
The time went to eleven o’clock in the morning.

Passive two, the arrogant sun, starts on time.

The sun shines brightly on the world.

The temperature in the atmosphere rises accordingly.

The momentum is overwhelming.


Qi Yu waved.

The thick thunder that shot out from the mouth of the Green Dragon Kaido turned back in a flash.

The Hundred Beasts Kaido does not shy away.

Eat your own Thunder Attack.

The huge body of the Green Dragon became more and more courageous under the thunder of the thunder.

“Arrogant little devil!!!”

Kaido’s brass bell-like eyes no longer locked on the red-haired Shanks, but instead looked at the other person in the boat.

Four years ago.

While he was out looking for the thrill of suicide.

Qi Yu came to the Kingdom of Hezhi.

Came to his turf.

Make a big fuss.

Go away.

This is a great gaffe since the establishment of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

Even later became one of the four Sea Emperors.

Nor can it wash away this stain.

This humiliation can only be washed away with the blood of the culprit.

“Shanks, this long worm will be left to me to solve alone!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

There is absolute confidence and pride between the words.


“Well, if I meddle now, I’ll be beaten anyway!”

Red-haired Shanks nodded in response.

The famous knife Griffin should be sheathed.

“Oh my”

“Arrogant little devil, you are such a big breath!”

“Who do you think Lao Tzu is?”

“Lao Tzu is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air—the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido!”

Qinglong Kaiduo roared in anger.

The sound is like thunder, exploding the heavenly dome, and it lasts forever.

“The sea is the strongest? Who sealed it for you! ”

Qi Yu looked at the Hundred Beasts Kaido indifferently.

The footsteps lifted slightly, and the atmosphere suddenly rippled in a circle to support his body.

“The strongest on land? Who sealed it for you! ”

Qi Yu’s footsteps fell again, and his figure flew into the air.

“The sky is the strongest? Don’t be funny! ”

Qi Yu ascended to the sky step by step.

The sound is like a flood of bells, and the vibration is deafening.

“Who gave you the courage to call the strongest creature in the sea, land and air in front of me?”


There seemed to be an invisible thunder explosion between heaven and earth.

The thick clouds that hung over the Sea of Oni Island completely disintegrated at this moment.

Fierce sunlight sprinkled on Qi Yu’s body.

He is like the legendary sun god Nika.

Listen to Qi Yu’s deafening question.

Even the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido couldn’t completely ignore it.

I just feel that the brain melons are buzzing.

Shook that huge head.

Kaido, the Hundred Beasts who had returned to God, couldn’t help but become angry and ashamed.

“Just a little devil, don’t get too complacent!”

The Hundred Beasts Kaido angrily rebuked.

Even though he knew that Qi Yu’s strength at noon was not simple, it was not even under him.

But he will not just concede defeat in such a gray and slippery way.

One-on-one, running away without a fight would never happen to him.

Because he is the world’s recognized single-player king!

Single-handedly the strongest, anyone will think of him!

Kaido’s eyes flashed a little harshly, and the dragon’s mouth opened wide again.

“Bad wind”

A large number of wind blades shot out from his mouth and shot out towards Qi Yu.

Each path has the power to easily cut through the sea.

Looking at the approaching Heavenly Wind Blade, the expression on Qi Yu’s face was neither happy nor sad.

His knees were slightly bent.

The atmosphere and even space are distorted under his feet.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering boom.

A brilliant sonic boom cloud exploded above the sky.

Qi Yu forcefully charged at the terrifying wind blade.

With his own strong flesh, he smashed all the wind blades.

Finally landed on top of the head of the Green Dragon Kaido.

Feel the terrifying threat coming from directly above your head.

The Hundred Beasts Kaido’s face changed, and his inner alarm suddenly appeared.

A dragon swings its tail.

His huge dragon body suddenly spun like a top.

“Tornado Bad Wind !!!”

A succession of tornado hurricanes enveloped Qi Yu’s figure.

