
The unpleasant screams of Spendaein echoed through the forest.

“No! That’s impossible? ”

“Why are you here?”

“I don’t believe my luck is going to be so bad?”

Spendhal was tearful and ugly on an old face.

In the face of fear, he behaved exactly like his son Spendane.

If it comes to the hatred of Qi Yu, Spendane is undoubtedly the first in the field.

Because his only son, Spandain, died tragically at the hands of Qi Yu.

The whole person exploded, and the bones were gone.

These days, he was thinking about killing Qi Yu all the time, even in his dreams.

However, when Qi Yu really stood in front of him.

All his hatred and killing intent were extinguished, and all that remained was endless fear and longing for life.

He wanted to escape.

But there is no escape.

My feet didn’t listen to the call as if they were filled with lead.

The horror he had never seen before dominated.


“Carifa, Bruno still has 、、、 whining!!!”

After recognizing the man between the two companions, the male lion narrowed his eyes in shock as he snuggled up.

“Oh… Beep, that guy… The man next to Kalifa…”

The badly injured Toneless owl swallowed hard.

His eyes locked on Qi Yu’s body without blinking.

“There can be no mistake, that man is the deputy captain of the red-haired pirate regiment.”

“The Uncrowned Emperor – Arrogant Qi Yu !!!”

Kaku was shocked, lost his voice, and shouted.

Right now.

When Qi Yu suddenly appeared.

Not to mention the scum of Spendane’s weak psychological endurance.

Even a ruthless killing machine like Rob Luke’s body is completely frozen.

As for the men brought by Spendane.

Even the cp0 reserve “numbers”, known for their cold-bloodedness.

At this time, there is no other benefit, and everyone is caught in the vortex of fear, and there is no way to extricate themselves.

“Enjoyable and enjoyable”

A tiger roared and shook the mountains and forests.

The colorful tiger covered with tendon flesh roared to dispel the fear and haze that hung over his heart.

The huge tiger’s claws landed on the ground, causing cracks in the earth.

“Everyone, now is the time to show the fruits of our years of hard work!”

“He’s a monster, and we’re monsters that the government has trained for years, and there’s nothing scary at all!”

The third Tiger Fruit Capable Man roared.

When facing the feather, he can also raise the will to fight, and he has to admit that his courage is commendable.

Newborn calves can not be afraid of tigers, but what about the existence that can make the sea tremble when faced with stomping feet?

The so-called courage is commendable, but it is just another way of saying stupidity.

Under the clamor of the Tiger No. 3 Ability.

The Eighth Vampire Mosquito, the Ninth Mantis Warrior, and the Seventh Fruit Elimination Ability are all in good spirits.

The fear on his face subsided a little, and a look of eagerness appeared in the air.

It is not impossible to win.

As long as the number seven’s ability to eliminate the fruit can be used smoothly.

Transfer Qi Yu’s body to another space.

There will be only one head left, and it is not up to them to hold it.

The members of the CP0 Reserve began to fantasize about accomplishing this feat.



Two remnants flashed in the sky.

The two major flying insect systems of the blood-sucking mosquito man and the mantis man have the ability to flap their wings in unison.

Spread their respective maximum speeds around Qi Yu in an attempt to interfere.

But their interference ended before it even began.


The cold flickered with a fiery golden sword light.

The two insect fruit abilities did not even hum, and their heads were suddenly different.


It’s like a handover of gold and iron.

People suddenly looked up.

Qi Yu, who was originally empty, had an extra man in a white robe mask in front of him.

The dagger in his hand was firmly clamped between the index and middle fingers of Qi Yu’s right hand, and he could not move.

“Oh, it involves the ability of space.”

Qi Yu opened his mouth with interest.

At a glance, I saw through the ability of this cp0 reservist that had never appeared before.

Under Qi Yu’s gaze that saw through everything.

The cp0 reservist, which has the ability to teleport within a certain range, let out a strange cry of fear and wanted to teleport away.

