
The roar of the atmosphere was one after another.


It was the island earth shaking violently.


It’s a fist-to-punch clash.

Onishima Battlefield.

What is being staged is a fierce fight from fist to flesh,

is the most primitive aesthetic of violence.

This is a duel between two of the strongest creatures in the pirate world.

This is the peak collision between two ‘undead’ creatures.


Qi Yu’s heavy fist that swirled around the fire of the sun landed on the mouth of the bear of the Hundred Beast Kaido.

Leave a finger-deep burning fist mark on his body.


Kaido let out a dragon-like roar.

The big fist of the sandbag shook and fell on Qi Yu’s body.


The sound of gold and iron clashing.

Qi Yu’s fierce chest collapsed a little.

However, just between breaths it is completely restored.

Qi Yu, who possessed the passive sixth, the body of the Immortal King Kong, was still above Kaido’s Green Dragon Esper in terms of resilience.

“Is your fist just that level?” Kaido. ”

Qi Yu patted the dust on his body indifferently and grinned.


Hundred Beast Kaido took a deep breath.

The bear’s breath is bubbling.

The deep fist mark that Qi Yu had left on Kaido’s body before bulged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the super recovery given to Kaido by the esper Green Dragon.

“Oh, your fists are the same!” It doesn’t work at all! ”

The Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido roared confidently.

But the voice just dropped.

Kaido just felt a sweetness in his throat.

Involuntarily spewed out a mouthful of blood.

It was Qi Yu’s armed color, which was powerful enough to cause internal damage, to directly damage the inside of his dragon’s body.

Damn it!

Kaido’s face darkened.

Qi Yu’s internal destructive weapon color could hurt him.

However, his high-level armor color could not penetrate the Kongo-like body.

It was the physical defense that overrode his dragon’s body.

Even the high-level armed color will not work.

There’s only one trick left.

Without a word, Kaido picked up the pitch-black supreme fast stick on the side.

“Isn’t that already working?” Kaido! ”

“I’m far from the limit!”

Qi Yu smiled and looked at Kaido.

“Don’t be too proud! Arrogant bastards! ”

“Next trick, solve you!”

The Hundred Beasts Kaido narrowed his eyes in anger.

With the voice falling.

Once again, his figure changed drastically.

The already huge size was further expanded at this moment.

Dragon scales shimmering with blue colors emerged from its surface.

As if you have life, your breath opens and closes and clatters.

Two white columns of dragon-shaped air spewed out from under Kaido’s dragon nose.

A pair of dragon horns gradually bulged.

It won’t take long.

Kaido the Hundred Beasts completed the second of the three transformations of the animal system.

The strongest orc form that sits between humanoid and beast-form.

He had turned into a little dragon man.

“Oh oh oh oh”

In the distance, the cheers, shouts, and cheers of the hundred beast pirates on the Ghost Island began.

Kaido, who incarnated into the most powerful dragon human form, was like giving them a reassuring pill for their hearts to tremble.

“The strongest form of Boss Kaido has appeared!”

“Mr. Kaido in the form of a Green Dragon Man is invincible!”

“Enlightenment! Red-haired pirates! ”


Compared to the average Hundred Beast Creeps.

Right now.

The ember of the plague as the second in command of the hundred beasts.

The look under the mask was dignified from beginning to end.

The status quo is not optimistic.

Not to mention the outcome of the battle between Kaido and Qi Yu.

Even if Kaido can really win.

On the side of the red-haired pirates, this trip has not only come to that one monster.

There is another red-haired Shanks of comparable strength, who is watching the game at the moment!!!

“Ahahaha, the plague of the hundred beasts, don’t be nervous!”

“This is Qi Yu’s battle, and I won’t meddle uninterestingly!”

The red-haired Shanks waved his hand gently, indicating that he would not participate.

At the same time, it was also a warning to the rest of their beasts not to interfere.

But no one was planning to go over.

After all, it was a battlefield between the emperor and the emperor.

Those who had previously tried to help without their own strength, even the scattered shock wave could not be held, it was seriously injured and unconscious.

At the very least, it is necessary to have the strength of the disaster level to be eligible to help.


The ruined battlefield is in the middle.

The orc form change of the Four Emperors Hundred Beasts Kaido was completed.

“Oh my”

Feeling the explosive power flowing through his body, Kaido’s confidence grew.

The pitch-black supreme fast stick has blue ‘lightning’ intertwined.

That’s not really thunder and lightning.

Instead, it is a domineering drawing and winding of the overlord color that is even more terrifying than lightning!!!

The battle has been going on for more than half an hour.

Until he actually fought Qi Yu at noon.

Only then did Kaido finally know that the rumors of ‘arrogance’ that were circulating in the outside world were not exaggerated at all.

This man’s strength is really increasing every minute with the arrival of noon.

This would have been able to suppress him in hand-to-hand combat.

If you let him continue to be strong.

He really doesn’t have to be able to hold on.

So the Hundred Beasts Kaido decided to end the battle before Qi Yu reached the true noon peak.

“The next trick will make you break your bones and break your muscles!”

Kaido’s right foot slammed to the ground.

A huge gully suddenly spread towards Qi Yu.

“If you want to beat me, you’re a hundred years early, Kaido!”

Qi Yu grinned strongly.

The same step out opens a ravine in the broken earth.

Two dark thrusts touched and exploded in the center.

The earth and stones are flying.


The high-pitched, loud sound of the knife exploded.

It was the supreme fast knife in Qi Yu’s waist, the sound of the sheath of the black knife Ace.

“、、、 is this knife of yours?”

The pupils of the Hundred Beasts Kaido constricted.

He recognized the knife.

Although they have never fought head-to-head, they have seen it from a distance decades ago.

I had seen the heroic posture of the man wielding the knife.

It was the black knife that had once devastated his former captain, the sea overlord Locks!!!

“Did I say you got something wrong?” Compared to the knife, what you need to fear now is me! ”

Qi Yu reminded.

Powerful Overlord-level Overlord colors surged out.

Render a golden drawing effect on the body of the black knife.

At the same time, the power of the sun, which was floating between heaven and earth, was also converging towards the body of the sword at this moment.


The knife was not chopped out.

The terrifying power had already made the land of the Ghost Island tremble and cry out in sorrow.

“Don’t think this will scare me!”

Kaido Dragon stepped forward.

The soles of his feet slammed into the ground.

It took off by an explosion on the ground.

“Descending III – Lead Nai Luo!!!”

The Hundred Beasts Kaido roared angrily and struck his strongest blow.

The wolf-tooth stick that had blessed the Overlord’s domineering color slammed down on Qi Yu’s head.


Qi Yu also wields a sword.

The black knife with the golden overlord color effect attacked from the bottom up.




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