Chambord Islands, live broadcast square.

When the figure accompanied by the terrifying rainbow officially appeared under the eyes of the video telephone worm.

As the image is broadcast live, the signal is transmitted and projected onto the large screen.

The huge live broadcast square also exploded without any accident and completely boiled.

“Five-Five-Five… Five Emperors Qi Yu!!! ”

“That terrible man is the fifth Sea Emperor!”

“Deputy Captain of the Red-Haired Pirates – Arrogant Qi Yu !!!”


“Did he come to help Whitebeard?” What about red-haired Shanks? Did the rest of the Red-Haired Pirates come too? ”

“Is the rumor true, the Red-Haired Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates are really allied?”

“Not good! If so, can the Navy headquarters really stand up? Two… No, three sea emperors! ”


The reporters and onlookers in the live broadcast square were all shocked.

Loud cries of shock, disbelief, or questioning came and went.


“Finally it happened! How exactly would that man’s arrival change the war? ”

“The outcome of this chaotic war, I can’t foresee!”

Magician Hawkins ghostly opening.

“This war is getting more and more interesting, how is the Navy going to deal with it next?”

Strange monk Urgi Dao.

“That man will appear on the top battlefield, and it will definitely not be his will alone!”

“The Red-Haired Pirates, are they really going to join the war?”

Trafalgaro frowned and whispered.

“Don’t forget, rumors about the man’s abilities!”

“At twelve o’clock in the afternoon, the power of that arrogant man will reach its true peak!”

Captain Caponenbecky of the Flame Tank Pirates solemnly opened his mouth.

“It’s twelve o’clock in the afternoon, what a surprise that man will bring us!”

“Come on, get ready to witness it!” Enough to compete for the world’s strongest power! ”

Skurachman Apu tugged at his throat and shouted in anticipation.

“The arrogance of twelve o’clock in the afternoon, even the great general Qing 、、、 who can check and balance it?”

Rear Admiral Drake of the Fallen Navy bowed his head and looked dark.

The secrets at the heart of the Justice Island affair are unknown to others.

As an undercover in the Navy, he learned the ‘terrible’ truth.

As the most powerful general in the naval headquarters, the Green Pheasant Kuzan was actually blasted by the terrifying man in just one minute at noon.

In the past, this kind of thing could not even be imagined.

The man at twelve o’clock in the afternoon definitely had a terrifying power above the four emperors and generals!!!

“It’s time to start!”

Joe Ellie Bonnie, a big-stomach woman eating pizza, sighed.

“The man in the name of arrogance targeted Navy hero Cap !!!”



Tick tick!

Time passes by minute by minute.

Compared with the reporters watching the live broadcast in the shampoo area and the melon-eating masses.


Only the people on this battlefield on top.

Only then can we personally appreciate how terrible the arrogance of twelve o’clock in the afternoon is.

Just stand there.

It is to give people a kind of mountain that is like a mountain that can’t be seen.

The temperature in the air rises even more sharply.

The ice surface that froze the pheasant was melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Uncrowned Emperor – Arrogant Qi Yu, what a horror!!!”

“How much time is left before twelve o’clock in the afternoon?”

“Yes, there is still more than a minute!”

“Nani, isn’t that when he was at his strongest?”

“Damn! This oppressive force, just looking at it makes me breathless! ”

The naval elite who killed the whale ship Moby Dick opened their mouths.

I only felt a dry mouth, but I was standing nearby, and the water in my body seemed to evaporate.

“All staff back off!!!”

The majestic Broken Drink exploded.

The Admiral Pheasant flashed in front of the navies.

The breath of the ice spread, bringing a little coolness to the sailors in the hot cage.

“Pheasant General”

“Mr. Kuzan”

“The Admiral… Here it comes”

The look on the seamen’s faces was first joy, and the next second they were gone.

Many of them were witnesses of the previous Justice Island incident.

I once witnessed the picture of the general pheasant being unilaterally crushed.

Even if it is a big general pheasant.

Fight it again at this point in time.

The result is nothing more than a reproduction of the tragedy of that day.

Just ask the Great General Green Pheasant not to meet such words, they really can’t say it.

The Great General Green Pheasant himself could not do it.

Even if you know that you will fail miserably, you must stand up.

All for the sake of the justice on the shoulders.

“Pheasant, I’m not interested in you.”

The broken bow of the whale, Qi Yu carried his hands on his back, proud in all directions.

Finally, the view falls on the top of the execution table in the square of the bay.

“I’m sorry for what happened last time.”

After a long silence, Whitebeard finally spoke.

A generation of sea kings, white beards, at this moment put down the so-called face.

Apologize for the previous shouting at the Cheers on the Moby Dick.

Sincerely, an apology.

First, because he knew that it was precisely because he was bent on going his own way and failed to listen to Qi Yu’s kind reminder to recall Ace, he would eventually incur the current situation.

Second, it was because Qi Yu did not consider his previous suspicions and did not sit by and watch his jokes, but instead came to this battlefield.

Even the arrogant whitebeard would definitely not reject Qi Yu’s super combat power at this juncture.

In the face of face and the survival of his sons, Whitebeard will not hesitate to give up the so-called face.

“And… Thank you. ”

Whitebeard rarely thanked others in his life.

“I want to say thank you, it’s too early, let’s wait until you can go back alive!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

A short conversation.

The hands of the clock span fifty-nine minutes.

Qi Yu once again leapt into the air.

Cross the last ice-faced bay.

The heavy smash fell in front of the execution table in the square of the bay.

The sailors who had originally gathered in that area suddenly turned over on their horses.

Fly upside down under that terrifying shock wave.

Within a radius of hundreds of meters, no one could stand.

“Lord Qi Yu ~~~”

The female emperor Boyahan Cook shouted with joy like a little fan.

Hawkeye Mihawk: “…”

“Qi Yu, why did you join this war with the red-haired pirate group?”

“What is the purpose of your visit?”

Resisting the terror of the crowd was Vice Admiral Tsuru, a senior staff officer of the Navy.

Qi Yu looked up slightly, and his gaze fell on the Lieutenant General Crane, and the fierce momentum around him was slightly mild.

Lieutenant General Tsuru pursed his lips, secretly glad that he had deliberately taken Gion away and did not participate in this war.

If Gion were here, she would undoubtedly face the most difficult and painful choice at this moment.

“Lieutenant General Crane, as to why I’m here, maybe you should ask the five old men of the world government!”

“Not long ago, they declared war on me with their own mouths!”

Qi Yu grinned.

“What do you say!!!”

“Five old stars?”

Lieutenant General Crane was stunned.

“The Five Old Stars have declared war on him!”

“Is the world government going to war with the Red-Haired Pirates?”

“What a joke!”

“At this juncture, what kind of chaos has the Five Old Stars added?”

Vice Admirals such as Dauberman and Huoshan also changed their faces.

Ignored the shock and uproar of the Navy.

Qi Yu’s gaze rose again.

It ended up right above the execution table.

“Navy Hero Cap, start over!”

“The last unfinished battle, this time let’s continue!”


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