Thunder, Sound, Eight, Gua !!!

The already thick arm of the Four Emperors Hundred Beasts Kaido once again expanded and expanded in a circle.

Explosive power flowed through his body.

Eventually all gathered on the arm.

Swing this hegemonic stick.

A powerful move belonging to the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido, thunder and gossip, exploded here.

The atmosphere emitted an overwhelmed humming sound under his dark wolf’s tooth stick, and fled away.

Even the solid space seemed to tremble slightly at the moment.

The weight of this rod is evident.

It is absolutely possible to break a big mountain with ease.


Qi Yu also moved.


It was the sound of the muscles and bones in his body completely stretching out.


Heaven and earth let out a fierce roar at this moment.

It was the terrifying explosion of Qi Yu’s fist when it waved.

One punch, like a sun and a star falling.

The power of the endless sun blessed his fist.

Between the waves, a piercing flame of light was raised.

No dodge.

And not to back down.

The battle between the overlords has always been unstoppable.



Qi Yu’s punch full of the power of the sun touched with the thunderous gossip of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido.

Between heaven and earth, there was a dull ‘bang’ sound like the beating of war drums.

After a moment of silence.

The brightest of shocks blooms and shines.

The pitch-black ‘lightning’ was born between Qi Yu and his fist and Kaido’s wolf’s fangs, spreading towards the void in all directions.

It wasn’t real lightning, but a large crack in the atmosphere that was broken through by their collision of forces.


The Oni Island Earth, which was hundreds of meters in radius, fell three times downward in a row at this moment.

Then it cracked into countless large and small pieces.

Levitate in the air in the terrifying shock field, shattering, and decomposing into smaller pieces.



The most violent shock occurred at this moment.

Heaven and earth are vast.

The endless earth exploded.

The sea around the Isle of Ghosts is flooded with huge waves, rushing upwards into the sky.

Nothing is visible!

I don’t know how long it has been.

Qi Yu and the Four Emperors Kaido’s one-punch and one-stick hedging ended

The world gradually returned to calm.

The buzz in people’s ears subsided.

“Is it over?”

“Did Mr. Kaido win?”

“Must have won!”

The Hundred Beasts and Pirates of the Oni Island all had extreme shock on their faces, and they were unconsciously muttering to themselves.

“No… It’s not over yet! ”

The embers of the fire were shocked and silent.

His domineering spirit was the first to penetrate the turbulent currents and capture the scene in the center of the battlefield.

At the center of the great collision of the previous century, Qi Yu stood with his hands in his hands.

It stands still like a mountain.

His feet seemed to be deeply rooted in the earth.

Even the terrifying shock of the previous one did not cause him to take even half a step back.

In contrast, the other side of the duel is the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido.

At this moment, it has already taken dozens of steps back.

Leave one deep footprint after another on the ground.

What is even more frightening is that the wolf’s tooth stick in his hand has suddenly come out of his hand.

Under the stunned gaze of the pirates of the Hundred Beasts, they spun and fell to the ground.

“Thunder gossip? But that’s it! ”

Qi Yu smiled sarcastically.

“Bastard, don’t get carried away!!!”

Hundred Beast Kaido roared.

He displayed a terrifying speed that did not match his huge size.

In an instant, it disappeared from people’s sight.

The reappearance had already appeared in front of Qi Yu’s body.

The casserole’s big fist slammed into Qi Yu’s head.

Qi Yu’s face was joyless and sad.

Flashing between.

He does not retreat but advances.

The head was slightly tilted, avoiding Kai’s multiple punches at the same time.

It was as if the burning Thang Long had slammed his fist into Kaido’s chin.

Kaido, who was as big as a little giant, soared into the air.

Blood between the nose and mouth gushed out, wretched and miserable.

However, what made Kaido more difficult than the severe pain was the hot burning.

“Damn… Good location and nice staff”

Endure the terrifying heat of the sun’s fire.

The muscles of his face seemed to have life, firmly binding Qi Yu’s fist that was trapped in his flesh and bones.

“Don’t underestimate the Four Emperors!”

Kaido let out a loud roar, and his right hand grabbed Qi Yu’s right arm like a tong.

Swing in mid-air for a week, smashing heavily towards the ground.


A dull crashing sound sounded.

