The New World, the Land of Peace.

A country full of fog.

This is the birthplace of ‘history’.

This historical document, which records the blank one-hundred-year history of eight hundred years ago, comes from this country.

It is created by the craftsmen of the Shogun family of Hikari and passed down from generation to generation.

This is also what One Piece Roger and his gang saw on the final island, Ralph Drew, an important part of the world’s change.

Eight hundred years.

Or to fool people’s minds and consolidate their dominance.

Or maybe it’s for eight hundred years of reincarnation, someday in the future.

The country of peace has always pursued a closed-door policy.

In order to avoid the ‘invasion’ of huge forces from the outside.

Everything about the outside world is isolated.

Successive generals, with the exception of Mitsuki Mita, have always believed that their country can be self-sufficient.

All the stuff is the best.

Of course, on this land, there are indeed some unique resources.

For example, the iron ore resources necessary to build weapons;

As well as the more precious Hailoushi resource mine, it is only here.

Years of development.

The craftsmen of the Wano Kingdom even invented various methods of grinding and processing the sea floor stone.

Most of the various sea handcuffs, weapons, etc. of the Navy and other major powers were purchased from the Wano Kingdom.

The existence of the Kingdom of Wano itself is a treasure trove that cannot be measured by money, coveted by countless people.

However, for hundreds of years, except for the Hundred Beasts Kaido, no one had ever really succeeded in occupying this treasure land.

Even the repeated negotiations of the world government often end in vain.

There are three reasons for this.

Heaven, place, and people are strong.

Tenchi refers to the natural weather in the waters surrounding Wanokuni.

It is perennial harsh, and the closer you get to the wind, the stronger it gets, and the higher the waves.

Many times it is often swallowed up by natural disasters without waiting for them to get close.

The second is the geographical advantage.

The island of Wanokuni is different from ordinary islands and is hundreds of meters above sea level.

To enter the country of peace, you must first cross a waterfall against the current.

And the method of pulling the boat ‘leaping dragon gate’ by carp is not known to many forces.

Finally, people are strong.

The ‘creatures’ of Wano produced in the country called samurai are feared by countless pirates in the New World.

In particular, the legendary dragon slaying warrior Dragon Horse four hundred years ago, who slashed the flying dragon with one sword, was worshipped as the sword god by the samurai in Wano Country.

Until eighteen years ago.

The general of the Wano Kingdom, Mitsuki Mita, was killed by the combination of the Hundred Beasts Kaido and the Black Carbon Serpent.

The country changed hands.

Since then, the samurai power of the Wano Kingdom has gradually declined.

However, for twenty years, the country of peace has not been invaded by foreign enemies.

Everything is because there are four emperors and a hundred beasts Kaido.

This is the reason why this is the strongest creature that is more terrifying than thousands of samurai combined.

Even the whitebeard who claims to be the strongest in the world.

Until there is absolute certainty, no reason to go to war.

Nor did he dare to rush into an all-out war with the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

After all, go to war with a super group of four emperors.

The end result will only be a lose-lose situation.

This time, the red-haired Shanks was only called Qi Yu.

The two men dressed lightly, precisely to avoid unnecessary damage to the Red Regiment in case of a conflict.

On the contrary, if it was only him and Qi Yu, how could they adapt to the situation.

They want to go, and no one can stay!

Even if the Hundred Beasts Pirates come out of the nest!

“Let’s go, Qi Yu, get ready to land in the Land of Peace!”

Red-haired Shanks smiled brightly.

A golden carp the size of a house began to jump.

Mei Li, the sheep on her back, and the two sea emperors on the ship jumped towards the dragon gate.


Near the sea of the country of Wanoko, the military fortress of the Hundred Beasts Regiment that protruded from the sea level was keenly aware of the approaching of the small boat.

“Really fight, someone seems to be coming!”

“They even know that they have to rely on carp to enter the country!”

The pirates in charge of monitoring the coastline screamed and reported in horror.

“What about knowing?”

“This is the territory of our Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment!”

“Hurry up and fire the cannon!” Sink it again! ”

The drunken Hundred Beasts really didn’t care about the order.

Click, click, click!

Battery after battery locked the boats on the back of the golden carp.

Bang bang bang!

Shells are as dense as rain.


“We are really underestimated!”

Qi Yu shouldered the supreme fast knife black knife Ace, and the corners of his mouth raised a wild arc.


“That’s more fun!”

Red-haired Shanks draws his knife out of its sheath.

Griffin slashed through the air with a cold sword light.

With a terrifying force, the flank shells were pressed back as many as possible.


The other side.

Qi Yu was also not idle.

The supreme fast knife black knife Ace swung between the swings.

The brilliant golden sword qi shone from the blade.

The huge sword qi of several hundred meters slashed and slashed all the military fortresses in front of it.

The golden carp carries the sheep Mei Li and crosses the last line of defense and jumps onto the raging carp waterfall.



Right now.

The Land of Peace, the town of Kuriboro.

Nine Mile, once ruled by Mitsuki Ota and where the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, has now become hell.

Now standing at the apex of the Nine Mile, it is one of the Three Plagues of the Hundred Beasts that dominates this great township.

Fruit by boat… Animal like elephant fruit ancient species mammoth form ability, brother disaster… Drought Jack !!!

“Lord Jack”

“Big deal! Lord Jack! ”

“Someone … Someone is about to invade from the waterfall! ”

“The intruder … The intruders are suspected…”

The pirates of Boro shouted anxiously and reported to Drought Jack.

“Shut up!”

The burly Drought Jack narrowed his eyes, his eyes bloodshot and breathed of majesty and intimidation.

“What a system of shouting!”

“It’s just an intruder!”

“Direct sinking arrest!”

Drought Jack Urn Urn Breath Dao.

“But… But Lord Jack.”

“All the interception fortresses we have set up overseas have been destroyed!”

One of them screamed.


Drought Jack narrowed his eyes again.

“Lord Jack, according to the images coming back from over there in the fort!”

“This time the intruders are suspected … Suspected to be the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirate Regiment! ”

Another strangely shaped artificial demon fruit capable person was shocked.

“What do you say!!!”

“Red-haired Pirates!!!”

Drought Jack finally calmed down.


“Look at this!”

A Hundred Beast Pirate casts the effects recorded by the telephone bug onto a special light painting.

“It’s unbelievable, but… But this time the invaders who came to the Kingdom of Wano seemed to…”

“It seems to be the captain of the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirate Regiment, Red-haired Shanks, and the deputy captain Arrogant Qi Yu!!!”


“Lord Jack, what are we going to do next?”

Jenny Hips Hyde asked tremblingly.

“Now get the news to Ghost Island and tell Mr. Kaido now!”

“Also help me get the boat ready!”

Jack gave the order in a deep voice, looking gloomy.

“Lord Jack, what are you going to do?”

“Do you want to intercept them?”

Zhen hit Kim Lami’s face full of horror.

“Who do you think Lao Tzu is?”

“Lao Tzu is a drought jack!”


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