Place Chambord, live broadcast square.

Occupying the center of the live broadcast big screen is still the Golden Lion Shiki.

As a ‘live broadcast’ staff under the Golden Lion Shiki.

Dr Indigo and the others naturally wanted to lock all the highlights on the golden lion.

“How can this be?”

“Did the Navy lose the battle?”

“The reason why the live broadcast was turned off earlier was to cover up the operation!”

“But even so, in the end it failed!”

“It’s all because of that legend!”

“Flying sea thief Golden Lion Shiki, it is simply terrifying!”

The reporters and the melon-eating crowd gathered in the square were all shocked and murmured.

The joy of being able to watch the war again is no longer there.

All that remained was anxiety and uneasiness about the navy and the outcome of the war.

Live image on the big screen.

The battle between the Golden Lion Shiki and the Great General Yellow Ape begins in the Sky General.

Yet here and now.

More intense than the Sky General Imperial Battlefield is the all-out war on land.

The Navy Headquarters shouted a loud cry.

The battlefield was in chaos.

Blood and fire are everywhere.


Naval Headquarters Bay Inner Plaza.

The four emperors with white beards held the supreme fast knife Cong Yunqie, domineering and proud, facing the execution platform not far away.

“Kula la la la la, Ace, a little more patience, Daddy will come right away!”

Whitebeard grinned mildly and domineeringly.


On the execution table, Ace yelled in his throat.

Right now.

He wouldn’t say anything more about letting Whitebeard leave him alone, such wayward words.

Just believe.

Believe in Daddy.

I also believe in my partners.


The Warring States drank heavily, and their faces were still livid.

“Kula la”

“Warring States, we suffered a great deal under your battle before.”

“Then it’s time for your navy to suffer too!”

Whitebeard cold opening.

“Yes yes yes”

“Enlightenment, Navy!”

“The previous account, this time we must double the repayment!”

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates cheered in unison.

Previously, it was suppressed by the Navy in a despicable way.

Everyone in the White Regiment was holding a breath in their hearts.

At this moment, it is expressed, and it is magnificent.

A bloody battle ensued.

Under the angry onslaught of the White Regiment pirates, even the elites of the Navy could not help but be overwhelmed for a while.

“Get out of the way and let go”

“Go into second gear – rubber machine guns are !!!”

Luffy, who was once again close to his brother, exploded with the strongest combat power.

Machine gun direction.

Even the Navy’s elite generals were defeated.

Another direction.

“All said, let you not get in the way!!!”

Yamato, dressed in a wide kimono and wearing a mask on his face, scolds with anger.

The wolf’s tooth stick in his hand swung violently, bringing up a fierce wind.

“Thunder gossip!!!”

Inherited to the Four Emperors Hundred Beasts Kaido’s triumphant move exploded.

Yamato’s feet shattered the ground.

Tall figures passed through dozens of elite naval officers who were blocked.



The shock is like thunder.

Explode a corner of the battlefield.

Dozens of elite naval generals screamed and flew backwards.

Such a shocking breakthrough picture.

Far better than the straw hat Luffy on the other side.

Even the captains of the two white-bearded pirate regiments were no match for them.

Yamato’s eye-catching performance quickly attracted the attention of everyone on both sides.

“Who is that person?” So strong! ”

Team Diamond Joz asked.

“It seems that Mr. Qi Yu brought it!”

Marco Fox’s suspicious opening.

“His dress seems familiar!”

“Could it be the people of the Kingdom of Wano?”

“Ezo, do you know?”

Team Captain Bista asked.


The captain of the Sixteenth Fan Team shook his head in hiding.

On the execution table.


Ace narrowed his eyes in shock and screamed.

Look at the tall figure that struggles to fight with the navy and break through.

How could he not recognize.

That was the friend he had made two years ago on the island of Oni no of Kazunoku!

Just why?

Why Yamato is here!

She had obviously been locked up in the Ghost Island by Kaido!

Ace only felt like falling into the clouds.

