Paradise Island, the junction of spring and summer.

Cp9 Eight Hundred Years Strongest Robluch;

Daoli 2,002 giraffe Kaku;

The battle between the three male lions and the three members of the cp0 reserve also began.

On one side are leopards, giraffes and lions.

On the other side are ants, praying mantises and mosquitoes.

This is a contest between mammals and insects.


“Lords, come on!”

Hadley, a pigeon in a tie, circled like a cheerleader, cheering for the three Lukees.

“Oh, old decay is really underestimated.”

Kaku raised his hand to wipe the blood from his face, and a powerful momentum rose up and down Zhou’s body.

Meet the Blood-Vampire Mosquito Man of the CP0 Reserve.

“Arashi White Thunder”

Kaku’s eyes flashed with a glint of essence.

Raising his hind legs violently, he swept out a dazzling pure white air blade and flew away towards the blood-sucking mosquitoes in mid-air.


The vampire mosquito man shifted rapidly for two consecutive times, dodging this Lan foot.

The outside seems to be calm, but the inside is already scared out of a cold sweat.

With just one kick, Kaku’s strength was beyond his expectations.

Previously, he was able to successfully suck Kaku’s blood because Kaku was distracted.

“Arashi Foot – Line”

“Arashi Foot – Dragon Break”

“Lan Foot – Kirin Time Rain”


Kaku, who is serious, is a killer with one shot, and there is no half-point to keep his hand.

In cp9, Kaku’s force value is 2200, second only to Luke.

Although Lutch is known as the Master of the Six Styles.

However, in the development of the use of the Arashi Foot Style.

Even Luke is not as good as Kaku.

Kaku perfectly combines his abilities with Arashi’s feet to create a variety of powerful tricks.

At this time, once it was cast, the weather blade flew around.

By the end, the giraffe-shaped Kaku was spinning away.

The all-round Arashi Foot Slash without dead angles slashed at the blood-sucking mosquitoes in mid-air.

Rao is a vampire mosquito who can constantly transpose and transpose, but he is also unable to completely dodge under Kaku’s dead-end Lan foot blow.

In the end, he was unfortunately hit head-on by the powerful ‘Arashi Foot Circumference’.

In an instant, the iron body was shattered.

If he hadn’t unloaded his power in time, this kick alone would have been enough to incapacitate him.

“Damn, this kind of Dao power has definitely exceeded two thousand, even higher than mine!”

“But if I can get close, my blood-sucking ability can be maximized.”

The blood-sucking mosquito coughed up a mouthful of blood and let out a low roar of unwillingness.


The other side.

The battle between the male lion snuggles up with the Ninth Mantis Fruit Ability is also ongoing.

“The Return of Life – The Art of Hair Binding”

In the return state of life, snuggle can skillfully control every part of the body.

Even hair is the same.

At this moment, his long pink hair on the ground danced like a demon, winding towards the Ninth Mantis Mantis Man.

However, the insect fruit mantis morphology has two major characteristics.

One is fast.

The speed of the snuggled hair simply cannot keep up with the speed of the other party.

Another characteristic is still fast.

‘Knife fast’ fast.


Nine wielded two sickle-like forelimbs and kept slashing off his snuggled hair.

Soon a sheet of long pink hair was piled up on the ground.

If it weren’t for the energy that could be used to promote hair growth with the energy of other parts of himself, I am afraid that he would be a bald head by now.

Just constantly pumping out the energy of his body also had a serious impact on him.

Snuggling up to his otherwise burly figure dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But his insistence is not useless.

After a long chase, he finally found the opportunity to catch the Ninth Mantis Man with his hair.

“Return of Life – The Lion Points to the Gun”

The strands of hair formed into fingers and fell like raindrops around the mantis mantis man.

In an instant, blood was splattered.


“It’s a useless guy, look at me.”

The large black ant was full of vigor and confidently walked towards Lu Qi.

“Hahahahaha, I’m an ant man who ate the fruit of an animal!”

“An ordinary ant can have the strength to lift more than 400 times its own weight!”

“And I was originally a superman with more than a thousand Dao strengths, how powerful was I?” Immediately let you come to experience the experience, Robluch. ”

Ant-Man laughed wildly.

“Ant Fist”

Ant Man coldly circled behind Lu Qi, and a heavy fist fell on Lu Qi’s back heart.

“Iron Block Empty Wood”

Lukee’s unique iron counter-attack technique is to block the opponent at the same time.

It also transmitted the impact force unchanged to the Ant Man’s fist.


The ant man was injured by his own strength, the blood vessels in his fist burst, blood sprayed, and one fist was almost destroyed.

From the beginning, Luke was all there was to it, without any hand left.

Maximize your strength within a controllable range.


The black ants, who had been proud of themselves before, were now screaming like slaughtering pigs.

However, what shocked him even more was yet to come.

“Six Type Upanishads Six King Guns”

Even though the other party was much weaker than himself, Lu Qi still directly used his strongest trick.

Only the six forms of the Asteries can be fused into one, and the six types of Upanishads fall firmly on the black ants.

Just one blow, the black ant fell to the ground in pain.

I only felt that my body was going to disintegrate under Lu Qi’s fist, and I couldn’t lift the slightest strength in my body, and my vision was gradually graying.


Applause rang out.

“Worthy of being the strongest Rob Luckey in the eight hundred years of cp9, it is really powerful, so let me play next.”

The last man, who had always been standing across the river, finally moved.


In an instant, the figure of Reserve Seven disappeared, and it was already next to Lu Qi.

The expression on Lu Qi’s face was still cold, even if he was seriously injured, he still did not move like a mountain.

A powerful finger gun poked at the number seven that appeared.

“Hooked?” The face under the mask number seven flashed a triumphant smile, and his right hand flicked over Luke’s finger gun.

The next moment, something horrible happened.

The area below Luke’s right wrist disappeared out of thin air.



Watching Lu Qi suddenly ‘break his hand’, Kaku and Snuggle both lost their voices and shouted.

Even Luke himself was inevitably surprised at this moment.

“Hahahahaha, how’s it going?” It’s incredible, that’s what I’m capable of. ”

Number Seven laughed triumphantly.

“To eliminate all evil in the world, this is my power, the power to dispel the fruit.”


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