Large floating island, square in front of the palace.

Straw Hat Luffy will meet his former rivals again.

The atmosphere between the venues suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Good moments.

Straw hat Luffy blinked his eyes wide.

“You are horned men, square-nosed men, and pigeon men!”

“And the long-eared monster over there is an empty island!”

“Why are you here?”

Luffy screamed.

“This should be our line!”

“Why are you here, Straw Hat Boy?”

“And what are those strange titles that came before?” Do you recognize people by their characteristics? ”

Kalifa couldn’t help but complain.

In this regard, Straw Hat Luffy was unheard.

Right now.

He put one index finger against his brow.

Confused thoughts in my mind.

For what you see in front of you.

He was completely incomprehensible.

Luke and Aniru pulled it out individually, of course, he recognized it.

It’s just that Straw Hat Luffy doesn’t understand.

Why did they all show up.

Obviously, one is an empty island at a height of 10,000 meters, and the other is a justice island.

The two groups of people who could not hit each other with eight rods actually appeared at the same time.

It’s puzzling.


At a certain moment, the straw hat Luffy suddenly appeared in a trance.

“I see!”

“Sure enough, I’m dead!”

“It’s hell, so we’ll meet again!”

“That’s right!”

Straw Hat Luffy’s right fist gently tapped his left palm.

When talking about his life and death, there was no fear or fear on his face.

Accept the status quo with confidence.

Just straw hat Luffy can accept.

Lukee, Kalifa, and Aniru looked gloomy at the moment, their eyelids twitching.

Obviously, they were all alive and well, but suddenly they were sentenced to death by Straw Hat Luffy and sent to hell.

How can it be accepted!

Kalifa, Kaku and the others want to rush forward and beat up Straw Hat Luffy.

Take a revenge with one arrow of justice island before the month.

But think about it.

The forces behind Straw Hat Luffy are really not simple.

The Navy’s legendary lieutenant general Captain Karp is not mentioned as his grandfather.

The Four Emperors of the New World, their current owner, the Red-Haired Pirate Regiment, are even more concerned about this straw hat boy.

What a blessing this straw hat boy!

It’s simply the strongest relation!

At this moment, Kalifa and the others couldn’t help but have this thought in their hearts.

“Then again, does the world of the dead also have earth, forests, skies, and suns?”

“And Nami, Sauron, Robin, Sanji… Where are they? ”

“If anything, I really don’t want to see them here!”

Straw Hat Luffy scratched the back of his head, sighing in confusion.

“Are you an idiot?”

Kalifa wrinkled her nose and scolded.

“You want to die yourself, don’t pull us up,!”

The soundless owl couldn’t stand it.

“Straw Hat Boy, you… In fact, like us, we are still alive. ”

Kaku thought about it, or a kind reminder.

After all, this kid is the strongest-related.

They really can’t afford it.

“Ah, am I still alive?”

“Then why did you appear with the long-eared monster of the empty island?”

Straw Hat Luffy asked in amazement.

“Bastard Straw Hat Kid!”

Listening to the straw hat Luffy take a bite of a long-eared monster, Aniru’s forehead swelled with green tendons.

He couldn’t bear it, but he still needed to endure it again.

Under the restriction of Hailoushi’s handcuffs, he could only barely maintain his mobility now.


Suddenly, the golden lion’s loud laughter exploded.

After confirming that the invaders were not the same predators as before.

Just a small shrimp rice, but still after its own small shrimp rice.

Golden Lion Skey smiled.

A hanging heart is completely let go.

There was not the slightest uneasiness or anything else.

“Straw Hat Boy, welcome to the old man’s island!!!”




The New World, the Land of Peace.

The wind and waves are rolling over.

In the distance, you can see a huge land island 100 meters above the water.

The closer you get, the clearer the waters become.

Later, the sea seems to be no longer the sea.

Instead, it is as clear as a stream in the forest.

Beautiful koi fish the size of sailboats and of different colors surged beneath the surface of the water to gather strength.

In the end, he rushed against the great waterfall and achieved the feat of carp jumping over the dragon gate.

Right now.

It took three days.

A small sheep sailing ship quietly arrived in this area.


“Qi Yu, you must not know that if you want to enter the Kingdom of Hezhi, you rely on these carp!”

Red-haired Shanks showed off his mouth.

“Mm-hmm, I don’t know.”

Qi Yu wrapped his arms around him, a look of perfunctory and ridicule.

Looked at.

The red-haired Shanks had a constipation-like expression on his face.

He knew he was being despised again.

“Really, how much does this ship officer know?”

Red-haired Shanks thought to himself.

Just as he set out to catch the carp.

Bru Bru Blu!

The sound of the phone bug rings.

Qi Yu took the phone worm from his arms and connected it.

“Lord Qi Yu, Lord Qi Yu”

Kalifa’s anxious voice came out of the phone bug.

“What’s wrong? Kalifa, what’s going on over there? ”

Qi Yu’s eyebrows were slightly raised.

“No, no, it’s actually the Straw Hat Boy who fell on our island not long ago!”

At that moment, Kalifa was concise and concise in telling all about what had happened.


Qi Yu raised an eyebrow not without surprise.

He was not surprised by the Straw Hat Boy’s report of the incident.

However, he originally thought that it would be the female emperor Han Cook to contact.

But I didn’t think about it.

Luffy, who was supposed to fall to Hydra Island, was cut off by the floating island of the Golden Lion.

But it doesn’t make much of a difference.

Rather, it’s more convenient.

“Lord Qi Yu, Mr. Shi Ji asked me to ask you, what should I do next?”

Kalifa asked.

“If that’s the case, let the straw hat stay with you first!”

“By the way, let Shi Ji practice him well!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth casually.

Not much to worry about.


The call ends.

Qi Yu put away the phone bug and turned his gaze to the side to stare directly at his red-haired Shanks.

“Now you should be relieved!”

Qi Yu Dao.

As early as two days ago.

It was in the newspapers that they had seen the news of the total annihilation of the Straw Hat gang on the Chambord Islands.

At that time, although the red-haired Shanks had nothing on his mouth, he was still worried in his heart.

But right now, no, two days ago.

Red-haired Shanks wasn’t worried anymore.

Because he had already gotten spoilers in Qi Yu’s voice.

Now Luffy is really fine.

It just confirmed that all the things that Qi Yu had in mind that day were facts.

The tyrant of the Seven Martial Seas, Bartholomew Bear, is really a cadre of the revolutionary army!

He just wanted to send them away from the island where there were generals!

“That’s it!”

The red-haired Shanks smiled brightly and fixed the boat to a strong golden carp.

“Let’s go!”

“Go get Kaido to give face!”

“During this time, let’s stay honest and don’t move!”


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