“Come on, Navy Hero Cap!”

“The unfinished battle of the previous Water Capital is just coming to an end today!”

Qi Yu’s aggressive arrogant gaze firmly locked on the legendary Vice Admiral Kapu.

How powerful is the legendary ‘Ka Xian’ and ‘Card Cannon’!

How far can he fight with him at the peak of 12:00 noon?

Qi Yu was very curious about this.

In addition, for Qi Yu.

Fighting and fighting with the strong with all your strength is also endlessly fun.

Face Qi Yu’s irresistible invitation to battle.

The hero on the execution table, Karp, also had no intention of refusing or retreating.

“Then do as you wish!”

Karp clenched his fists in both hands and responded domineeringly.

Same with Qi Yu.

Kapu was also curious about the power of Qi Yu at twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

The previous time because I didn’t want to spread to the water capital.

Their battle is only the point to the end.

It was suspended before Qi Yu’s strength was sublimated to its peak.

This time can just make up for the regret of the previous time.

“Wait, Karp!”

Just as Kapu was preparing to attack, Marshal Sengoku suddenly raised his hand to block it.

“At least, at least two minutes in the drag.”

Sengoku deep voice.

“Yes, Mr. Karp, the timing is too bad to attack!”

The general Yellow Ape agreed.

“Can’t hold back.”

Karp just shook his head in silence.

Just ten seconds between their words.

Qi Yu had already come to the execution table.

If there is no response.

Next second.

The execution table will collapse.


The throat knots of the naval elite near the execution table are all rolling hard.

“That’s it!!!”

A roar of mid-air suddenly exploded under the sky.

One step, two steps, three steps…

The combination of six moon steps and shaving.

Karp’s tall figure was almost disillusioned one step at a time.

The figure is constantly elevated.

“Oh well”

“It’s Mr. Cap!”

“Lieutenant General Kapu has struck!”

“Heroes of our navy, strike!”

“The hero is headed by an iron fist, and everything retreats!”

Everywhere on the battlefield, the cheers of the sailors rose and fell.

Vice Admiral Kapu is more powerful than the average admiral.

Its prestige is so strong that even all the lieutenants add up to it.

There are many vice admirals in the navy, and there is never only one hero in the navy.

The hero Karp, he is a super strong man of the same era as today’s Marshal Sengoku.

In the hearts of today’s young Navy, Karp, who bears the name of a hero, is a well-deserved legendary pillar of their navy.

More than twenty years ago.

In the era when Roger, Whitebeard, the Golden Lion and the Four Overlords led by the Red Earl swept across the New World.

The hero Karp and Admiral Sengoku are the representatives of the Navy.

Karp’s power is unquestionable.

When he was young, he captured the Red Earl and beat the Golden Lion.

I don’t know how many times I have fought with Roger the One Piece.

Repeatedly forced Roger’s Pirates into desperate situations.

These are the glorious achievements that people still remember.

In that distant past, when the sea did not belong to Roger and the others.

Karp has the most brilliant record of his life.

It was the Battle of the Canyon of the Gods thirty-six years ago.

Kapu once joined forces with the later One Piece Roger to turn the tide and defeat the terrifying overlord Ziyus Djibek who had been traversing the sea for decades.

Save the world from the domination of the Dark Overlord.

That battle was also the real battle of Kapu.

It was also in that battle that Kapu was awarded the name of a hero by the Navy.

Even though Roger helped him in that battle.

But Karp’s own strength is also extraordinary.

Now, thirty-six years later.

He must have become more powerful than ever.

Even in the emergence of talents, the latecomers continue now.

He is still the deserved number one in naval combat power.

Whether it is the marshal of the Warring States, or the three generals of the Green Pheasant, the Yellow Ape and even the Red Dog.


All are inferior.

Right now.

Time – 11:59:48 a.m.

The Navy’s supreme hero strikes.

Face the supreme emperor of the sea.

“Pick it up!!!”

Kapu turned upside down from a height of 100 meters.

The feet are bent, and the soles of the feet are stamped out of the atmosphere.

