The golden lion is gone.

Also leaving was the Hydra Pirates.

According to Beckman’s guess.

I am afraid that in this war with Whitebeard, the Navy will inevitably do its best.

In this way, the power of the Seven Martial Seas under the King, the Navy will definitely not be placed.

Soon after, the Navy will find the pirate goddess Boyahan Cook, who is the Seven Martial Seas.

Of course, Qi Yu couldn’t be clearer about this.

The situation is chaotic.

The relationship between the Nine Snake Pirates and their Red-haired Pirates.

And the Golden Lion Stoney and so on.

Pressure should continue and should not be exposed prematurely.

Moreover, if you are on the battlefield, if you have your own people to participate in it in advance, you can also produce many changes.

So Beckman proposed that the Golden Lion Shiki quietly take the Nine Snakes back to China for standby.

In this regard, the female emperor Han Cook is naturally a hundred unhappy.

It is rare to taste the happiness between adults.

She was ten thousand unhappy to leave Qi Yu.

For Beckman, who proposed the plan, Hancock gritted his teeth.

People as calm as Beckman couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat.

But in the end.

Under Qi Yu’s commanding persuasion.

The female emperor Han Cook finally accepted the results of the temporary separation.

The Golden Lion and the Nine Snakes were sent away.

All that remains on the banquet island is the Red Regiment.

“Well, before the war starts, we have to do some preventive preparations!”

“At least until the war is over, this sea cannot be allowed to be chaotic!”

Red-haired Shanks solemnly opened his mouth.

“Bigmom Charlotte Lingling and Hundred Beasts Kaido!”

“First of all, let these two unstable elements settle down!”

Beckman spat out a smoke ring.

“That’s right”

Red-haired Shanks snapped his fingers.

“But of those two people, we just need to watch out for the Hundred Beasts Kaido.”

“Although that aunt is a little crazy, she probably won’t take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble.”

“So, Shanks, what are you going to do?”

Qi Yu embraced his arms.

“Need I go to Kazuno Kingdom and talk to that Kaido?”

“It’s not you, it’s us!”

The red-haired Shanks pointed to Qi Yu and then to himself.


Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

“So, Shanks, you plan to go to the Kingdom of Peace with Qi Yu.”

“Isn’t that a little too risky?”

Beckman frowned.

“Rest assured, Beckman, even if it is the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, facing the two sea emperors at the same time, he will not dare to make the slightest rash move.”

Shanks smiled confidently.

“Besides, I’m not going to start a war this time, I just want Kaido to give me a face!”

“If you bring too many people, it will not be good to cause any unnecessary misunderstandings, which is also my sincerity!”

After entrusting the size of the pirate to Beckman.

Qi Yu and the red-haired Shanks board the sheep Mei Li boat and embark on a journey to the land of peace.

“The leader and the deputy Qi went to see the hundred beasts!”

“Sigh, what will that be?” What a curiosity! ”

“I want to go see it too!”

Jesus Bu, the little fat man Raqiru and other cadres could not help but be amazed.

Let the world know about it.

It is bound to cause a sensation that is not inferior to the execution of Ace.

“Don’t be stunned, let’s get ready!”

Beckman reminded.



Endless blue sea.

A small sheep boat gallops at the tug of a small sea king.

“Good value for money”

“This ship is really good!”

“It’s really worthy of Qi Yu’s craftsmanship!”

Shanks admired while visiting the newborn Mellie.

By the way, several bottles of Qi Yu’s treasured wine were also collected from the cabin.

Qi Yu squinted at the red-haired Shanks the same.

As Shanks sat down to get ready to drink with him.

Qi Yu snapped up a small wooden box.


The smile on the red-haired Shanks’s face suddenly stopped.

Instead, a ghostly expression appeared.

“This and this… How could this thing be in your place? ”

The red-haired Shanks widened his eyes and opened his mouth in surprise.

He remembered that he had clearly hidden the thing.

Of the entire pirate group, only he and Beckman knew.

“This is what I picked up!”

“Isn’t it normal for me to do it?”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.

[Sample, play hide-and-seek with me, still very tender]

Qi Yu opened the small wooden box.

Inside lies a flat fruit with a special pattern.

It was the first ‘strange’ reward obtained by Qi Yu’s lottery of awakening the passive ten – the Face Fruit!

“Shanks, now there are two ways to end the war!”

Red-haired Shanks ‘grunted’ and the throat knot rolled hard.

“First, we will participate in the war between Whitebeard and the Navy according to the original plan!”

“The second is that you eat this face fruit, and then go to Mary Joa to find those five old men to give you face and cancel the war!”

Speaking of this, Qi Yu himself couldn’t help but be made up by the brain.

Look, look!

I knew it wasn’t reliable!

You laughed yourself!

Must have laughed!

Red-haired Shanks’s eyes widened like cattle.

“Cough cough”

Qi Yu coughed twice.

Tighten the smile on your face.

“I really didn’t play you, Shanks!”

“As long as you eat this fruit, you are the most face-saving man in the world!”

“When the time comes to go to the Holy Land to find the Five Old Stars to ask for face, one is accurate!”

“Even if you have the ability to awaken, broadcast directly to the world, and ask the world for a peaceful face, 80% of it can also work!”

Qi Yu made a serious opening.

Blowing that is called a ceiling.

Even the red-haired Shanks had a momentary heartbeat.

But soon, he shook his head alertly.

“You said it so well, so why don’t you eat it yourself?”

Shanks said alertly.

“I don’t need someone else to give me face.”

Qi Yu stall hands.

“I’ve always liked to talk with my fists the most, but wouldn’t it be boring if everyone gave me face and didn’t fight with me?”

Red-haired Shanks: “…”

“I’ll think about it again!”



The sea, the undercurrents are rushing.

Everyone’s eyes are focused on the war between the veteran king Whitebeard and the Navy.

There are countless more forces that are trying to move.

Get ready for an era of rampage.

At the same time.

Shortly after the Navy and the World Government announced the execution of Fire Fist Ace.

In the first half of the Great Passage, at the end of the paradise, there are also major events.

The Pirates and Straw Hats have finally landed on the Chambord Islands.

And without any accident, it triggered the Tianlong Great Incident.

The navy did not dare to point fingers at Qi Yu, who was hunting the Draco.

But for a small role like the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment, it is naturally easy to grasp.

Navy indecent admiral Polusalino went into action.

The islands of Chambord were pacified in World War I.

One bite is so terrible.

One foot a supernova.

In the end, it forced the Straw Hat Pirates into a desperate situation of ten deaths.

Even if the hidden big man of Chambordland, the king of Hades, comes out of the mountain, he is still stretched.

That’s when it happened.

The Seven Martial Sea Tyrant Bear, who was Luffy’s father’s good friend, arrived in time.

One by one, all the members of the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment were sent to the sky.

The world only thinks that this is the day of the total annihilation of the Straw Hats.

Few people know.

All this has been arranged by man!!!

Three days later one morning.

All I could hear was a loud bang.

The Straw Hat Boy, who had been flying in the air for three days and three nights, happened to crash into the floating island of the golden lion Shiki who had left the Nine Serpents!!!

Straw Hat Luffy and the empty island thunder god Aniru, as well as the original cp9 Luke and his party, will soon meet again!!!


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