The lion is angry!

Swallow the world!

Although the nest that had previously been squeezed by Whitebeard was on fire.

But at the moment, he couldn’t sit idly by and ignore the scene in front of him.

He didn’t care if the Whitebeard Pirates were dead or alive.

It’s just that even if they die, the golden lions want to see them die heroically.

Instead of dying in humiliation under the despicable means of the Navy.

So the Golden Lion Squire moved.

Large hands touch the ice.

The Superman Fluttering Fruit Ability is fully open!!!

‘Click, click’

The Honbu Bay Earthquake, which was completely frozen by the Great General Green Pheasant.


The ice surface is breaking along the surrounding wall.

“That bastard, did he want to…”

Feeling the violent shock, the older generation of sailors such as the Warring States who were familiar with Shi Ji’s ability were suddenly shocked and guessed Shi Ji’s plan.

“Drink! Fly for Lao Tzu!!! ”

The golden lion roared in anger, and green tendons burst out in his arms and face.


With a loud noise, the entire solid ice surface battlefield shook violently.

Then the marshals of the Warring States, the generals, and the 100,000 naval elites slowly flew up in the eyes of the horror.


The golden lion laughed loudly and flew up into the sky.

At the same time, it took off with the entire ice battlefield until it was level with the naval encirclement wall.

“Hahahahaha, this is the power of the old times!”

“Tremble, Navy!”

Golden Lion Shiki laughed wildly and violently.

“Oh oh oh oh oh, thank you, legend!!!”

“It’s really thanks to you this time, Golden Lion!”

“Great, the encircling wall is gone.”

“Navy, be enlightened, you dared to treat us like this before.”

“It’s time for us to fight back.”

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates all held their stomachs on fire.

Now that the encirclement wall is gone, they can be allowed to climb up to the square in the bay and seize the warship.

All the people in the Whitebeard Pirates roared out in excitement.

“Old lion, this time I really owe you an adult favor.”

Whitebeard looked at the golden lion in mid-air, thankful for the opening.

“Don’t get me wrong, Whitebeard, I’m just simply upset with that little flat head!”

“I just want him to see the power of the old times!”

Golden Lion Squire refuted it with a loud voice.

It looks like a righteous mouth.

“Ku la la la la, little ones, don’t live up to the kindness of the old lion, now go all out to attack.”

Whitebeard laughed and ordered.

“Uh oh oh oh oh—”

An earth-shaking response sounded on the battlefield.

Due to the ability of the Golden Lion Shiki to flutter fruit.

The naval encirclement of the wall was thus abandoned.

Once again, the war returned to its original knife-and-knife mode.

“Furofuran, that’s it!”

“This war is really getting more and more interesting!”

Seven Wu Hai Doflamingo laughed in excitement.

Even if the situation was gradually unfavorable to the Navy now, as a Qiwu Sea, he did not have any anxiety.

Because his purpose here today is not to help the Navy.

Just come and see the greatest war of our time.

Witness the alternation of old and new.

“Bastard, that old lion, did it!!!”

On the execution table, the face of the marshal Sengoku was already difficult to see the extreme.

The worst case scenario is still happening.

They fought the encirclement wall for the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.

Directly cracked by Golden Lion Stone’s bug Fluttering Fruit ability.

All the hard work turned into a dream bubble.

If you want to completely destroy the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, the difficulty increases exponentially.

The price to be paid is tens of times higher.

Come to think of it.

How the Marshal Warring States was not angry in his heart.

I was eager to peel and break the bones of the golden lion Shiki on the spot.

“Hahahahaha, Warring States bastard, the wall of encirclement you are proud of is just a few broken iron plates in my opinion, and it can be broken at will, now do you think you can continue the torture and killing just now?”

Looking at the ugly expression of the top level of the navy led by the Warring States, it was as ugly as eating, and the golden lion was suddenly very happy in his heart.

Forget it.

His gaze moved away from Marshal Sengoku.

Instead, it landed on the terrifying battlefield in the distance that no one dared to approach.

Look at Qi Yu who single-handedly suppressed the great general Green Pheasant and the hero Kapu.

Golden Lion Stone’s eyelids jumped involuntarily.

More than twenty years ago.

Although he has also played against two admiral-class beings at the same time.

But that day he was beaten almost the whole time by Kapu and the Warring States.

Relying on the flying ability of the fluttering fruit, it only lasted for a long time, and it was not exploded in a short period of time.

Yet now.

The battle situation on Qi Yu’s side was reversed.

He single-handedly crushed two admiral-level strong men and beat them fat.

Even a heroic veteran like Cat is bleeding from the head at the moment.

Naturally, this greatly shocked the Golden Lion’s heart.

Shock after.

A certain desire in the heart of the Golden Lion Shiki is also becoming stronger and more inflated.

He wanted to hold and promote the birth of the ‘king’ with his own hands!!!

“That bastard Squire, he… Do you say、、、”

The eyes of Marshal Sengoku Sengoku, Lieutenant General Crane and others in the direction of the execution table fell on Qi Yu in the distance with Shi Ji.

Even if it’s just an expression, a look.

It is also enough for them to read out a lot of intelligence information.

“Isn’t that Golden Lion Shi Ji really united with the red-haired pirates!!!”

At this moment, the Warring States and other people could not help but have this bold idea in their hearts.

Of course, if anyone in the know knows what they think.

They must smile lightly, indicating that they can be bolder.

“Damn it!”

“When is it?”

“Did you find those fallen islands the last time…”

Marshal Sengoku had a calm face.

I thought back to an incident a month ago.

At that time, they deduced that it was related to the golden lion.

Lieutenant General Crane of the Great Staff even raised his own hidden concerns.

The Golden Lion Stone, who abandoned the beast’s plan, may have had some more terrifying plan.


This worst conjecture may really come true.

In a place they don’t know.

The Golden Lion Shiki is actually united with the red-haired pirates!!!

The unprecedented team of three emperors was born!


And that’s not all.

If they were to do nothing on this battlefield today.

If only the Whitebeard Pirates were to retreat.

Well in the future.

This sea may have a ‘Four Emperors’ alliance that is truly enough to subvert the world!!!

By then.

Their navy and world government will face the most terrifying challenge in history!

One careless.

Or will lose all the time.

“How can such a thing be allowed to happen?”

Marshal Sengoku roared.

“Polusalino, solve that lion bastard!!!”

Warring States looked at the general of the sky, Huang Ape, and gave the order.


After realizing that Marshal Warring States was really panicked and anxious, the general Huang Ape did not shirk and responded happily.

“Hahahahaha, the Yellow Monkey of the Navy, is really ashamed to want to take down Lao Tzu!!!”

Golden Lion Skey burst into the sky with a big laugh.

The second place will be the battle of the emperors in the sky.


A third general battlefield followed.


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