The huge skeleton island sits right in the middle of the raging sea.

An ancient 100-meter sword pierces into the island and becomes a decoration of the place.

Above the heavenly dome, thick dark clouds cascaded on top of each other, covering the heavens and the earth.

From time to time, there are piercing lightning bolts that illuminate the night.

This is the land of peace, the island of ghosts.

The base camp of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

Right now.

This is one of the most dangerous Longtan Tiger Caves in the world, and the atmosphere is solemn and calm.

It was all because of some earth-shattering news that came back from the Nine Mile.

The main and vice captains of the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirate Regiment – Red-haired Shanks and Arrogant Qi Yu – invade the !!!

This sea, no matter which side of the force.

Even the naval headquarters with no less than a number of generals sitting in the air.

Nor could he ignore the two men’s joint approach.

Because they are the emperors of the sea!!!

A single person is enough horror.

Now, the two have joined forces.

Heaven, Bottom, None, Enemy!!!




The wind roared with flames.

An ancient toothless pterodactyl flaming across the pitch-black sky.

Finally, he landed next to Kaido, a hundred beasts.

A tall figure then appeared.

“Mr. Kaido, the army of ten thousand beasts has been assembled and ready to go into battle!”

The second in command of the Hundred Beasts Regiment, the Animal Dragon Fruit Ancient Species Toothless Pterodactyl Form Ability Yan Disaster Ember Silent Report.

“Oh my”

“Red-haired Shanks and that arrogant bastard who took advantage of my absence, four years ago, to make a fuss in my territory!”

“This time Lao Tzu wants to see, what is your purpose?” What else can be stirred up? ”

The burly longhorned little giant, known as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, opened his mouth and laughed.

The sound rumbled, reverberating like thunder beneath the sky.

“The Four Emperors Red-haired Pirate Regiment, since you came, don’t leave!”

The girl’s lifelike and domineering voice echoed in a corner of the coast.

It was a young girl with long, conspicuous white legs.

The age is about twenty years old.

Graceful and exquisite.

Half a small face is hidden under the mask.

However, from the silhouette, it is definitely a rare beauty.

Her name is Uruti, a member of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment who is above the True Fighter, a member of the Six Sons of Lingkong.

The animal is the ancient species of Dragon Dragon Fruit with the morphological ability of the swollen-headed dragon.

Perhaps it inherits the head iron characteristics of the swollen-headed dragon.

The young girl Uruti is not very old, but her tone is never small.

Sometimes even in the face of the three plagues, even the captain Kaido, there will not be the slightest politeness in his mouth.

Even the superiors of this regiment had no face in her, let alone other forces.

However, this time, the reason why the young girl Uruti was so angry that she exploded her hair was in addition to the iron characteristics of the head of the swollen-headed dragon.

There is another, deeper reason.

The root cause, of course, is related to the great chaos of four years ago.

“That arrogant bastard of the red-haired pirate regiment will never spare him!”

“This time it is absolutely necessary to break his head and bleed!”

Uruti waved a small pink fist, full of momentum.

“Shhh, sister, please be careful!”

The hairstyle is foreign, and the young teenager Peggivan who is also wearing a mask makes a silent movement.

Listening to his sister’s bold provocation, one of his faces was even green.

“Shut up, little Pepe, it’s just two people who scared you like this, it’s really out of the ordinary!”

Uruto looked at her brother with contempt.

“What is a mere two people?”

“Those are two Sea Emperors, Sea Emperors!”

“Neither of them exists under Mr. Kaido!”

Peggyvan’s face was filled with horror and horror.

“Sister, you still forgot about what happened four years ago!”

“If you continue to provoke the man further this time, you will definitely be repaired even worse!”

Peggy Van shrank his head from the heart.


“What stupid thing are you talking about?”

“But little Pepe, are you teaching me how to do things?”

Uruti raised her small pink fist.

Without mercy, he gave his brother a blast.

Flip it to the ground.

“Here it comes!!!”

The female little giant Black Mary, who was taller than Kaido, solemnly broke his drink.

Woohoo hoo hoo hoo woo

The war horn representing the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment sounded at this moment.

The Hundred Beasts Regiment cadres gathered at the main gate of the coast of Oni Island.

At this moment, they all invariably lock their eyes on the small black dots that rise and fall in the waves of the distant sea.

The war will be high.

Each face is also unconsciously with nervousness and shock.

After all, they are about to face the strong who stand at the top of the world.

Not one.

It’s two.

“Oh my”

“Little ones, get ready for war!!!”

The Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido laughed domineeringly.


Heaven and earth lit up with a piercing lightning.

Illuminated the dark sky.

Bright lightning as a background.

The Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido transformed.

Vigorous avatar is carried out.

Its original nearly eight meters of body suddenly rose in the face of the storm.

In a few moments, it turned into a huge blue dragon of several hundred meters.

“Oh oh oh oh”

“Mr. Kaido!!!”

“Lord Kaido~~~”

“Our captain is the strongest creature on land, sea and air!”

“Even if it’s the red-haired pirates?”

“The Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment will win!”


Accompanied by the cheers of the Hundred Beasts Regiment and the excitement.

The giant blue dragon stepped on all fours.

Step on one cloud of flame after another, soaring upwards, sinking into the depths of the dark clouds.




The sea is about a kilometer away from the island of Oni.

Mei Li, the sheep, rode the wind and waves and moved forward steadily.

Above deck.

Two slender figures.

The red-haired pirate regiment is the main and deputy captain.

Qi Yu and the red-haired Shanks stood side by side.

The breath is leisurely and profound.

As vast as the sea.

It’s as unpredictable as the abyss.

“It’s really huge, the guys of the Hundred Beasts Regiment, can’t wait to ‘greet’ us?”

Qi Yu grinned.

“Ahahahahaha, it seems that my face is still very good!”

Red-haired Shanks face not red heart does not beat the road.

[I see you guys are thinking about farting]

Qi Yu rolled his eyes.

[I’ve never seen such a brazen person]

Red-haired Shanks: “…”

Wouldn’t it be okay to make a joke to ease the atmosphere?

“It’s coming!”

Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

The chin is slightly raised.

The gaze locks on the sky that spins like a whirlpool at any time.


The red-haired Shanks’s right hand landed on the hilt of Griffin’s sword.

There was a cold light in his eyes, cold and flickering.

Eighteen years ago.

Mitsuki’s vendetta could not have been revealed.

Even if this time he didn’t come for war.

But next time.

I can’t say that I have to let Kaido move the nest.

“Oh my”

Thunderous laughter exploded from above the heavens.

A huge dragon head that described itself as vicious slowly protruded out of the clouds.

Looking down on the two men in the boat.

“Red-haired pirate bastards, are you here to die?”


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