The time is 11:58:01 a.m.

Gulf Battlefield.

The elite of the headquarters led by the lieutenant generals and the captains of the New World were immersed in the horror of the sonic boom.

That’s when it happened.


The dull roar like the beating of war drums rose again.

Another piercing flame burst forth from hundreds of meters away.

One of the ups and downs is to descend on the center of the Bay Battlefield.

The solid ice layer settled three times at this moment.

The Dao Dao is intertwined like cracks like cobwebs.

Cube ice cubes are volleyed into the air.

Then it melted and evaporated in that terrible heat.

A powerful shock wave spreads in all directions.

The atmosphere of Ling ripples like a circle of water waves.

Anyone who is affected by this ripple will fly upside down.

Even a strong man of the rank of lieutenant general is no exception.

“Damn! Who the hell is that? ”

“This oppressive force…”

“Could it be Whitebeard’s reinforcements again?”

“I… I’m not afraid of you!” ”


The elites on the Navy side cried out in horror unconsciously.

Some of the young sailors with strong flesh and blood were on their heads.

Qiang Zi held the long knife in his hand, closed his eyes, and was about to go… Die.

“Stop, stupid rookies!”

Vice Admiral Jonathan of the G8 Section of the Navy single-handedly pushed the impulsive young sailors to the ground.

The gaze swept majestically from all directions.

“All staff, back off!”

Lieutenant General Jonathan solemnly cut off the drink.

“The Uncrowned Emperor Arrogant Qi Yu !!!”

Lieutenant General Gumir of the G2 branch of the Navy took a deep breath and said the names of the people word by word.

The voice dropped.

The vast coastal battlefield was suddenly silent, plunging into an absolute dead silence.

A moment later.

Hustle and bustle, rush into the sky.

“Nothing is nothing… Uncrowned Emperor!!! ”

“That man… He is the fifth Sea Emperor of the New World! ”

“That arrogant man!”

“Damn, why is the deputy captain of the Red-haired Pirates here?”

“Today is the war between our navy and the Whitebeard Pirates, what do you have to do with their Red-Haired Pirates?”

“Does the red-haired pirate also want to mix a hand?”

“Anyway, this oppressive force is simply – it is terrifying!”


The sailors who had felt the oppression of the sun up close were all shocked and screamed.

Vent their inner shock and horror with words.

“O second Emperor of the Sea!” Tricky characters are back! ”

“No matter why he showed up, all we could do was give it our all!”

G8 Lt. Gen. Jonathan grinned with a solemn face like never before.

He was ready to fight to the death.

“This man is a foul on here!”

“Even the lieutenant generals are absolutely invincible to the Sea Emperor!”

“The most terrifying thing is his current posture!!!”

“Legend has it that this man’s power will reach its peak at noon, truly invincible in the world!”

“It’s noon!” Worst point in time! ”

“What about the general? Where are the generals? Hurry up and take this man away! ”

Admirals shouted in despair and throbbing.

In the face of the pirate captains of the New World, they are not afraid as naval elites.


Appearing before them now was the terrifying Emperor of the Sea.

Standing at the apex of the world exists.

Just coming face-to-face with that man had exhausted all their strength and courage.

Compared to the desperation of the Navy.

The other side learned Qi Yu’s identity.

The emotions of the Ice Witch Pei, the Dikarban brothers, the Ranger Dorma and other New World pirates were all excited and excited to the point of no return.

Before they want to come.

Although I don’t know why the strongest of the red-haired pirate group suddenly appeared here

But in this battlefield.

As a pirate, Qi Yu would definitely not come to help the navy eliminate the pirates.

Just knowing this is enough.

The rest is to do their best to pat the horse’s ass.

“The Uncrowned Emperor is mighty!”

“Five Emperors Domineering!”

“This is the Emperor of the Sea!”

“Navy, this sea has never been your world!”

The pirates of the New World screamed as if they had hit chicken blood.

“Mr. Qi Yu of the Red-haired Pirate Regiment, the navies here are still entrusted to us to deal with.”

“Just hurry up and go to the bay to support Daddy!”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s more than enough for us here!”

The Ranger Dorma, the Dikarban brothers, and others spoke.

But the voice just dropped.

Cold sweat just wet their backs.