“Since you’re here, don’t leave.”

However, Qi Yu’s voice was like the whisper of a ghost god, echoing in his ears.

The next moment.

Reserve Thirteen was shocked to find that his teleportation had ‘failed’.

No, not invalid.

Rather, his body lost consciousness.

He lost control of himself.

Obviously the consciousness is still awake.

But the body had already been killed one step ahead.

His vision gradually blurred.

Until complete darkness.

The third cp0 reservist with a superhuman level of 600 Dao Li strength, die!

In front of Qi Yu.

In front of the mighty of the Sea Emperor level.

The so-called world government superman is just a joke.

If you want to overthrow it, turn it between your hands and turn it over as easy as chopping vegetables and cutting melons.

Instantly, three kills!

This horrible picture deeply stung the hearts of other people who were still alive.

Even those who had previously put down their bold words and hunger for the third fierce tiger ability were still cold at this time.

The face of the Tiger of the King of the Hundred Beasts was full of horror and fear.


That was the only thought in the minds of all the government killers present.

Except for Spendane, who was fighting two battles and could not even stand up.

The other black-suit killers did not hesitate to turn around and run.

Increase the shaving speed of their respective six styles beyond the limit.

The third Tiger Capable Man also did not hesitate to turn around, and fled with his tail between his legs.

However, before he could run far, Luke’s figure suddenly appeared on the road ahead of him.

“Six Type Upanishads Max Wheel Six Kings Gun”

At this moment, driven by the anger of his partner Gabra’s tragic death, Lutch is like a tiger that chooses to eat people.

Even without the power bonus of the cat cat fruit leopard form.

However, the power of his Six Kings Gun Upanishads was even more powerful than that of the leopard form.

This is the power that comes from anger.

Not just Lukee.

Except for the seriously injured and dying sound no owl.

Kaku, Snuggling, Kalifa, and Bruno also surround the killers of their ‘brothers’.

Arashi feet, finger guns…

A variety of six-style stunts are emerging.

Without mercy.

There is no way to live.

Tiger No. 3 didn’t even have a chance to kneel down and beg for forgiveness.

It was under the joint attack of the four people of Kalifa that it fell apart and turned into a meat sauce.

And that’s not all.

Bruno, the Gate Fruit Ability, keeps opening the air door.

Capture and obliterate the government black-suit thugs who have scattered and fled.

Leave no living mouth.

A few minutes later.

The world is quiet.

The mountains and forests were stained with blood and fell into an indescribable dead silence.

On the killer side of the world government, only the last two people remained.

“Aaah, Number Seven, use your ability to dissipate fruits to hide me in your dissipation space.”

Spendane shouted as if grasping at the last straw.

“You idiot chief, don’t expose my abilities.”

Number Seven’s angry roar was in full swing to eliminate the fruit, speeding up its own disappearance.

As long as he can hide in his own dissipation space, he will have the confidence to survive.

Even Qi Yu would never be able to find the space where he was.

“Soon, it’s going to succeed, hahahahaha, I’ll survive…”

Just as Number Seven was laughing triumphantly over his own survival.

The next moment.

The last finger of his remaining outer space was imprisoned by some matchless force.

Then a destructive force started from that finger and quickly spread throughout his body.

In an instant, all the internal organs in his body were shattered.

“Oh, no more somber”

Without the support of physical strength, his fruit ability was forced to be lifted.

Number Seven collapsed to the ground like mud, spitting out blood mixed with internal organs.

Vitality passes and eventually dies.

“Spendane, rejoice, you won’t die here!”

Qi Yu smiled.

The surprise on Spanda’s frightened old face suddenly paused before it could emerge.

“Because next you will be better off alive than dead!”

Qi Yu’s indifferent opening.

Turn around.

The stormy fists of Kalifa and the others enveloped him.

Three minutes later.

Spendane had almost no human form.

But he’s still alive.

Because Qi Yu didn’t let him die.

“Well, it’s time for you to decide, cp9!”


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