Yet in an instant.

The rays of the sun are shining.

Completely blast that terrifying tornado hurricane.

Next second.

The more and more terrifying images of the Hundred Beasts of the Ghost Island occurred.

Only to see Qi Yu above the sky raise that huge fist like the sun.

Strike mercilessly on the dragon head of the Four Emperors Hundred Beasts Kaido.


The atmosphere clicks with an overwhelmed at this moment.

The sky shattered like a mirror.

“Oh no”

Kaido’s eyes rolled involuntarily.

A mouthful of blood spurted from the mouth of his blood basin, staining the sky red for a long time.

Time and space seem to freeze for a moment.

The next moment.

The power of Qi Yu’s terrifying heavy fist exploded in full force.


The huge green dragon of several hundred meters was like an arrow off the string.

Fly backwards in the direction of the Ghost Island.


Kaido’s green dragon body pierced into the left eye of the skeleton island like a label.

The entire Ghost Island trembled violently at this moment.


The terrified cries of the hundred beasts and pirates rose and fell, one after another.

“Mr. Kaido”

“Lord Kaido”

“How could there be such a thing?”

“Has the invincible Lord Kaido fallen?”

“How is this possible! Our captain is the strongest creature! ”

“Damn! Damn it! What the hell is going on with that man? ”


“The red-haired pirate regiment, it is indeed prepared!”

Embers gritted their teeth.

“No, no, no, they seem to have calculated this time!”

“It’s eleven o’clock, and there’s still two hours left!”

“That arrogant man will be here for two more hours!”

“It’s a nightmare!”

Peggy Wan and others who had personally experienced the chaos of four years ago were horrified.

“How could I punch Captain Kaido!”

“That man is stronger than he was four years ago!”

Black Maria flowers lose their color.

“Hey, Kaido, what the hell are you hanging out on?”

“It’s so ugly!”

Grumpy old sister Uluti turned on the scolding street mode.

“Old sister…”

Peggy Wan just wanted to speak.

All I could hear was a loud bang.

It’s like a sun falling.

Smash on the Ghost Island.

The great island of ghosts trembled with it once again.

Large cracks crisscrossing the horizontally and horizontally spread like a raging spread.

A strong sense of shaking accompanied by a surging overlord breath.

Even the strong people of the sixth sub-level couldn’t help but hesitate.

“Is this the end of it?” Hundred Beasts Kaido! ”

Under the frightened gaze of the pirates of the Hundred Beasts, Qi Yu stepped forward calmly.

Step by step, closer to the javelin-like green dragon.


Rocks roll down.

The javelin, which was hundreds of meters long, finally moved.

“Oh my”

A muffled thunderous laugh rang out.

The storm clouds between heaven and earth move again.

Look at the huge green dragon that has risen into the air again and danced with the wind.

The hanging hearts of the pirates of the Hundred Beasts finally let go.

The horror and panic on his face were gone, and instead there was an excitement, excitement and cheer that was difficult to come by himself.


The high-pitched roar of the dragon rose again.

At the same time, it was accompanied by the roar of thunder.

Several thick blue thunderbolts erupted from Kaido’s blood basin mouth, one after another, heading towards Qi Yu’s cover.

“In front of me, thunder and lightning are completely ineffective.”

Qi Yu strolled through the thunder of the sky.

The right hand is weakly held.

The terrifying blue thunder froze for a moment.

He was then instructed by Qi Yu.

Eventually transformed into a roaring thunder dragon and hovered behind it.

“Of course I know that this is the real killing trick of mine when it doesn’t work for you!”

“Pick it up!”

The low voice of the Hundred Beast Kaido suddenly exploded.

I don’t know when.

The dragon in the sky was gone.

Kaido, who was instantly in human form, suddenly appeared behind Qi Yu.

The dark wolf’s tooth stick fell mercilessly with a thunderous cracking sound.

Thunder, Sound, Eight, Gua !!!



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