci’s shoulder to open his mouth in his place.

“Hey, hey, hey, what a bunch of tough guys, but that’s just what makes us have a little more fun.”

The man on the other side of the river who was shrouded in a white robe smiled negatively.

“It’s easy to kill you and take down your first rank, and we’ll be able to be promoted from reserve to full member of the cp0.”

The other man spoke.

“Hee-hee, this pigeon was raised by Lu Qi’s waste, it looks very delicious, it’s too little, but it can also be counted as a personal head.”

“Five, eight, nine, don’t talk nonsense with them, take down these guys, the head doesn’t score.”

The last man spoke.

“Hey hey hey, let’s get started.”

Number Five laughed.




The next moment, the white robes and masks on the cp0 reservists exploded.

A large black ant,

A turquoise praying mantis with sharp bladed hands,

In addition, there is a large mosquito with transparent wings on its back and a vicious vascular mouthpiece, which appears in the sight of the three Lukees.

It’s an animal-to-animal collision.

Or it can be said that mammals fight insects.


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