Toot toot~~~

Piercing sirens echoed throughout the country of Wano.

The unprecedented invasion that took place at the Nine Mile Entrance Pass shook the entire Wano Kingdom.


Wano Kuni Rabbit.

Prisoner Quarry.

“If I get thinner ~”

“Definitely popular.”

Mine center stage.

A big fat man with a wide body and a weight of more than a thousand pounds sang and danced while rapping, and he was very happy.

Below the stage, the rabbit beasts and pirates cheered and applauded like their most loyal fans.

No matter how lame the big fat guy on stage sings.

They all have to endure and applaud them slowly.

Because this fat man is the highest manager of the rabbit.

The Three Leaders of the Hundred Beasts, one of the Three Plagues of the Plague Quinn.


“Lord Quinn, Lord Quinn”

A hundred beast pirates shouted in a panicked voice.

“What’s wrong?”

Quinn, who had been interrupted, had a deep look on his face and asked in a disgruntled voice.

“Big deal, Lord Quinn!”

“Just received a contact from Nine Mile—”

“The intruder … The invaders have appeared! ”

“But it’s just an intruder, what’s the fuss, let Jack, who is in charge of the entrance, solve it.”

Plague Quinn is full of uncaring ways.

“Herein lies the problem, Lord Jack… Lord Jack is defeated! ”

The Hundred Beasts Liaison Officer Xiaobing wiped the cold sweat from his head in panic.

Think of the identity of the intruder previously learned from the contact.

Think of those two names.

His heart was unconsciously born with great fear.

“What do you say? Which bastard of the hell! ”

“How dare you invade the territory of our Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment!”

Plague Quinn leaned over and stared.

“Yes… According to the report of the Nine Mile Party, the intruders this time were… It is the captain of the red-haired pirate regiment, the red-haired Shanks, and the deputy captain Arrogant Qi Yu!!! ”

The Hundred Beasts Intelligence Liaison Officer summoned up all his courage and uttered the name that made his soul tremble.

The huge Rabbit Dump is silent.

An unprecedented atmosphere of dead silence enveloped the audience.

I don’t know how long it has been.

“What do you say!!!”

The almost debilitating cry of the plague Quinn echoed over the rabbit.

“Captain and Co-Captain of the Red-Haired Pirates, are you sure those two people?”

Quinn’s pie-like face was filled with shock and disbelief, unable to accept this reality.

“Yes… Yes, Lord Quinn! ”

“There can be no mistake, it’s them!”

“Bad or bad!!!” The plague Quinn whirled like ants on a hot pot.

“The red-haired pirate group, and the arrogant and red-haired two together, what the hell is this joke about?”

“What the hell are those two monsters trying to do?”

“Isn’t it time to declare war on our Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment?”

Quinn began to panic.

An event from four years ago came to his mind unconsciously.

At that time, there was only one arrogance, which almost overturned their base camp.

Even then, the strongest captain, Kaido, was not there.

However, the combat strength that remained in the country of peace was also very impressive.

As an epidemic, he and Yan Yan led the Hundred Beasts Regiment with 10,000 combat strength.

In the end, he was unable to keep the man.

The arrogant man went away after a big fight.

No one can stop it!

The power is terrifying!

Far beyond the average Imperial Deputy!

It left an indelible impression on the hearts of Quinn and others.

Four years later.

The nightmare is about to return.

And it’s not just arrogance that comes this time.

Instead, two sea emperors came together.

What a terrible event.

“Not good!”

“You can’t meet those two people!”

“Those two monsters will be handed over to Kaido and the idiot ember to deal with, and Lao Tzu will retreat first!”

Plague Quinn muttered to himself.

The soles of the feet are like oil.

When even he wanted to return to the room, he was blindfolded and waited for the event to end.

That’s when it happened.

“Lord Quinn”

Another beast pirate crawled in with a rolling belt.

“Captain Kaido’s order to return to the Ghost Island immediately now to prepare for battle!”

“What do you say!!!”



The Land of Peace, the Capital of Flowers, the General’s Palace.


“Is what you say true?”

“The bastard who dared to assassinate me in broad daylight four years ago is here again!”

The General Black Carbon Serpent shouted in horror.

“Yes, sir!”

“According to the news from Nine Mile, it is very likely that the man has come again!”

A report of a samurai courtier trembling.

“Unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable! ”

“That time four years ago wasn’t enough, but this time I even dared to come again!”

