

Snuggled up with Kaku watching Robbluci’s disappearance of his right hand, they couldn’t help but scream in horror.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine, it’s okay.”

After the initial shock, Luke returned to his usual composure without wavering.

“What the hell is going on here? There wasn’t a bit of blood, it wasn’t like a broken hand! ”

The lion shook his head and asked in a playful tone.

“Although I can’t see my right hand now, I can feel that it is still there, not broken or disappeared, just unable to use it.”

Luckey frowned and described.

“In short, everyone is careful not to be touched by that person, even if there is no substantial damage to the body, but the missing part will greatly reduce our combat effectiveness.”

Lutch reminded

“Hahahahaha, that’s what it says, but can you really do it?” In the face of my ability to consume the fruit, do the perfect dodge. ”

Seven seems to have opened a hidden cruel personality, and Sensen’s white teeth are chilling.

“Whenever it is something that is touched by my body, its existence itself will be eliminated.”

The ability to eliminate all entities, this is the superhuman extinction fruit.

The part that is ‘ordered’ by the Capable to be eliminated will ‘disappear’ directly from this world.

In reality, however, those parts that disappeared just entered another space.

The ability to consume fruits is to some extent related to the ability to space, sending things touched into other spaces.

Its existence itself still exists, but it exists in another spatial world and cannot be used by its original owner.

This is a state ability similar to the fruit of childishness.

There are two ways to lift this ‘eliminated’ state.

First, the ability of the person to take the initiative to lift the ability;

The second is that only those who have the ability to defeat them.

Since the other party could not take the initiative to unlock the ability, the only thing left was to defeat him.

“Arashi-footed Kai-bird”

The blue air blade transformed into the shape of a large bird and flew towards the Seventh Fruit Elimination Ability.

“Iron Block”

The Seventh Waist Horse unites and uses its own front iron block to defend against Luke’s Bluefoot Kaibird.

However, he seemed to overestimate the strength of his iron block.

Under Lu Qi’s feet, which were enough to cut off the warship, his iron body was instantly broken, and the whole person flew out tens of meters, hitting several large trees before finally stopping.


Even the white robe and mask on his body were split under the sharpness of Lan’s feet, revealing a young pale cheek.

“Cough cough cough cough”

Number Seven looked gloomy and raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth.

“It’s really worthy of being a superman with more than four thousand Dao forces, whether it is the use of the Six Styles or the Dao Force value, you are far above me, but…”

Before the number seven was finished, another big blue bird was kicked out by Luke and came towards him.

“Damn it”

Number Seven scolded angrily, and the next second was cut by the big blue bird.

“What I hate most is arrogant people.” Lukee opened his mouth faintly.

“Huh, huh, huh?”

The cold laughter of Number Seven came from the dust stirred up by the big blue bird.

“His body?”

“What’s going on?”

When they saw Number Seven coming out of the dust, Kaku and Snuggle were shocked and wide-eyed.

“This is the ability to eliminate the fruit, and if necessary, I can even temporarily eliminate the part of the attack, and your attack will not work at all, Luke.”

Number Seven laughed triumphantly.

He could not eliminate the Arashi Foot Air Blade without a physical body.

However, it is possible to dodge by eliminating the part of the attack that you are attacking.

This ability is somewhat similar to the Naruto World’s earth-carrying Kamitsu Writing Wheel Eye.

“The ability to be bored, the ability to eliminate your head as well.”

Lu Qi calmly opened his mouth, and then used Arashi Foot to attack continuously.

In the end, Seven and others are only the reserves of the CP0, and they are far from full members.

In the face of Lu Qi, the strongest CP9 in eight hundred years, even if he has strange abilities, it is useless.

After a short while, Number Seven’s body was ‘fragmented’.

His hands and feet, torso, and even half of his face were all eliminated by him into another space.

Such a large-scale elimination of his own body to avoid the attack also had a huge impact on his own actions.

“I’ve had enough.” Number Seven roared.

The next moment, the body parts he eliminated reappeared one by one.

At the same time, Lukee’s previously eliminated right palm was restored to its original position.

“As it turns out, once the ability is lifted, both yourself and others will be restored, which is really boring ability.”

Luke laughed sarcastically.

“Rob Lukee”

Number Seven stared at Luke with a look of resentment, gritting his teeth.

“Enough, Number Seven, your ability is originally to assist mostly, you don’t have to fight this monster.”

Just then, there was a cry from the dense forest.

This was followed by a chaotic sound of breaking wind.

Not for a moment.

There were dozens of more people in the field, surrounding Lu Qi’s three people.

Except for two CP0 reservists who also wore masks.

There was also a group of government black-suit killers, as well as a straw bag chief wearing a striped suit.


The straw bale commander Spandain clapped his hands and applauded.

“It’s really the strongest CP9, and these children I brought with me are far from mature.”

Spenda opened his mouth coldly without smiling.


Lutch looked at Spendane with a twinkle of disgust on his face.

Whether it is Lao Tzu or Son, it is all the same disgusting.

“Number Three, give them our gifts.”

Spendane sneered.

“Give it back to you.”

The tall number three cp0 reservist raised his hand and threw it.

A bloody human head crossed the river and landed at Luke’s feet.



After recognizing the identity of the head, the eyes of Kaku, Snuggle, and Owl instantly turned red.

Even Luke was the same, and his usual mentality of not being alarmed was broken, and anger surged in his heart.

“Hahahahaha, even a wild wolf, who dares to fight with the fierce tiger of my king of a hundred beasts, is really looking for his own death!”

“You don’t know that this wolf’s tragic appearance before his death, the ugly state of crying and begging for forgiveness is really unforgettable!”

Number Three laughed arrogantly and triumphantly.

The body continued to rise and grow, and the white robe was propped open.

By the time he appeared in people’s sight, he had completely transformed into a colorful tigerman.


However, just before Lutch goes on to take revenge.

Another voice with sadness and anger came from not far from the forest in the southeast direction.

“That voice is… Carlyfa. ”

Kaku heard the owner of the voice for the first time and turned his head in shock.

On the other side, the crowd, including Spendane, also turned their heads in shock.

Wait until you see a tall man coming out of the open air door not far away.

Extreme shock, fear, shock and other emotions suddenly came to mind.

It occupied the whole body of Spendane’s group.

Under the domination of an emotion called fear.

For a moment they could not even utter a complete sentence.

“He he he … No, it’s impossible? ”

“How could he be here?”


The straw bale chief, Spendhal, cried out in horror.

Obviously, the murderer of his son was in front of him.

However, at this moment, he could not give birth to the slightest desire for revenge.

He had only one thought in his mind—



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