Early morning.

The sun is rising.

Return Poyahan Cook and his party to Hydra Island.

Golden Lion Shiki took back into the air with a huge floating island.

That’s when it happened.

A huge bear paw fell from the sky.


A soft noise came from the forest area of the large floating island.

A deep palm print is printed between the woodlands.

In the center of the palm print lay a scarred teenager.

Wearing a straw hat.

It was the captain of the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment who offered a reward of 300 million yuan – Munch D Luffy.

Three days ago.

Under the overwhelming strength of Admiral Yellow Ape.

The Straw Hat gang is in a desperate situation of ten deaths and no life.

This time.

Qi Yu did not appear again.

In their place appeared the Seven Martial Sea Tyrant Bear, whom they regarded as a great enemy.

Witness the friends being photographed one by one.

Luffy, a straw hat in despair, is eventually shot by the Tyrant Bear’s powers.

After three days and three nights of flying.

Luffy the Straw Hat who was scheduled to land on Hydra Island happened to be cut off by the floating island of the Golden Lion.

Under the impact of the bear’s paw landing on the ground.

Straw hat Luffy’s snot bubbles burst.

He opened his eyes in confusion and sat up.

“I’m still alive!”

“It doesn’t seem like I survived because I’m rubber?”

“What the hell is going on with this bear paw?”

“If only everyone could be saved like me!”

Straw Hat Luffy sighed and spoke optimistically to himself.

A huge shadow appeared behind him.

It was a large mutated wild boar more than ten meters long.

Although no longer engaged in the study of mutated animals, there are still some fierce beasts left on the island.

This wild boar beast is one of them.

It’s just a pity.

The wild boar beast that chose the wrong predator was chosen.

Eventually from hunter to prey.

A wisp of cooking smoke burns in the dense forest.


Hungry for three days and three nights.

Luffy’s belly, which had already been fiercely pressed against his back, grunted.

Before the roast meat is fully cooked, you start to feast on it.

Half an hour later.

“Thank you for the hospitality!”

Straw Hat Luffy let out a satisfied breath.

I touched my round belly.

He snapped a carp and bounced up.

“Let’s go back!”

“It’s really nice to have a life card!”

Straw Hat Luffy pulled a small life card out of his pocket.

Follow the direction of the life card and start running desperately.

While running, his mind was unconsciously thinking of what happened three days ago.

Despair and unwillingness welled up in my heart.

It made him scream in unconsciously in pain.


It’s on the road to the Straw Hat Road.

A small group of flying pirates are reconnaissance and patrolling.

“Everybody boy!”

“The direction of the previous cooking smoke is not far away!”

“The intruder may be right next to us!”

“Then this time it won’t be like last time!”

“If you come back to the same 、、、 as Lord Qi Yu, don’t say it’s me, even Boss Shi Ji can’t hold back!”

The little pirates of the Flying Regiment muttered to themselves.

Between words.

Not far away, there was dust in the dense forest.

“Come… Here it comes”

In the screams.

The dust that flew at great speed approached.

“Get out of the way”

The Straw Hat Luffy who couldn’t stop running directly knocked the squad blocking the road into the sky and fell into a seven-meat eight-vegetarian situation.

Good half a day.

Finally the squad leader who had eased up from the shock took out the phone bug.

“Here is the seventh squad, the intruders found!” Intruder found! ”

“Please tell Boss Shiki quickly that the intruders are now heading in the direction of the palace!”



The news of the invaders came into the ears of the golden lions in the palace.


“Come back?”

“Damn! This time, I want to see who is so bold! ”

Golden Lion Squire gritted his teeth.

Lip service.

In fact, Shi Ji’s heart was inevitably a little confused.

That time a month ago.

The sudden arrival of Qi Yu and Hawkeye Mihawk really brought him a lot of psychological shadows.

Golden Lion Stone’s gaze swept across the field.

This time, in his team, he is not the only one who can play.

Both Aniru and Robluch are first-class players.

Thinking of this, Golden Lion Shi Ji made up his mind.

“Hahahahaha, Luke, Kaku, now I’m on a mission!”

“The invaders of the island are coming over here, and they will be handed over to you later!”

Golden Lion Stoney ordered.


The original cp9 crowd nodded yes.


About half an hour later.

“Oh oh oh oh”

Across the small half of the island, Straw Hat Luffy roared, approaching the central palace.

Look at the dust dragon from far and near.

Bruno, the horned man of Mune, took the lead.


Iron Block – Steel!

Flashing onto the Straw Hat Road’s flight path, he did not hesitate to unfold the iron block defense.

To stop the mighty intruder.

The next second, however.

Wait until you see what the intruder looks like.

Bruno Namina’s face couldn’t help but appear extremely shocked and stunned.

“Straw hat…”

Bruno had a sense of foreboding in his heart.

I unconsciously recall the day of the Justice Island incident.

On the roof of the judgment house, he confidently resisted damage with an iron block, and the result was a tragic picture of being killed by a single blow.

Bruno instinctively wanted to dodge.

However, it was too late.

“Get out of the way”

“Rubber – Rocket Launcher !!!”


Luffy’s outstretched arm slammed into Bruno’s body like a rocket.

“Oh well”

Just like that day.

Bruno’s proudest iron block defense was once again broken.

His body arched like a shrimp.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth unconsciously.

The whole person flew backwards like a broken kite for tens of meters.

He was eventually taken over by the male lion snuggled up with the Sonless Owl.

“That guy… That kid is…”

Bruno blushed and was emotional.

“Straw Hat Luffy!!!”

The beautiful eyes under the gold wire glasses of Carifa suddenly opened wide, and instead of Bruno, she said the name of the intruder.

“How come it’s that straw hat boy again?”

Kaku covered his face.

“Straw hat!!!”

Robluch’s eyes narrowed.

The body instinctively arched like a leopard and entered the battle situation.

It has only been a month since the Justice Island incident.

Unexpectedly, the two sides met again.

This was an unfolding that even Luke had never imagined.

Not only did Luke not expect it.

The once invincible Empty Island Thunder God Aniru was also never expected.

It was just over a month.

Once again, he saw the rubber man nemesis that had knocked him off the clouds.

It’s all because of the straw hat boy, if it wasn’t for him, how could I have been seriously injured!

If I hadn’t been seriously injured, how could I have encountered that 、、、!

Aniru thought indignantly.

Looking at the straw hat Luffy’s gaze not far away, it became more and more unkind.

He wanted to elementalize at the first time and give Straw Hat Luffy a head-on blow.

However, the low-purity Hailou stone handcuffs on his hands were the strongest ability to seal him.

“Straw Hat Boy!!!”

Aniru could only let out an incompetent rage.


Under the obstruction of many parties.

Luffy the Straw Hat finally woke up from his own world and came back to his senses.

Look around.

The straw hat Lu Fei narrowed his eyes in shock.

“You guys are cp9 and long-eared monsters!!!”


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