The time is 11:57:11 a.m.

The ice surface is about two hundred meters away from the port in the bay of the naval headquarters.

A small sheep boat docked and landed.

A whole body like a burning figure jumped down first and landed on the ice.


The ice layer was tremendous tens of meters thick.

Huge ravines spread out hundreds of meters.

To the surprise of the elite of the headquarters and the pirates of the New World who were fighting in the bay.

“This is the Navy Headquarters!”

“The war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy has begun!”

Yamato murmured in shock.

“Ace, wait a moment!”

“I’ll come to your rescue soon!”

Straw hat Luffy is full of fists and war.

After three seconds of warm-up.

Straw Hat Lu Fei ran upside down in front of Qi Yu.

“Qi Yu, I’m ready!”

“Send me over now!”

Straw Hat Luffy nodded firmly.

The corners of Qi Yu’s mouth raised a slight arc.

The reminder was already said on the way there.

“As you wish, Straw Hat Boy!”

Qi Yu’s stout big hand reached out.

Lift Luffy the straw hat like a chick, shoulder level.

The heavens and the earth suddenly darkened.

It was as if all the light was gathering overseas.

A column of sunlight burst into the sky.

Unleash the terrifying pressure that covers the heavens and the earth.

“Fist bone—”

Qi Yu’s right foot retreated slightly for half a step.

The muscles on the right arm are further raised.

“Straw hat!!!”


There was a popping sound in heaven and earth.

It’s like the launch of a rocket.

Triple sonic boom clouds appeared in succession in the atmosphere.

At noon, Qi Yu’s explosive power exploded in full force at this moment.

Become the propulsion of Straw Hat Luffy forward.

The Straw Hat Boy was already racing faster than the speed of sound at this moment.

From the starting point to the entrance of the bay, it is only a moment.

The elite of the Navy Headquarters and the pirates of the New World only had time to look up.

The figure that was too fast to be caught had already passed over their heads.

All that remained was a brilliant tail flame.

Another second.

The Straw Hat Road in the brilliant flames flew past the whale ship Moby Dick.

The head of the white beard jumped over his head and officially headed towards the square in the bay.


Bang bang bang!

The sound of artillery fire continued to rage.

No Marshal Sengoku ordered.

The naval elite everywhere on the battlefield fired and fired their guns.

However, ordinary guns and bullets simply cannot keep up with the terrifying speed.

Occasionally, elite generals successfully captured and touched the school with their domineering spirit.

However, their hasty attack was unable to break through even that layer of flames.

Under the watch.

Straw Hat Road flies over the square within the bay.

Tens of thousands of sailors leapt straight above their heads.

Near the final end of the execution table.

Until then.

The speed attached to Luffy the Straw Hat was about the same as the power consumption.

His speed gradually slowed down.

The figure is then clearly revealed.

Luffy the straw hat who had been crying out because of the high temperature rubbing heat.

At this moment, when I saw my brother not far away.

The color of pain on his face was gone, and all that remained was extreme joy and excitement.

“Ace ~~~~”

Straw Hat Luffy yelled in excitement in his throat, opened his arms, and embraced the execution table.

“Straw hat boy, it’s just right!”

The marshal who recognized the identity of the person was first stunned, and then the corners of his mouth raised a curve.

Previously, he was worried that what would fly over would be a terrifying beast.

The result was just a small shrimp rice that cast a net.

For the little boy in the straw hat, the marshal of the Warring States will not have the slightest anger.

Since it’s here.

Then they were all arrested.

It was just a chance to take this opportunity to break the Justice Island incident and the Chambord Di Tianlong Ren incident and save the face of the Navy.

At last.

The most important thing is that Luffy the Pirate Straw Hat also has the most evil blood of deterioration flowing through his body!!!

“Pirate Straw Hat Kid ~ Na”

“Sure enough, I’m still alive!”

The big general put his hands in his pockets and pouted obscenely.

In the face of the straw hat boy, he will not have the slightest nervousness.

Consistent with the idea of Marshal Sengoku.

He was also ready to capture the small straw hat of the self-casting net.

Detect the movements of the two naval supremes beside you.

Immersed in shock and sluggishness, Ace returned to his senses.

Looking at his brother who was ignorant and unconscious, he didn’t know that he was already in a desperate situation.

Ace’s heart suddenly appeared with infinite anxiety and shock.

“Idiot Luffy, what the hell are you doing?”


Ace shouted as fast as he could.


Straw Hat Luffy giggled.

The figure is like an arrow off the string, making the last ten meters of diving towards the execution table.

“Ace, I’m here to save…”

Straw hat Luffy’s words, accompanied by a smile on his face.

Before it fully blooms, it is abruptly stopped.

Sou! Rumble!

There was a terrifying sound explosion under the execution table.

A tall, burly figure smashed the floor and soared into the sky.

Before the marshal of the Warring States and the general Huang Ape, he stopped in front of the straw hat Luffy.

“Luffy, what the hell are you doing?”

Navy legend Vice Admiral Captain Cap shouted loudly.



Karp swung his sandbag-sized fist.

Hammering his grandson’s stomach with relentless full force.

“Oh no”

Luffy’s body arched like a shrimp.

The back stretches at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A moment’s delay.

Sou! Rumble!

Sonic booms are coming again.

Straw Hat Luffy flew backwards and back to the same way at a speed that was no less than when he came.


The whale bows, the whitebeard drinks.

“Give it to me!”

Marko, the leader of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment who transformed into an undead bird, spread his wings and swept out.

A pair of bird claws accurately grasped the shoulder of the straw hat Luffy.

A moment later.

Straw Hat Luffy recovered from being beaten to death.

“Well… No pain? ”

I thought that being hit head-on by his grandfather’s iron fist of love would make Luffy pause.

This time there seems to be no love in the iron fist of his grandfather?

It was just a simple fist blow, which had little effect on his rubber body.

“Didn’t Grandpa eat today?”

This is the knee-jerk thought of Luffy at this moment.

“Oh well”

“Lieutenant General Karp!”

“It’s Lieutenant General Kapu who has shot!”

“Lieutenant General Karp knocked the invaders away!”

Everywhere on the battlefield, the sailors who witnessed this scene shouted with excitement.

Only if this is Karp defending the majesty of the navy and defeating the opponent.

However, the strong and the insiders in the field know that it is not so simple.

“Karp, you bastard!”

The Marshal Warring States’ face was gloomy, and the black lines on his forehead were dense.

How he couldn’t see it.

This guy Kapu is obviously trying to break the siege for his grandson.

Just like the tyrant bear of the great event in Chambord that day.

“Mr. Karp, even if it’s his own grandson, the water is a bit too much, Ang!”

The general yellow ape pouted obscenely.

“Poof, sorry sorry sorry.”

“People are old, just forgot to be domineering!”

Karp’s face is not red and his heart is not beating.

Listen to Karp’s self-deceptive excuse.

The old face of the marshal Sengoku grew darker and darker.

Don’t wait for him to get mad.

“Come… Here it comes! ”

At the bay lookout, the terrified voice of the sailors reverberated through the telephone bugs.

“The man who came was… He is the deputy captain of the Red-haired Pirate Regiment, the uncrowned Emperor of Arrogance Qi Yu!!! ”

“The second Sea Emperor appeared!!!”


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