Accompanied by a piercing cloud of explosions.

Kapu got on his head and feet and swooped down toward the Qi Yu of the square land.

His fists are like shooting stars.

Shine brightly.


It was heaven and earth trembling.

A brilliant meteor streaked across the dim sky.

That’s a hero’s punch.

At this moment, the fist was like a meteorite, streaking through the long sky.

It’s like being the only one in the world.

“Iron Fist – Meteor !!!”

The roar of the legendary Vice-Admiral Captain Kapu was earth-shattering.

“Come on, Cap!!!”

Qi Yu domineering should drink.

Facing Kapuna’s fist that could split the mountains and the sea, Qi Yu was not surprised.

As the overlord of the sea, one-on-one head-on, Qi Yu never retreated


Qi Yu’s feet slammed into the square ground.


The terrifying force caused the headquarters square to explode into a huge crater within a radius of 100 meters.

Qi Yu’s figure was not seen in the pit

He had already taken to the air with this huge reaction force.

Don’t dodge, don’t shy away, meet Kapu’s iron fist.

Between clenched fists.

Endless sunlight rays converged on Qi Yu’s fist.

His fist shone with gold.

What bloomed was a fist that was brighter than the sun.

Ordinary strong people can’t even look directly at that fist.

Under the terror of that oppression.

The people below the strength of the Major General were trembling.

Also ‘trembling’ was the highest combat strength of the headquarters on the execution table, the general Yellow Ape.

“What are you doing, Polusalino!”

Sengoku rage.

“I don’t want to, Mr. Sengoku!”

“You also saw that my flash would passively absorb for him!”

The general yellow ape’s face was full of horror.

At the same time that Sengoku and the yellow ape were talking.



In the sky, two twinkling meteors hammered out the atmosphere.

Quick as a wink.

Two fists, almost representing the strongest in the world, collided fifty meters in the air.

This moment.

Between heaven and earth there seemed to be a beating of the supreme war drum.

It was a fist-to-fist collision.

It is also a confrontation between the supreme.

Heaven and earth seemed to freeze at this moment.

Next second.

The incomparable shockwave centers on the fists of the two men.

Rushing in all directions.

In the void arises ripples like waves.

Brilliant light blooms.

Then it exploded into countless tiny streamers.

It was a bit of fist power that escaped from the collision between the two.

Falling into the square is to make the earth explode into one big pit after another.

Falling into the ice bay, countless pieces of ice rose up into the sky

More punches soared into the sky.

So the sky shattered like a mirror.

There is an extremely chaotic convection in the atmosphere between heaven and earth.

Roll up the backrushing earth and ice cubes, turning into a raging and terrifying ice and stone storm.

And that’s just the beginning.

Kapu’s Iron Fist Meteor and Qi Yu’s Sun Fist did not reach a stalemate.

Almost just a short breath.

The sun’s brilliance overshadows the falling of shooting stars.

Under the shocked and horrified gaze of a hundred thousand naval elites.

Kapu’s figure spun upside down.

Endless waves of the sun rushed by.

Cover the heavens and the earth.

Everything is invisible.

“Mr. Karp”

“Lieutenant General Karp”

“How can this be, that is a hero of our navy!!!”

The sailors all over the battlefield shouted in disbelief.

“The battle is far from over!”

“Believe it, the hero of our navy!”

The shouts from the Marshals of the Warring States awakened the sailors in fear.

“Euler Ola Euler”

The representative ‘Euler’ sound of the naval hero Capuna came from the sun.

Deliver a signal to the people on the battlefield.


The cheers of the sailors exploded into the sky with the sound of the hero’s Euler.

Between the brilliant suns.

The fist-to-flesh confrontation between the hero and the emperor continued.

The average strong man could not see the figures of the two warring men in the sky at all.

Only the traces of their streaks across the air could be seen in a vague way.

That’s it.

But it was shocking enough.

In the midst of people’s shock, amazement and noise.

The clock’s hour and minute seconds and three hands coincide.

The time came to exactly 12 o’clock in the afternoon!!!


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