“Are you teaching me how to do things?”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

Feeling the calm and indifferent gaze from Qi Yu, the smiles on the faces of the Di Kalban brothers and others froze.

Extreme panic and trepidation instantly occupied their whole hearts.

“No… Not really”

“Lord Qi Yu, we have no intention of doing so, please forgive me!”

The Ice Witch Pei, who had been in the Whitebeard Pirate for several years, reacted and quickly apologized.

The Ranger Dorma, Ray Qing Makugai and others also hurried to keep up, posing extremely low.

Qi Yu didn’t bother with them.

Didn’t stay here much either.

“Mr. Qi Yu, wait for me~~~”

In Yamato’s coquettish voice.

Qi Yu’s knees curled slightly again.

Jump in the pan.

A brilliant long rainbow crossed the heavens and the earth.

All eyes are on you.

The terrifying long rainbow swept through a perfect arc in mid-air.

Finally, the huge whale ship Moby Dick in the square of the bay fell hard.

The powerful impact caused the whale bow to explode in half.


The captain of the three teams, Diamond Joz, changed his face and hurriedly used his shining body to block the bullet-like splinter of wood chips for his white beard.

“Kula la”

“Get out of the way, Joz, I’m not weak enough yet!”

The white-bearded domineering deep laugh.

Momentarily stunned, Joz let go.

The two sea emperors meet here!!!


The terrified shouts of the sailors from the Bay Observatory resounded throughout the battlefield.

“The man who came was… He is the deputy captain of the Red-haired Pirate Regiment, the uncrowned Emperor of Arrogance Qi Yu!!! ”

“The second Sea Emperor appeared!!!”


This moment.

The battlefield of the vast naval headquarters was shocked and uproared.




“The second Sea Emperor has appeared!”

“The drama of this era is about to reach its highest dynasty!”

“Now this is the center of the times!”

Qiwu Haido Flamingo opened his hands and looked up at the sky and laughed.

“Damn! That bastard! It was that bastard! ”

The demonic long face of the Seven Martial Sea Moonlight Moria was full of viciousness and twisting.

“Four years ago, I shot at my men for no reason!”

“Killed my men!” Kill Absalonikie! ”

“Unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable! ”

Moonlight Moriah blushed and trembled with anger.

He will never forget.

Four years ago on that day, the man who descended from the sky broke into his terrifying three-masted sailing ship and made a big fuss.

He could never forget.

The despair and cry of Abu Sarom, the only three living men he had, before his death.

Moria could never have known.

Qi Yu’s attack on Absarom was not for no reason.

Everything is self-inflicted on Absalom.

Like Momotosuke, he must die.

As long as it is encountered, it must not be let go.

It was precisely because Qi Yu had eradicated the scourge of Absalom four years ago.

A few months ago, the Straw Hat gang was in the adventure of a terrifying three-masted sailboat.

Nami and Robin did not suffer from the salty pig hands of the Lion Man as the plot suggests.

Unlike Moonlight Moria’s red-eyed madness.

The pirate woman on the other stone pier, Emperor Boyahan Cook, was now red-faced.

“Lord Qi Yu ~~~”

The excitement, excitement, joy, and joy of Xiao Bei’s reunion all rushed into her heart.

The female emperor Han Cook held her arms in her arms.

The large long legs under the purple high-forked cheongsam are involuntarily rubbed.

Right now.

Caught between Moria and the Female Emperor, the world’s first great swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk.

He looked at Moria, who was in a state of madness on the left side, and then at the female emperor Han Cook in the state of X on the right hand

Finally, the sight fell on the brother at the bow of the whale.

Hawkeye Mihawk sipped his lips, and the look on his face gradually became strange.


On the execution table.

“Horrible! Terrible! Terrible! ”

Fragments of chanting resounded in the corner of the execution table.

Marshal Sengoku turned his head with an ugly look on his face and gritted his teeth as he looked at the general behind him, the Yellow Ape.

“Polusalino, can you shut up?” I have a headache when I read it. ”

Sengoku rage.

“Mr. Sengoku, I’m reminding you.”

The general yellow ape pouted obscenely.

Sengoku eyebrows are upside down.

Don’t wait for the madness.

A gaze as hot as the sun suddenly fell on him.

Rather, it falls on the person next to him.

It is not the general Yellow Ape, but the hero Karp.


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