The body of the black charcoal snake trembled unceasingly, and the two rows of plate teeth were constantly fighting.

Not just because of anger.

It’s even more because of fear.

This moment.

Four years ago, the fear of being dominated by that arrogant man struck me.

The black charcoal serpent was cold all over his body.

He wasn’t sure.

If only the man did it again.

He didn’t know if he could survive like the previous time.

“General Serpent, please don’t be impatient!”

“This time is different from four years ago, ‘Ming King’ Kaido is a good place to sit on the Ghost Island!”

The head and earlobes are strangely long The Great Serpent Imperial Court Fan Ninja Captain Fu Lu Shou opened his mouth calmly.

“Gulp… Cuckoooooooo

“Yes, that’s right! This time is different! ”

“Kaido… And Kaido is here! ”

“As long as Kaido is there, there is no need to be afraid of anything!”

The black charcoal snake laughed wildly.

“But I can’t fail to repay the vendetta of that year!”

“Fu Lu Shou, hurry up and call the cloth bag and the crazy death lang to come!”

“Prepare to gather an army to support the Ghost Island!”

The Black Charcoal Serpent coldly ordered.



The capital of flowers, Luocha Street, the family of the mad man.

Exquisite, luxurious pavilion on three floors.

The head of the Flower City underworld dozed off and sat casually.

In front of him.

One dressed in a big red kimono formal suit.

The posture is absolutely beautiful, and the woman under the female emperor Han Cook is sitting precariously.

Beautiful pretty face with solemnity.

“Rujiro, is what you say true?”

“Four years ago… Is the adult from four years ago really here again? ”

Hua Kui Xiaozi asked anxiously.


Dozing Berserk – Rujiro nodded.

Hua Kui Xiaozi – Princess Rihe sipped her small mouth, and her pretty face looked complicated.

One day four years ago.

As a flower queen, she once received a strange guest.

Looked at by his eyes, the boy only felt that everything about himself was exposed.

Just when she was overwhelmed.

The man named Qi Yu had said he could take her out of the place, or even out of the country.

At that time, I listened to Qi Yu’s sudden words.

Hua Kui Xiaozi’s normally flexible head was shut down for a few moments.

Naturally, she did not hesitate to reject Qi Yu’s proposal.

After all, that day was her first meeting with Qi Yu.

She is not a girly white.

It is impossible to do so because a stranger promises to give everything he or she has.

In addition, as the last bloodline of Light and Moon, she had the need to stay in this country.

Guangyue Ri and so insistent, Qi Yu would not force it.

Originally, it was just a proposal on a whim.

If she agreed, Qi Yu wouldn’t mind helping out, and brought back the red-haired pirate group to hand over to the redhead arrangement.

Or send it to the Whitebeard Pirates.

However, since she insisted on staying, Qi Yu also respected her choice.

Immediately, after drinking wine, Qi Yutou did not return to leave.

According to the original plan.

At noon, Qi Yu began to move.

After killing the Great Serpent General’s Mansion and defeating the samurai and the army of hundred beasts.

Qi Yu, who had not yet waited for the return of the Hundred Beasts Kaido, left the country.

Hikari Nichiwa also learned from the mouth of the mad death lang afterwards how amazing the man he had rejected was!

What a shocking event!

That terrifying strength was no longer even under the Hundred Beasts Kaido!!!

In the past four years, she has been thinking more than once.

If he agreed to Qi Yu’s request that day, leave with him.

So will things be any different?

Can the status quo in this country be changed?

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world!

Xiao Zi had thought that she would probably never see that person again in her life.

Yet now.

Surprises came.

Then came sorrow.

She had rejected that person, and now how good was she 、、、

“Lord Hinata, I’m going to go to the Oni Island with the Black Charcoal Samurai to meet the man and the red-haired Shanks, so you must take care of yourself here!”

Mad Death Lang solemnly said.


Hikari nodded coldly.

She seemed to sense something.

“What do you say? Runejiro, you said earlier… Redhead 、、、 Shanks? ”

Guangyue Ri and his eyes widened, and his beautiful little face was full of shock and astonishment.


“What’s wrong? Day and adults do you know? ”

Fumijiro was puzzled.

Her own princess has obviously been in the country of peace.

Except for the guy from four years ago.

How could he possibly know a big man in the open sea who could rival the Hundred Beasts Kaido!


“If he’s really red-haired Shanks, I know!”

“Because he used to be his father’s partner in Roger’s Pirates!”


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