Naval Headquarters.

Office of the Marshal.

“Warring States, what’s wrong?”

“Suddenly show this expression!”

Lieutenant General Crane frowned slightly.

“The troops sent by the World Government of Paradise Island to hunt down and kill cp9 are all gone!”

Sengoku deep voice.

“What do you say?”

Lieutenant General Crane looked shaken.

“It’s not over yet!”

“The Dracos who were vacationing on that island are also dead!”

Warring States Road.

“Is there such a thing?”

“In the end…”

Lieutenant General Tsuru paused halfway through his remarks.

Even if you don’t have to ask.

Just looking at Sengoku’s constipated expression.

She could probably guess a thing or two.

“The man again?”

Lieutenant General Crane’s eye twitched.


Sengoku nodded in acknowledgement.

“That man’s words are not surprising at all!”

“So what is the world government going to do?”

“Do you want Polusalino to move?”

Lieutenant General Crane asked.


Sengoku shook his head.

“The direct order from the side of the Five Old Stars, this incident is temporarily suppressed!”


Lieutenant General Tsuru raised an eyebrow not unsurprisingly.

Soon I figured out the key to it.

“Is it planned to concentrate on Whitebeard?”

Lieutenant General Tsuru Road.


Sengoku nodded.

The topic of the big event about the death of Draco’s person has been revealed.

Marshal Warring States aside.

For the Draco people who are dead or not, the Great Staff Lieutenant General Crane does not care much.

The anxiety and anger outside are only a disguise deliberately shown to the world government.

For the Draco, who do no evil and are more lawless than a pirate.

Lieutenant General Crane’s attitude is similar to that of Kapu.

If you can’t do it, you can’t do it.

Not to mention that this time it is about his own ‘brother-in-law’.

Even if you don’t want to admit it.

But Lieutenant General Crane also knew.

Gion is planning to go all the way to the end.

Follow the man.

To this.

Even as a righteous sister, she didn’t have much to interfere with.

In case one doesn’t get it right.

If Gion is forced to rush directly and throw it to the opposite side, it will be too late to cry.

“The battle is set for tomorrow!”

“Kapu over there, little crane, you help look at the point!”

Sengoku ends the topic.

“I see!”



Paradise Island.

Due to the presence of Draco.

The whole luxury resort villa area is deserted.

This just made it convenient for Qi Yu and his party.

End the call with the five old stars

Qi Yu randomly found a sea-view villa for lunch break.

A good night’s sleep.

Qi Yu only felt as if he was surfing and swimming on the magnificent waves of the sea.

It’s like taking a nap in the sea of flowers in the Garden of Eden.

The smell between the nose and mouth is full of richness and fragrance.

Sweet and at the same time with a hint of uniqueness.

A two-hour lunch break.

Qi Yu, who had returned to his normal shape, stretched out lazily.

Look at the sweet woman who sleeps like a kitten lying next to her.

Qi Yu was not so surprised.

Early in sleep.

He probably had already guessed it.

After all, the only person who can have such a sweet breath is the one who has the ability to sweeten the fruit.

It’s just such a great ‘dream’.

Qi Yu naturally did not want to take the initiative to destroy.

It seems to be affected and driven by Qi Yu’s awakening.

The long narrow eyelashes of the female emperor Poyahan Cook fluttered slightly.

Hazy sleepy eyes then opened.

“Miss Emperor, are you in such a hurry?”

Qi Yu smiled and quipped.

The female emperor Han Cook blinked wide-eyed.

Don’t dodge, don’t dodge.

Fiercely stared at Qi Yu.

Half a day.

The fully awakened female emperor Han Cook still did not look shy like an ordinary girl.

She blinked wide-eyed, her head crooked cutely.

“Lord Qi Yu, we should be husband and wife in this way!”

Poyahan Cook opened his mouth seriously.

A face of happiness.

I thought that after all, I was one step faster, and I was strong first.

The blonde hair that came out of nowhere was not an opponent at all.


Listen to the rightful words of the female emperor Han Cook.

Qi Yu was a little nervous.

If he had wine in his mouth, it would have all been sprayed out.

Dare to love this big girl who is almost thirty years old, and she is really completely white in that regard.

Complete…… A blank sheet of paper, not rendered.

Even if he knew something about it, after the actual experience, Qi Yu still couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

“Lord Qi Yu?” What’s wrong? ”

After confirming the relationship between the couple, Poyahan Cook became more and more familiar with the adult title of Qi Yu.

“Listen! Han Cook! ”

Qi Yu looked slightly solemn.

He decided to give a good lesson to this little white man Cook, who didn’t know anything.


Listen to the beloved man call her name again.