Splash large amounts of dust.


A second ‘bang’ followed, shaking the island land.

The fierce wind stirred up by the violent shock wave blew away the dust.

It was the sound of the huge body of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts smashing to the ground.

Central of the battlefield.

Qi Yu stepped on the ground steadily, his feet sinking three feet into the ground.

This is the origin of the previous first ‘bang’ sound.

The second sound after that, of course, was emitted by Kaido, a hundred beasts who were now falling to the ground in a large font.

Between the previous electric light and flint, Qi Yu, who was about to be penetrated by Kaido to the earth, instantly reversed the attack.

With the help of the Hundred Beasts Kaido’s own strength, he flew out, just like the four or two thousand pounds in the Tai Chi.

By the time Kaido reacted, he was already lying on the ground.

After a short period of confusion.

Kaido, who fell to the ground with his back on the ground, slammed his palm on the ground, causing the ground to collapse another meter.

With that powerful reaction force, Kaido’s figure suddenly took off.

The fist covered with powerful armed color domineering color fell mercilessly towards Qi Yu’s covering.

Before the heavy punch arrived, the strong wind was already blowing in the face.

The ground where the oppressive Qi Yu stood was slowly sinking, which was enough to show the weight of Kaido’s fist.

Just when Kaido’s sandbag-sized dark heavy fist was only the last meter away from Qi Yu’s front door.

Qi Yu finally moved.

The right foot took a sharp step forward, and the island shook violently.

The fist covered with high-level armed color domineering punches out like a meteor.

Under the size of his fist, Qi Yu was not as good as Kaido.

However, the weight on the fist, Qi Yu did not lose a bit, or even more.


Fist crossing.

It is clearly a collision of fists and punches.

But what came out was like the sound of gold and iron fighting.

Heaven and earth fell silent for a moment.

The next instant.


With a thunderous roar, the heavens and the earth were turned upside down at this moment.

A little white light suddenly lit up from the junction of Qi Yu and Kaido’s fists.

It was a fierce, extremely powerful impact, no weaker than the previous punch-and-punch hedge.

The unparalleled shock wave centered on Qi Yu and Kaido’s fists spread out in all directions.

The atmosphere ripples like waves of water.

The broken earth is like a layer of skin, and the layers are thrown up into the sky.


A slight cracking sound sounded.

It was not remarkable in the chaotic storm of this moment, but it was very important.

Because it was the cracking sound of the fist bones of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido.

Kaido’s index and middle fingers, the part that came into direct contact with Qi Yu’s fist, collapsed into a small piece.

“It’s not over yet.”

Kaido gulped.

The left hand formed a fist again and punched towards Qi Yu.

Qi Yu’s eyes flashed with a twinkle, and the muscles in his right arm suddenly bulged.

Knocking back Kaido’s right fist while meeting his left fist again.

Another dull sound of flesh colliding.

Under the absolute strength and domineering power of the arrogant form Qi Yu, Kaido couldn’t help but retreat one after another.

The hesitant footsteps left one footprint after another on the ground up to a meter deep.

After seven steps.

Kaido’s figure froze again.

The bones of the body crackle and reshape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a few moments, the wound on Kaido’s fist healed.

The momentum that pervaded his body became more and more terrifying.

This is the real reason why Kaido is known as the strongest creature on land, sea and air, and no matter who can kill him, he can’t kill anyone.

Relying on the strong resilience of the animal dragon fruit esper species dragon form ability.

Kaido, no matter how many injuries he suffered, was able to heal in the shortest possible time.

In terms of recovery speed, except for Marko’s undead bird ability, no one in the entire pirate world can stand out.

It is also by this perverted resilience.

Kaido will be named the strongest single-handed.

In terms of explosive power and hard power, Kaido is inferior to Whitebeard.

However, he could completely rely on his strong endurance combat power to consume the whitebeard who was already in his twilight years.

However, this time, the opponent he faced was Qi Yu.

Qi Yu at noon.

A being above it, both in strength and in the flesh.

“Let me enjoy as much as I can, Kaido.”

Qi Yu grinned.

“Don’t underestimate me!”

“Lao Tzu is a hundred beasts Kaido!”

Kaido roared.


Boom boom!

Fist to flesh, the original violent picture of blood stirring is staged again.


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