Marshal Sengoku glanced faintly at Ace as well.

“Squirrel, stop that man!”

Sengoku ordered.


Lieutenant General Shrew, an elite lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters, stepped on the six-type moon step and attacked.

It’s here in a flash.

Bright knife light swept by.

With the momentum of the thunder, it fell on Yamato’s wolf-tooth stick.

Under the obstruction of the squirrels in the elite of the Honbu, Yamato’s offensive was blocked, and it was no longer overwhelming.

“Bastard, what the hell are you?” Sign up! ”

Lieutenant General Squirrel asked majestically.

“My name is Mitsuki Mita!!!”

Yamato drank imposing heavily.

Wielding a mace and attacking without fear.


Listening to Yamato’s name, Lieutenant General Weasel’s face changed dramatically.

His mind was in a hurry, and he hurriedly raised his knife to block.

The result was a blow from Yamato’s poised stick.

His feet made a mark of more than ten meters on the ground.

“Are you Mitsuki Mita?” No kidding! ”

Ignoring the tingling and pain in the tiger’s mouth, the lieutenant general scolded the squirrel loudly and stopped drinking.

For the name of Mitsuki Mita.

As a veteran of the Navy for decades, he is naturally no stranger.

The samurai of the country of Wazuki, Mitsuki Mita!

That was once one of the main forces of Roger’s Pirates!

He followed Cap in pursuit of Roger’s Pirates.

Lieutenant General Squirrel once dueled Mitsuki Ota once.

Face the overwhelming power of Mitsuki Oda .

He was defeated by the Momoto Waterfall of Mitsuki Mita with just one blow.

Although it was an enemy, it was also a Haojie he recognized.

Naturally, the lieutenant general squirrel would not approve that anyone could impersonate it.

Not just the lieutenant general squirrels.

When I heard Yamato report to the door.

Both the navy and the pirates in the nearby battlefield were blown up.

“Hey Hello Hello”

“What a joke!”

“That man calls himself Mitsuki Mita!”

“Samurai of the Kingdom of Wano, has another legend appeared?”

The Navy’s crowd was in high spirits.

“Daddy Daddy”

“It’s Mita!”

“Is that really Mr. Mita?”

“Didn’t Mr. Oda say he had been 、、、 eighteen years ago?”

The people of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment were also confused and screamed in horror.


“That absolutely can’t be Lord Oda anymore!”

The captain of the Sixteenth Fan Team hid the way of cutting through the iron.

Looks bad.

If not because now is war.

The other side is their ally.

To hide is bound to be the first to go forward to the theory.

Give the person who impersonates Mita a good look.

“I seem to be a little impressed by the person who calls himself Mita?”

Marco frowned suspiciously.

“I seem to have heard of it somewhere!”

Diamond Joz also nodded.

Not just them.

For the person who called himself Mita, Whitebeard also remembered.

And better than Marco et al. knows.

That was what Ace had told him about his adventures at the banquet.

Adventure of the Ghost Island of the Land of Wano.

There, he meets a man who calls himself Mitsuki Mita!

From Ace’s mouth, Whitebeard learns that the person who has become a fan of Mita, who imitates Mita’s words and deeds, is still a young girl!

What surprised Whitebeard even more.

The girl who was obsessed with imitating Mita turned out to be the daughter of Kaydo the Hundred Beasts!!!

Right now.

Kaido’s daughter actually appeared here.

Become their ally and fight to save Ace.

Rao is a whitebeard.

At this moment, I can’t help but lose my mind.

That’s when it happened.

“You’re so old!”

A cold voice with ridicule and ridicule suddenly sounded.

It was accompanied by a scorching heat of terror.

“Where do you think this is?”

“This is a battlefield, Whitebeard!”

“If you dare to walk in front of me, you can only send you on the road!”

The general Red Inu attacked fiercely.


The fiery dog-headed magma, with the terrifying power of burning everything, shot straight at Whitebeard’s front door.


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