Poyahan Cook only felt that his heart was hit by something.

Her eyes were wide and bent, and her face was happy and satisfied.

“Get married! Couple! ”

“These two points are not as simple as you think!”

Qi Yu was a serious Tao.


“Aren’t the concubines and Lord Qi Yu still husband and wife?”

Poyahan Cook was confused.

At the same time, the pretty face is also with a little bit of loss.

“It’s still early!”

Qi Yu Dao.

“So what exactly is to be done?”

“The concubine wants to become a real couple with Lord Qi Yu!”

Poyahan Cook’s face was more serious than ever.

“You really want to know?”

Qi Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The face is strange.

I always feel that my current behavior is suspected of seducing Xiao Bai.

But think about it.

Han Cook White is a little white.

But it’s not small at all.

Age is going to run three.

It’s also time to learn something.

“Yes, Teacher Qi Yu, please teach me what a real couple is!”

Poyahan Cook asked seriously.

“Then become enlightened!”

“Then it’s time to teach by example!”

Qi Yu did not hesitate for the slightest moment.





The world of adults is good… It’s so powerful~

This was the only sigh in the heart of the pirate woman Emperor Boyahan Cook at this moment.

The proud female emperor in front of the people was like a well-behaved and docile kitten at this time.

Snuggled in Qi Yu’s arms, his eyebrows bent, intoxicated and unable to extricate himself.

Qi Yu was also lustful for the warmth of Poyahan Cook and held her tightly in his arms.

Sniffle between the jet-black hair, breathing in her scent gently.

“It’s only a real couple now, Han Cook.”

Qi Yu whispered in Poyahan Cook’s ear.

“Yes ~ Lord Qi Yu”

Tears of joy loomed in the corners of Boyakham’s eyes.

Qi Yu’s warm hand landed on Poyahan Cook’s smooth back, his fingers all the way down.

Touching the scar that would never heal for Poyahan Cook.


Just as Qi Yu’s fingers touched the red scar.

Immersed in happiness, Poyahan Cook reacted violently.

Mental fluctuations.

Instantaneously, the original satisfaction turned into tension and panic.

The original rosy pretty face is even more pale as paper at this moment.

“Don’t look”

Poyahan Cook nearly collapsed and buried his head deep in Qi Yu’s arms.

She was panicked inside, helpless, and fell into extreme panic.

Once captured by the Draco, the mark of the Heavenly Dragon’s hooves left on her back was a scar that she could not forget in her life.

In order to keep the secret on her back, she even had to make a big show of every bath, driving everyone in the vicinity away.

Not long ago, Qi Yu had asked him to kill a Draco with his own hands to help her overcome her fears.

Now it seems that it is only a palliative treatment but not a cure, or it has not been completely successful.

Originally, the time interval was also slightly shorter.

“I’m sorry, but… But I…”

Poyahan Cook choked up in his words.

At this moment, I can’t even say a complete sentence.

The once proud female emperor, under her arrogant appearance, hides a soul that is even more fragile than ordinary people.

When she touched on the secret she valued most.

The arrogant disguise she used to protect herself collapsed in an instant, leaving only endless inferiority.

“I’m sorry”

Poyahan Cook apologized again and struggled to escape.

Of course, Qi Yu would not do as she wished, firmly holding her in his arms.

“Don’t cry, don’t apologize, you’re my man now!”

“The group of people who caused you pain in the past, Draco, I will take you to settle with them!”

Qi Yu said calmly.

As if just telling a trivial matter.

Listening to Qi Yu’s domineering words, Poyahan Cook’s delicate body trembled slightly, and his undulating mood was slightly stable.

“Lord Qi Yu, do you really not mind at all?”

Although Qi Yu had made it clear many times, Poyahan Cook was still a little incredulous in his heart, and weakly asked again.

For Poyahan Cook’s twenty-first question, Qi Yu did not answer again, but showed his heart with practical actions.

Bru Bru Blu!

The red-haired phone bug on the side rang for the eighth time.


Still ruthlessly hung up.

Phone bugs on the other end.

“Broken again?”

Beckman looked strange.

“Really, what kind of plane is that guy Qi Yu doing?”

“I won’t even answer my contact!”

Red-haired Shanks skimmed his lips.


Beckman spat out the smoke ring and said his guess.

“Shouldn’t this event be bigger than we thought?”

“Even Qi Yu was embarrassed to tell you!”

The atmosphere between the venues was stagnant.

The possibilities are high.


“Probably not!”

“Even Qi Yu knows the measure!”

Red-haired Shanks laughed optimistically.

“Well, since you can’t get in touch, let’s talk about it later!”

“Maybe Qi Yu really has something important!”


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