
“Red-haired pirates, what the hell do you want to do?”

“First the Isle of Justice, then this time!”

“Damn, are you trying to fight against me and so on?”

The roar of the world’s supreme power, the five old stars, exploded deep in the holy land of Mary Joy.

Spread to Paradise Island, thousands of miles away, through the telephone worm, it is still full of deterrence.


“The five old men of the world government!”

“You succeeded in making fun of me!”

Qi Yu laughed.

“What’s so funny!”

The five old stars with aristocratic curly hair rebuked angrily.

“Against you? Isn’t that a matter of course? ”

“Who do you think I am?” I’m a pirate!” ”

“Shouldn’t the pirates be hostile to your world government?”

Qi Yu asked rhetorically.

Phone bugs on the other end.

The five old stars looked stunned.

After Qi Yu’s reminder, they also had a feeling of being stupid.

Oh, yes!

That’s right!

Pirates and the navy, with their world government, are inherently hostile.

Especially now that they are talking to one of the most terrifying pirates in the sea.

“Damn! What the hell is that red-haired bastard going to do? ”

Blonde hair and blonde bearded five old stars slapped the marble table in front of them.

“First contact with Whitebeard, and then send such a dangerous figure to the paradise!”

“Does he really want to break the pact and take the initiative to overthrow the rare peace?”

Bald head black suit five old star roared in anger.

“The arrogance of the red-haired pirates!”

“What is your purpose?”

“Why shoot at Spendane!”

The dark blue suit five old stars asked in a deep voice.


“If you insist on saying something, you can only blame him for his bad luck!”

Qi Yu grinned.

The reason why he came to this island and encountered Spendane was also an accident, not a special pursuit.

“By the way, it’s not just Spandain who is unlucky!”

“What do you say?”

A samurai star dressed in a white practice suit shouted at the same time, but also reacted instantaneously.

“Did you do anything to the Draco?”

“Damn! How dare he provoke the majesty of God three times and twice! ”

“Do you really want to die!!!”

The anger of the five old stars was like thunder.

Hearing Carlyfa and other original cp9 is silent.

Even Rob Luckey was full of solemnity.

As a member of the original cp9.

Of course they had seen the five old stars.

I know that those five old men are not just ordinary weak rulers.

They also have a powerful individual strength beyond imagination.

“It’s you who are really looking for death!”

“Just five old men!”

“If it appeared in front of me, one hand would be enough to squeeze to death!”

Qi Yu’s arrogant opening.

The strength of the five old stars will be more arrogant and strong above them.

“Don’t get carried away!”

The Samurai Old Star was about to blow up his lungs.

“Do you red-haired pirates really want to go to war with me and others?”

“Even if you are the strongest pirate group in the world, you are not vulnerable to the foundation of our government!”

The curly-haired noble five old stars coldly stopped drinking.

“You know, once the war starts, it is not just two sentences to stop!”

“The result is destined to overturn the sea and bleed into a river!”

The blonde old star threatened.

“Oh well”

Qi Yu grinned.

“Going to war? Just what the doctor ordered! ”

“Only, are you ready for the realization of destruction?”


“Do you really think you’re invincible?”

The sonorous sound of the knife exploded.

It was the whisper of the supreme fast sword around the Samurai Old Star’s waist.

“In this sea, the king is like gravel, but I am different!” The sun shines on the world! And I am the sun! ”

“[email protected]#¥%!!!”


The phone bug hangs up for the five old stars who have blown up their lungs.

Right now.

They finally experienced the resignation and irritation of talking to the most arrogant man.

In fact.

It wasn’t long before the conversation began.

They are already aware of the fact that time has reached noon.

Knowing that the man across from him had completed his transformation.

Just who are they?

The world’s highest power five old stars!

Commander of the World Government and Navy!

How could he be shocked by the arrogance of a pirate!

They tried to overwhelm Qi Yu’s arrogance with the power of the highest power!

Even at the cost of bringing out an all-out war to intimidate Qi Yu!

But to their horror, it was this.

The man at noon was really arrogant to the extreme, and the oil and salt did not enter.

Even if they use war as a threat, they are still unmoved.

Going to war with the Redhead Pirates?

That’s just what they say, of course!

After all, the name of the world’s strongest pirate group is not fake!

They want to destroy the pirate group with two imperial powers.

Even their world governments must pay a price they cannot afford.

There will be many variables.

Leave the rest aside.

The arrogant posture of Qi Yu at noon alone is the biggest variable.

After all, it wasn’t so long ago.

Qi Yu once exploded a navy supreme combat power in just one minute.

Hit the Great General Green Pheasant!

And according to the description of the pheasant afterwards!

This is most likely not Qi Yu’s full strength!

No one knew how terrifying Qi Yu was at twelve o’clock in the afternoon!

Even if they pick up a time slot outside of noon.

No one could guarantee that they would be able to win Qi Yu within a day.

After all, Qi Yu possessed the body of an immortal Kong.

In a sense, it is like the steel balloon of the Four Emperors bigmom Charlotte Lingling and the immortal recovery of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido.

Such a monster is the most difficult to deal with!

Even two, or even three generals, may not be able to win in a short time!

“That little devil, it’s really arrogant!”

“The old man can’t wait to rush over and cut it down with a knife now!”

The samurai old star was surrounded by swords.

“It’s still free.”

“It’s too risky to go now.”

“If you are not careful, you may 、、、”

The blonde old star shook his head and did not say the words ‘send people’s heads’, which was considered to be a face.

“It seems necessary to contact the red-haired Shanks!”

“See what he really wants to do!”

The dark blue suit old star’s eyes flashed a sharp light.

Bru Bru Blu!

The phone worm to the new world rings.

Five minutes later.

“Abominable, abominable”

“One or two are all like this!”

The angry shouts of the five old stars echoed in the hall for a long time.


In their dealings with the red-haired Shanks, they were equally frustrated.

They wanted the redheads to give them face.

In the end, they want to give the red-haired Shanks face.

Now that I think about it, it’s just… The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

“Red-haired Shanks, after all, is still a pirate!”

“He must have some secret to keep the peace!”

“Leave them alone for the time being, the most important thing at the moment is the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment!”

“Even we can’t go to war with whitebeard and redhead at the same time!” The risk is too great! ”

“This tone… Bear with it for the time being! ”

“But he will surely double his efforts to repay !!!”




New world.

Seventy-Six Banquet Island.


Beckman raised an eyebrow and asked.

The red-haired Shanks looked strange.

“What did that guy Qi Yu do?”

Beckman guessed.


The redhead nodded.

“This time, the five old stars hit me directly!”

“But I didn’t say why!”

“As soon as I came, I asked for face!”

Beckman: “!!! ”

“Ahahaha, rest assured, Beckman, I’ve gone back perfectly!”

“I believe they will give me this face!”

Red-haired Shanks laughed.

Beckman: “??? ”

“Why don’t you take this opportunity to contact Qi Yu and ask?”

“You can also tell him the exact coordinates!”

Beckman proposed.


Red-haired Shanks nodded.

“But don’t be in a hurry, wait two hours!”

Beckman looked at the sky.

He nodded sympathetically.


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