“Rob Luke, come on, decide!”

“I’m a pirate, not a philanthropist!”

“You who have been saved because of me will have to pay some price!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

Words speak in an unmistakable tone of command.


The hot blood in Kaku, Snuggle, and Owl cooled in their bodies.

A heart subconsciously mentions the throat eye.

They were never naïve.

Will not think that Qi Yu helps them, do not ask for anything in return.

The position of Kalifa and Bruno at this moment is enough to explain everything.

Then it’s their turn to decide.

Let’s be honest.

For this choice proposed by Qi Yu.

The three Kaku didn’t have much inner turmoil.

The situation has come to this point.

They have no way out.

Returning to the embrace of the world government is no longer possible.

Even if the world governments don’t care what they do.

They will never go back again.

Because their partner Gabra had already died tragically.

Even a ruthless killer can’t be indifferent to the death of his brother from childhood to adulthood.

And these days of exile.

They cp9 are by no means ruthless.

Not long ago in the town of Queen of Spring.

In order to make up the cost of treatment for Robluch.

These ruthless killers who kill for a living have not hesitated to compromise and become funny and amusement.

Gabra even dared to drill and jump into the ring of fire like a normal animal.

The happiness and hardships of these days come down

In the past, the verbal friction has disappeared.

Their relationship with this CP9 team was unprecedentedly united.

You can even sacrifice yourself for your partner.


Kalifa, Kaku and the others all looked nervously at Lukee, waiting for his answer.


The white pigeon in the tie flapped its wings and landed again on Luke’s shoulder.

Lu Qi did not say a word, and stepped forward in silence.

Pick up a head stained with dirt and blood from the ground.

Still not saying a word.

Robluff stood still about three meters from Qi Yu.

Then fall on one knee.



The tension and clouds on the faces of Kalifa and the others dissipated.

A hanging heart was finally put down.

They already knew Luke’s choice.

“I want revenge on the world government!”

Rob Luke looked up, and the flames of vengeance flashed in his eyes.

“Of course you can!”

“I hope you don’t forget what you said today!”

Qi Yu grinned.

Forget it.

Qi Yu turned around and waved his arm.

“There’s still some time before noon.”

“I’ll take you to collect some interest.”



A few minutes later.

Qi Yu led the cp9 people away from this blood-stained mountain forest.

Greeted by the elite of the Nine Snakes led by the female Emperor Boyahan Cook.

“Mr. Qi Yu”

“Lord Qi Yu”

The mighty girls of the Nine Snakes let out a soft sigh and followed the footsteps of the female emperor and hurried forward.

“Is it over?”

The female emperor Han Cook asked with bright eyes and pretended not to care.

“Let’s leave it at that.”

“But there’s one more game to come.”

“How’s it going? Do you want to go together? ”

Qi Yu smiled and invited.

“Oh wow”

One Piece Lady Emperor Poyahan Cook’s pretty face looked like a spring blossom.

She lifted her hand and unconsciously covered her red lips.

A series of rich brain supplements unfolded under the heart.

For example—

Is this just a marriage proposal?

Poyahan Cook thought outrageously.


“Sister, what’s wrong with you?”

The Poiya sisters were suspicious of the opening reminder.

“I… I do! ”

Poyahan Cook shyly tapped his head.

It’s like you’re really accepting a marriage proposal.

Beautiful pretty faces are full of happiness.

It’s just that


Poyahan Cook just couldn’t laugh.

Look at the heavily guarded mansion not far away.

Look at the flag that symbolizes the Draco.

Poyahan Cook’s little face was as pale as paper.

Her delicate body staggered slightly.

I’m about to fall.

A hot and wide embrace carried her delicate body.

Feel the warmth behind you.

Poyahan Cook’s pale little face returned to a slightly bloody color.

“You’re the One Piece Emperor!”

“Han Cook, let go of fear and just stride forward!”

“I’m always behind you!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly and firmly.

“Qi Yu… Adult”

Hazy mist of water covered the beautiful eyes of Poyahan Cook.

“Let’s get started!”

“Long-lost Dracobo hunting!”

Handed Poyahan Cook into the hands of Sandarsonia.

Qi Yu alone took the lead.

Punch the door open.

“What a man!”

“All on guard!”

“There are intruders!”

“Protect Saint Saros!”


“This man… He he he he… He is…”




The Breath of the Invisible Overlord centered on Qi Yu and covered the entire Draco Mansion in an instant.

Just for a moment.

The panicked shouts everywhere came to an abrupt end.

Among the hundreds of Draco guards, there were not enough hands to stand.


The original cp9, led by Robluch, took a deep breath and began the relentless harvest.

“Sister… Sister! ”

BoyaMarie Groed had a vibrato in her voice.

She has always been strong, and her face is also full of uneasiness at this moment.

As a former Draco prisoner.

For Draco, she also has a natural fear.

“Draco… Hunting? ”

Poyasanda Sonia murmured unconsciously.

“Hunting Draco?”

“Is this kind of thing serious?”

“Just by hitting the Draco, it will invite the revenge of the admiral, if you kill…”

Gentian, Daisy, Purple Fan Flower and other Nine Snake cadres are all discolored.

I was shocked and horrified by the picture I witnessed in front of me.

“If it were that big man, there would be no need to doubt anything!”

Sandarsonia nodded suddenly and firmly.

“Because as early as a few years ago, Lord Qi Yu already regarded the Tianlong people as prey, and hunted them!”

Reminded by her.

The crowd reacted.

I think of a story I saw in the newspaper a few years ago.

“No… Bad! ”

“If it is seen by others, we will follow Mr. Qi Yu … Hunt the Dracos together、、、”

“Lord Snake Ji’s title of Seven Martial Seas will be stripped away!”

Come to think of it.

The uneasiness on the faces of the cadres of the Nine Snakes Regiment was even worse.

Many people have already flinched.

I want to retreat back to the ship before making plans.

“Shut up!”

Poyahan Cook’s majestic cry exploded.

“What if it’s seen?”

“No one will blame the concubine!”

“Because the concubine is as beautiful as a heavenly immortal!”

Say the signature lines.

Poyahan Cook stepped forward with his long legs and marched towards his fear.

When the Nine Snakes arrived.

The dispute in the Draco mansion is basically over.

The number of people who were still awake under the impact of Qi Yu’s overlord color domineering spirit were defeated by cp9.

“One Piece Lady Emperor Boyahan Cook”

Kalifa stepped forward to greet her.


Han Cook glanced indifferently at Califad.

“Lord Qi Yu said earlier, if you are ready, please go this way!”


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